Fable 2 was released broken

Fable 2 was released a few days ago, as many of you might know. It was also shipped broken:

http://kotaku.com/5069294/fable-ii-fixe … d-tomorrow

The game has MANY errors. So much so, Lionhead has an entire forum for them:


In so many words: you bought the Beta version of Fable 2. Patches for making it Alpha are forthcoming, but no ETA. Until then, gamers are experiencing game crashing events that render their saves useless (since you can’t make multiple saves of the same game). It’s worst than any of the Bioware fiasco (KotOR2 for example). I’ve ran across two game breaking bugs, and have yet to actually beat it. After being forced to start over twice, I’ve decided to just play Before Dawn Daybreak, and wait a month or two until they patch the damn thing.

Fable 2 should have waited until December for launch. This hurts their PR so badly. :expressionless:

Great game (what little I’ve played). Shitty release.

This hurts their PR? When has molyneux ever released anything that lived up to its sales pitch? :slight_smile:

So True papillon, so true. Just started the game yesterday, not bad so far. My biggest thing (even though I don’t have a Gold Account) is why can’t I take my own personal character to somebody elses world? I mean FPS do the Character on their own screen thing all the time. sigh

TouchÈ. :lol:

Molyneux is a brilliant game designer (he’s certainly in the same league as Will Wright and Sid Meier), but needs to learn how to keep his mouth shut and get a lesson in humility.

Nonetheless, Fable 2 (like Fable before it) is an outstanding game. It should have gone through a large QA phase though. It’s losing a lot of steam from this screwed up release. Rather than using their resources to create more DLC (and thus get more $$$), they’ve got the entire dev team slaving away to release a fix patch within the next few days. :expressionless:

He was trying to say “No, really, guys, I swear, I’ve learned my lesson this time!” This was a bit of a change from “I AM WHO I AM”, so some people kind of hoped maybe it would be different. This time.

Well, he did keep his mouth shut about what the game would be, what it would have, etc… He used to promise these incredible games, then when you got it, it was just another game. Nothing that really blew you away, the way he had been promising for the past couple of years.

I’m not surprised that F2 is broken. Bugs happen, but marketting counts for more. Has for a long time, and that isn’t going to change. Be an early adopter, and get burned by the big bugs, or wait for a few patches, and play a mature game.

Well I finally managed to beat Fable 2 without running into a major glitch. I like it. I like it a lot. Now granted the hype that PM gave us, certainly doesn’t match up to the actual gameplay - but Fable 2 is tons of fun.

Story is a bit too rushed though… and the ending is a cliffhanger. I suppose for DLC, rather than an actual Fable 3. However the last line from Theresa is really creepy and makes you wonder about the whole adventure…

There’s a lot of hidden side stuff that’s cool. I recommend taking time to just follow around the kids in the various towns, and listen to them as they have fun. It’s almost a game in of itself. Also having a few kids is fun too. Your wife may not be everything you thought she was. :wink:

Ya I just went on the search for the Hero of Skill in Bloodstone and something super freaking hilarious happend.

My wife was there. Left the kid in Bowerstone so she could track me down for a nooner =P.

Also this Spoiler for those who played the 1st game:

Theresa is, of course, the Hero’s sister from the 1st game.

You beat Fable 2 yet? I wanna talk about the story. I wanna talk about spoilers!!! :twisted:

Theresa used me! That scheming bitch used me! She knew what Lucien would do to me and Rose. She told Lucien where Hammer was hidden. She told Lucien about Reaver’s secret passage. Lucien even knew Teresa’s favorite word, “Listen.” She did it all to get the Spire built and powered up. I so wanna kill her.

Sorry Narg haven’t beat it yet, busy with FFXI endgame, Bout ready to pick up Hammer though.
I hsve a week off coming up soon I’ll try and finish it then.

Game released broken? Now, which release by 0verflow does THAT remind me of? =P

Well for what it’s worth, the fix patch is out in mid-December at the latest. On a somewhat related note: supposedly Lionhead is about to also announce new DLC for Fable 2 any day now.

Ironically enough, I can’t argue with this guy’s logic.

Heh… congratulations fellow Fable 2 owners: to complete your game, you have to buy a series of DLC extra… because Fable 2 was released unfinished! :lol:

Check out this announcement. And before I forget, here’s another one with more detail of the actual content.

Now the guys at Lionhead claim that Fable 2 was released completed - zero cut or missing content - and that this DLC was produced AFTER the release of the game. Interesting. Because that would mean it only took Lionhead 8 weeks to create this add-on… which means it’s a quick way to steal your money for cheap content? Also considering the fact that Fable 2 is buggy as hell, it would indicate why there’s STILL no patch for it.

Concept, Development, Programming, Play Testing, Balancing, QA Checking, and then getting Microsoft DLC approval within 8 weeks? Please. Tell that lie to someone else Lionhead. I’m not that damn stupid. :roll:

On iTunes and Amazon, they’re selling the Fable 2 soundtrack. A word of warning about it: the soundtrack is incomplete.

It does NOT include the full version of the Fable 2 theme song (the one with a Latin choir)… no idea how someone can get the full theme song, since only bits and parts of it are scattered around on the game CD. Not enough to reconstruct it in full.

Incomplete game. Incomplete soundtrack. Go figure. :roll:

Ya, Seriously, it means that they were working on DLC, BEFORE initial release, which the time should have been spent on fixing the errors. They should offer Knothole Glade for free and charge for the co-op there… I wouldn’t have a problem if Lionhead had simply come clean and said we f’d up. We’re Sorry. Here’s some FREE content and bug Fixes to make it up to you. They’re really going to have a hard time to convince me to buy another of their games.\

edited for clarity

Just a heads up:

The Knothole Glade DLC is now available via Xbox live.

Fable 2 was garbage plain and simple. We got promised this great game and got a steaming pile of poop. What was with the end? Lucien was the biggest push-over boss I have ever seen in my life.

You shouldn’t be surprised… it was bound to happen. :expressionless:

Odd I believe that Kotor2 was done by obsidian not bioware.

Anyways, the story of fable II was horrid, you could finish it in 6 hours if you know what you are doing. NWN and NWN 2 was much better game than Fable, for that matter Mass Effect was better (though the social interaction felt a bit off in that one). Its like halo, the game is so hyped up that people will buy it regardless if its good or not, ah, the dumb masses.

your telling me I’ve hit a nasty bug that ruins the npc aspects-for me at least. I married that bar girl alex. I sexed her and we had a kid .however I give them money and stuff it goes from very happy to lonely or somethging then she dumps my ass. it says she wants sex but I have to wait on her to initaite it. ugh :x :x :x :x