Well, there’s the last two years of my life. Treat it gently.
More seriously - this is a non-H adventure game (like Another Code or Phoenix Wright, it includes puzzles) with a female protagonist. And since this is non-H, I don’t have to pretend she’s over 18. She’s definitely 15, can’t drive, innocent and confused. And she should be - there’s horrible dark mysteries going on, other young women being murdered in the night, and she’s having Suspiciously Meaningful Dreams…
First and foremost, it’s an adventure, the plot takes precendence over the romance. Second, it’s GxB (mostly) with many possible choices to be involved with. Many characters are enemies, so depending on who you join up with, you’ll get entirely different information about the others. There are fourteen endings, but which ones are good and which ones are bad is mostly up to you.
Anyway, there is a free demo, so try it and see if you like it!