Demo Movie available!

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“His last thought is wry, Not bad for a dead man.” Moon Knight vol.1, #1 (1980)

I got the PS2 version last week but haven’t played it much yet. I still hate the new chara designs though and the voices seem the same for most characters, not even re-recorded and so the voices that fit the old designs perfectly, just dont work with the new ones. I think it kinda sucks that C’s Ware had to add nudity to the PC version, Eve is a series that doesn’t need it and is much better without it (compare Eve TFA to ADAM). One other thing, if some miracle happened and we DID somehow get an English version of the PC game, I just hope it is done by someone with much better translation skills than Himeya had, English EBE has some of the WORST translations I have ever seen in a game and all those damn clinton/monica jokes made me want to put my fist through the screen.

New Promo movie available here:


“His last thought is wry, Not bad for a dead man.” Moon Knight vol.1, #1 (1980)

The even series originally did have nudity… That includes the original eve burst error on PC9801. Both of the windows versions are remakes.