Fable 3

Going to be a big name game, and I’m a fan of it, even if Fable 2 dropped the ball a few times.

There’s going to be a Villager Maker in the game:


Site also shows off a song from the game.

My poultry brothers and sisters! We must rise against the Chicken Eating Empire of Humanity!

[b]Fable 3 is really about chickens[/b] :wink:

Poor chicken… he was doomed from birth… just as planned.

Fear the power of KFC and Popeyes, you rebellious chickens!

Oh… here’s something extra someone discovered in Fable 2. Easter Egg or Glitch?

Fable 2 was something of a letdown for me considering everything that had been promised, but 3 definitely is looking like it will bring me back in.

That… :shock: …is just disturbing, albeit in a hilarious way.

I’ve seen a story about how they’re changing the Wardrobe system, and I hope they don’t simplify it too much. TBH, about 30% of the enjoyment I got from Fable II was dressing up my character in various outfits. But I got tons of enjoyment from Fable II either way.

I really am looking forward to this, and stocked that it’ll be on PC. I hope it doesn’t have DRM.

I’d be more interested if those bastards had released fable two for PC, but they didn’t. I liked the first game a lot though, so I may still try fable 3. I’ll probably wait and see what the critics and first day buyers say.

It’s funny you mention that because I’m a hardcore PC gamer who never buys games on consoles. My brother just happened to get an X-box 360 to play Fable II, and that was when I fell in love with it. And Peter Molyneux said this about the platform at a recent GDC:

With words like that, I can kind of forgive them for Fable II, right?

I’m sure Fable 2 will be out on PC eventually. They’re probably just having a hard time getting an outsource studio doing it right. Fable 2 was buggy as hell on a console that has static hardware and software. It would be a nightmare on PC’s with different hardware and infinite software combination. I’m pretty certain Lionhead Studios wouldn’t be doing it themselves (they’ve already got a full plate with Fable 3), so that makes it more complicated to finish.

Mass Effect 2 is going on PS3, so it makes no sense for Microsoft to have some sort of super exclusive XBOX360 stranglehold. :expressionless:

Glad to see I’m not the only hardcore PC gamer here. The only console games I have are those on my old NES and SNES (which both still work).

Count me in as a hardcore PCer. The only console I’ve ever owned was a PS2 for Guitar Hero. Other than that, if it’s not on PC, I don’t play it.

I don’t think I’ll get any more Fables even if they do come out on PC though. I played Fable 1 and thought it was silly but amusing, and nowhere near as good as the hype. Everything I’ve read about Fable 2 has been terrible.

It’s a very odd decision to port ME2 to a platform that didn’t get ME1. For most games it wouldn’t matter, but for Mass Effect?

I hope they add the ability to import save files from the 360 or PC versions via USB, or beef up the bit in the beginning where you get asked to decide what happened in ME1.

Far as I know now, Fable 3 is “TBA” for PC, so fuck it this series can die now for all I care. Bastards.

From what I understand ME2 on PS3 will have an extended intro that will allow them to get caught up on the story and make some of the decisions from the 1st game there.

(Since ME1 was partially funded by Microsoft, you know they wouldn’t allow it to be ported to a rival console)