Family Project patch released

I haven’t tried it yet, but it’s available here near the bottom of the page.

It claims it fixes “minor text issues.” I’m hoping there were more than minor changes, since some parts were pretty bad. And I hope they don’t consider their subpar translation to be “minor text issues” or their standard of quality has really dropped. :lol:

So, does this patch help at all or are there still problems?

Speaking of which, just how bad is the translation? I’ve been putting off playing this game for a while now just to wait for the patch and played other stuff. Early Mangagamer level, older visual novel level (ie, EVE burst error), or what? One reason I’m asking is because people on gamefaqs have said this:

(about Matsuri’s route) "It has a totally different translation than the rest of the game after you make your last choice. Lines that were the same in other routes have totally different translations in her route. For the most part the spirit of what was being said is the same though.

Though at one point Tsukasa remarks that he has a flea on his face FOR NO DAMN REASON. It’s completely out of the blue.

Then their is a point where Tsukasa’s text literally reads “No translation” and Matsuri says something late in the game that doesn’t even HAVE text."

"Man. I figured the girls separate sequences would be the most polished but there are some pretty glaring spelling/general grammar errors. Some can be attributed to just running the text through a spell checker. (where the word is a properly spelled word, but doesn’t belong in the place it is)

But I just got about 3-4 in about 5 mins of Aoba’s route and just ran into the word womewhere."

I still haven’t played it yet. It’s a few games down on my queue, so it’ll probably be at least a week or so before I start it. I was trying to see if anybody else would play it and comment.

I only played one route, but I’d say it’s roughly the quality of Kira Kira, on average. While Kira Kira has an air of shoddiness throughout, Family Project has more major and obvious errors. It also seems to have more errors that affect your understanding of the story, like translations that make no sense due to bad writing/wording. It feels like there’s potential in the translation, but they never bothered to polish/check it after the first pass. Kira Kira’s main fault was its bad grammar throughout. It generally didn’t affect your ability to understand the game, so I think that’s why the backlash on the game hasn’t really been bad.

I think it was more that people didn’t expect much out of MangaGamer but was expecting a lot more from JAST USA, especially considering how long the game was being worked on and the hype surrounding it.

Never mind delaying the game for half a year because of translation issues that apparently were not sufficiently addressed.

Even after applying the text patch, I’m still finding the game to be riddled with typos. What exactly was the text patch supposed to fix?

Over 9000!!! mistakes. …someone had to say it. :smiley:

I’m continuing my playthrough of the game right now, and I agree that not much has changed. I can’t believe this patch took two months to make. But then again, it took two years for the initial translation…

I spotted a problem in your review Reikon. In the section on Miyasumi Misato, it mentions a character named Tomoki. However, nowhere else in the review is that character mentioned. (In fact, I double checked by using the find function on the review.)

Well, I just got lazy and didn’t feel like covering all the male characters. :stuck_out_tongue: I guess I could add them.

Edit: Anyway, I added them a bit ago. I’m working on reviewing FP now… but it seems like a lot of it is me ranting about the translation. :lol: Some of the major errors, like the line that says “No translation” and the completely blank line are still in the game.

How does it interact with the unofficial patch?

Unofficial patch?

The one Shingo came down on people for being insufficiently discreet about. The, uh, patch. That does that thing, with the balloons and the barrel of monkeys?

The one that fixes some text errors and, um, restores some images of… cute puppies.

Well that’s not good, I mean the game shouldn’t describe Golden Retrievers when we are clearly looking at graphics of a West Highland Terrier.

Why are you talking about puppies when we’re clearly dealing with kittens? Sweet little kittens…

You people are strange.

Kittens are quite cute. Especially twin kittens.

Don’t you mean this? :lol: :

[color=red][size=150]Peri’s Image Policy in effect: You must label where the image is from![/size]
[size=50] So i can find out if it’s available in english and spend money i shouldn’t be spending on it.[/size][/color]