
O man do I have a headache. I finished the good version of the You storyline. I haven’t a clue what’s going on yet. I can’t wait to figure it out.

Is there any benefit to going through the bad endings?

I believe you need to see ALL the other endings, good and bad, in order to access the true path, although it’s been a while.

I only have gotten 1 bad ending, and I have the true path unlocked. So not sure if it’s required or not…

It’s required to get the full picture and understand the whole plot/story…

The bad endings unlock all the pics and I think an artwork or two. You can unlock the true end with good ends for all 4 girls.

I envy those of you who are playing this excellent game for the first time, and I wish some company would translate the rest of the series.

Yeah, I’m very curious about “Remember 11”. It would be great if they ported it to the Pc (it’s a Ps2 title only) and translated it.


I know this is stupid, but I can’t get Sora’s bad ending(s) and You’s bad ending. What do I need to do, and where’s the latest point I can change a choice to get there?

Not sure on Sora’s, as I recall the main good/bad decision point on You is the secret message from mom that you must turn sideways to read the code needed to get the good end.

Walkthrough if needed

Thanks for the help with Yu. I still need to figure out Sora / Tsugumi for bad endings. The walkthrough on gamefaqs only goes through the good endings (and only includes some of the paths that will get you there) so it didn’t help me any.

They both share the same bad ending - probably the fastest way to get it is to use the shortcuts to start on Day 5 of Sora’s path. Then, all you have to do is ignore Sora as much as possible (don’t go looking for her, don’t ask her how to open the door), and in a way that Sora doesn’t like (say you’ve never lied, hit the Kid, wait just a second). I’m not sure how many bad decisions need to be made to get the bad ending, or if the whole ending hinges on one choice in particular. It might even be possible to get the bad ending by shortcutting to Day 6…

[ 09-09-2007, 12:23 AM: Message edited by: Ignosco ]


Now that I’m nearly done, and sad to be so since it’s such an awesome game, what should I play next?

I’ve only tried this and the X-change series (all 4). I love the story aspects most and don’t require the sex (but it’s still nice).

Phantom of Inferno
Hourglass of Summer
Divi-Dead (if you can find it)
Figures of Happiness
Season of the Sakura
Kana Little Sister
Private Nurse

EVE Burst Error
Chain - the lost footsteps
Critical Point
Tokimeki CheckIn!
Target: Pheromone
Nocturnal Illusion (included in the Milky House Memorial Collection)
The entire JAST USA memorial Collection (Containing the already mentioned “Season of the Sakura” plus “Three Sister’s Story” and “Runaway City”. While I am not too fond of the third of them, the first two are gems!)

Critical Point
Tokimeki Check-in!
Target Pheremone
Figures of Happiness
All of those are pretty different storywise, but all the stories are very engaging, and will keep you playing until you get all the endings. I’m an especially big fan of the Critical Point story, as it has many twists and turns, and some very different, and quite bizarre endings.

I finished the game. Now I’ve got the post-game blues. It was awesome. Tsugumi’s my favorite of the girls.

It’s funny that, like the male character, I assumed it was from the kanji for the bird instead of what it was. Very clever of them.

After finishing Ever 17 I came across this site [has huge spoilers] which helped to clarify some of the game’s mysteries for me (eg the life readings, kick the can, the statues, the password). Elsewhere on the site, there’s also a bit of information about Never 7 and Remember 11.

I don’t rememeber if it was on this board or somewhere else that someone was looking for a copy of the soundtrack of Ever17 in the USA.

I had to order it from Japan. You can also find it in Hong Kong.