When it was very first announced, before the demo was taken off the net for a long time? If so, and you’re sufficiently bored, you might want to check it again - at one point (before I started selling it as an affiliate) the author got another writer (not me) to go over the text and help tune it up.
It still appears to be a love-it-or-hate-it game though. I have heard from more than one player who thought it was great and others who can’t stand it. If you wanted to like it but were frustrated, it might be worth trying, if you couldn’t stand it, you probably still can’t.
I believe there are extremely few CGs even in the full game. Like, less than five. But I’m not 100% sure. Certainly if that’s what you’re looking for, this isn’t the right place.
If you’re looking for experimental English games with nice art and a high CG count, have you tried the latest Other Age? (Which, like many such games, can be found through my website… ) Don’t expect a traditional VN or an epic plot, but there are some pretty pictures at least!