Fate Stay Night : Ayako Mitsuzuri

Just wanted to know what happens to her, the information given about her in both the VN and anime are pretty vague.

She lives on and becomes president. Or not.

I think nothing else is know of her (maybe she appears in F/HA?).

Yeah, I always found it kind of odd that she was introduced in decent detail, but never really used. I remember thinking she had to be one of the Masters, but other than becoming a victim in one route or another she pretty much disappeared into the background. Maybe she was a major character in the fabled Ilya route…

Which brings us to the next topic of discussion: which route should they have ditched in favor of the Ilya route? I vote Sakura’s. :stuck_out_tongue:

I second that. I never thought someone could be more annoying than Sakura… until I got to “evil Sakura”.

Not trying to start an argument, I know some people here like Sakura… but Rin is the best for me. :oops:

If you mean “What happened when she disappeared?”, Ayako had her energy stolen/blood sucked by Rider.

I don’t think removing Sakura’s route would be a good idea; she wasn’t a very good heroine, but her route was still either the best or second-best (best for me, personally; as it’s the only route with a true utsuge ending, how could anyone pick anything else? =P). The inclusion of an Ilya route would have expanded Fate/stay Night’s script out to almost the length of France Shoujo, but I think it’d be worth it =P

I have to say I favor Heaven’s Feel over UBW. I also happen to like Sakura as well. I’ll admit she’s not as cool as Rin or Saber when not in her dark form, but I still find her likable, that and I tend to have a thing for for the crazy/psychotic heroines (Mana of MDB; Shion and Rena of Higurashi; and The Stakes of Purgatory, the Siestas, and Gaap of Umineko to name some). Besides, thanks to HF we get Rider and as you all know, we can’t have Ayako without Rider :twisted:

If I had to remove one route, it would definately be heaven’s feel.

  1. Its seriously crappy at the start.
  2. Gilgamesh gets swallowed without making any crazy remarks??? WTF
  3. Sakura is stupidly overpowered.
  4. Saber Dies :frowning: :cry:
    But most importantly, Shirou, who had bragged on and on about his beliefs, just gives them up “just like that”?.
    If they wanted to give Illya’s route, they could have given it as an expansion pack or something like that (Edelweiss comes to mind).
    anyhoo, what do you think is the background of Fate/HA? I mean which ending, It seems like Sakura’s good end but Saber and everyone else is still there.
    And I really feel bad about Hercules.

While Ataraxia could take place after any of the three endings, from what I know of that game’s story, it would make more sense for it to take place after Heaven’s Feel. Heck, the subtitling on the cover box says the game takes place after Heaven’s Feel.
As for why Saber and co. are there…I don’t want to spoil anything, but I will say this. Ataraxia does take place after Fate/Stay Night, but despite how it looks, it really isn’t a “sequel”, at least not a direct one.

Oh, how many times I wanted Saber to kill that annoying Tohsaka when she was commanding poor Shiro… :wink: