Family Project patch released

I was thinking more along the lines of this:

(Kuro from Kodomo no Jikan, nekofied)

It’s just a picture from some Kadoi Aya artbook.

Sad but true. I wish there was more, but there isn’t. :frowning:

Makes life more interesting. And it makes for a less tense thread than reopening the old wounds over the issue. I mean, who wants to reopen a barrel of monkeys? It was so much trouble getting them in there in the first place …

Wow, I just finished my review of this game + patch, and the translation rant is epic. :lol: I see now that “minor text issues” really means minor.

I say, those examples you gave had me laughing quite hard. Especially your comment of “Yes. Me a luck guy. Me live long time.” regarding the horrible translation of a line by Aoba.

??? Don’t like Tanaka games much, do you? =P Go rate Kana and give it a 2 or something, then you’ll only have Ima, Planet and Masshigura left to complete the set =p

Actually, I probably would rate Kana a 2. :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean, the premise of his games aren’t bad. It’s just I never seem to like any of the characters. Characters are one of the most important aspects to me for these games.

I suppose the thing that most bothers me is that you seem to like characters more if they’re closer to the standard VN cookie-cutter stereotypes than ones that actually have great depth and characterisation - see, the very factor of KazoKei you complain about is in fact its greatest strength, and I can just see you giving some 60-70% bargain-bin moege a 3 or 4 just because you find the characters easier to empathise with*.

*In that they may seem that way now, but once you’ve played 200 eroges with the same sets of characters, Romeo Tanaka, Looseboy and Setoguchi heroines will be a really refreshing change! They’re characters that you can’t predict down to the line exactly what they’re going to say and do. You might find it hard to like heroines you have trouble sympathising with, but I have trouble liking heroines that basically seem to be acting like robots running on a script copied across from one eroge to the next, and I virtually guarantee that eventually you will too. (then you’ll start playing utsuges too!)

Can you really say that the characters in FP aren’t predictable? They all have their own motives, but their actions are fairly predictable.

[spoiler]Masumi is dependent and will run back to her ex. You can tell the story will be about her overcoming her dependency on him.

Matsuri is afraid of being rejected/abandoned. She’ll always run away when she does something wrong. You can tell that’s all she’s going to do until someone just accepts and needs her.

Aoba’s past isn’t easy to guess, but she didn’t really change her attitude toward the others until near the very end. She just acts as a cold-hearted person throughout most of the game. You can generally guess what her response to a situation is.

Jun was the only interesting character. She struggled to get over her past. You couldn’t tell what she was going to do because she was often trying to balance her own needs with those of being a family.

Chunhua was just an annoying pest to me. I didn’t pay attention to her during the game.[/spoiler]

I personally don’t think most of the characters are as deep as you make them out to be. Maybe there’s some subtly I’m missing. I don’t know. Cross Channel had more interesting characters in my opinion. It’s just the set up of the game didn’t allow enough time for me to really sympathize with any of the characters.

Also, I just don’t tend to give out high scores easily anymore. I’m in the sort of mood lately that nothing really impresses or moves me anymore. It doesn’t help that I tend to play games that are highly regarded, so my scale is shifted accordingly. The vast majority of games JAST released wouldn’t get more than a 2 from me. I doubt any would get a 5.

I wouldn’t give crappy moe-blob games a high score either. I haven’t finished Primary, but I would predict a score of 2/5 if I were to review it.

It’s not like I don’t like utsuge in general. I don’t play many, but the last one I remember playing was Narcissu, and I liked that. It would have been on the higher end of my review scale.

On a random note, why does everyone respond to me on these forums instead of using the COMMENTS feature on the review? My site is lonely. :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow… just wow.

Do you have more notes on what needs fixed? I’m in contact with the guy who works on the fan-patch, and we might be able to fix a few of those.

Nope, I don’t have any others. There’s a lot more errors, but it got to the point where it was getting ridiculous to mark them all down for a review. But if they were paying me… :smiley:

You should submit them to

So us utsugee-lovers are merely cynical and jaded erogee fans? :lol:

One thousand people, one thousand colours but…

This tells a lot about the reliability of your scale, though. I mean, so great games would have a low score if you play them in a wrong mood or, worse, if you play a lot of them, the one after the other --implying that, on the other hand, bad games would have a high score if you play them in a right mood or if you play a lot of them, the one after the other?

Ehh… I don’t know, actually. I think a part of you is always able to see that something is “objectively” (yeah, shut up, I know, it’s not really objective but you know what I mean =p) a different quality to the amount you overall enjoyed it - and that’s what you use when rating eroges. For example, I hate Seinarukana but it’s still an 80+% eroge - on the other hand, I absolutely loved Don-chan ga kyu~ but there’s no way I’d give it 80+%.

The way Reikon said to explain his scores, I’m not so sure… I mean, he explicitely stated that his scale is shifted because he’s been playing highly regarded games!

I think Reikon is referring more to the general phenomenon that the greater the variety of experiences you’ve had (or in this case, the games you’ve played), the more refined and particular your tastes become. In this context, the “bias” to the scale is generally one-way; as time progresses, you have higher expectations. I think this phenomenon is particularly applicable if you consider a person who’s only played English games in the past, but is starting to play games in Japanese as well (like me). Once you get used to cherry picking any title that catches your fancy on the Japanese market, the small “convenience store” selection of titles in English becomes somewhat less satisfying.

Maybe mood was the wrong word to use. It’s not really a day to day shift since it’s been a trend for the last 6+ months. A lot fewer things have impressed me lately.

You know, that’s a big thing I forgot. My scores are entirely subjective. I think reviews are inherently subjective. People may try to make it objective by boosting scores of things they know should be highly regarded, but that’s just being deceptive, isn’t it? If you personally didn’t think a game is good, why should it get a good score? It becomes like a hivemind. People think something should be good, and they all give it high scores even though it might be as great as they say it is. Look at GTA4. It was supposed to be a great game, so it got great reviews. But after a while, when people looked back, a lot of people realized it simply wasn’t as great as all the reviews said.

Basically, I think (media) reviews are something subjective and strongly reflect the opinion of the writer, no matter how hard they try to hide it. Review scores don’t compare well between different people. You find someone who scores games similarly to you, and you follow that person. That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? Finding a game you’ll like.

Yes, but only to a point. It’s like saying that someone who was used to fastfoods starts to go to normal restaurants then, as a consequence, refines his food criteria to judge restaurants; to such a point, one would probably agree. Then, one day, the same person starts to only go to the finest gourmet restaurants, and starts to accordingly judge badly any restaurant not deserving to be in the top 50 restaurants of the world; would his evaluation of restaurants be as valid then, even more considering they’d be juxtaposed to his previous evaluations? I don’t think so. People’s tastes evolve, that’s a fact but IMO giving the illusion you evaluate under the same criteria the same items while it’s not the case makes your reviews unreliable.

But in your case, “that person” would score a game differently, according to what he’s been intensively playing when reviewing the game so his tastes may just match yours in a review, change in the next, match them again in a third, etc., all according to which other games he’s been playing.

Now you’re just trying to twist my words. Again, I said “mood” was probably a bad word choice. I said the trend for me is that I’m less impressed works nowadays. You just completely ignored me to make your point. It’s not something that changes every week or so.