Fate/Stay Night - UBW translation released!

i’ve been meaning to play through that. i loved the FSN anime so i really wanna try the game. thankfully, i didn’t watch the tsukihime anime before the game. because the anime of that is dreadful. whatever company made that anime needs to burn to the ground and suffer horrible loses for such a grave F up. thankfully, the manga of tsukihime is right on target 8)

I’m going to play it when everything is translated.

And I need to find a copy of the game first… :cry:

if you want voices too :smiley:
Don’t forget to also order a copy of Fate/stay night Realta Nua PS2 +50-75$ :x

I can’t wait to see what Princess Waltz will be like though…
Gotta collect em all!

i hope princess waltz like snk vs capcom: card clashers. that’d rock

Aside the fact that I played the game years ago, I think this kind of games is better left unvoiced, as voices take away part of the reader’s attention, which is detrimental to such games.
is in the side of the “visual novels are better unvoiced” fans

I always want voices if possible. But, having the option to play without voices is a good idea. I played through Utawarerumono before the voice patch and appreciated different things in the writing that I don’t notice as much now that I’m replaying it with voices. I can’t say if it’s better or worse this early in the game, but it changes things. Adding in the voices can cause you to make judgements about a character that might not exist in the writing, and like you said it can be a distraction depending on the player and even the voice actor chosen…

Regardless, the more options I have to choose from the better. :smiley:

You should try Narcissu then, since it has two modes – one voiced, one unvoiced – and the author points out it was intentional because he wanted people to experiment both experiences, and compare. Of course, the fun part is that, from discussing with people who read the novel, you don’t have the same feeling if you start with one or the other, then proceed to the other. ^^;;;;;;
Oh, yeah, Narcissu is a free doujin visual novel, translated into English with permission from the author.

At last.
I’m going to have a happy Easter…
Saber here I come. :smiley:

Done FATE path, it almost made me go BAWWWWWWWW…

Played BOTH routes, and then serving as my Japanese friend’s Servant for a [strikethrough] looong [/strikethrough] while just so i could beg it off of him. << Hey… no [s] tags here?
But anyways… IT WAS WORTH IT, every bit.
Sinde he was also an avid fan, he treated the game disks as my, er, Command Spell, so he could get me to teach him some decent English, among other (exhausting) stuff. I ought to try this method of getting favors on my friend someday.

Anyways… It was by for one of the most awesome v-novels i’ve ever played through. More so with the excellent work done by the folks at Mirror Moon; i give MAD PROPS to them for this wonderful work of theirs.

Some facts were here that were’nt in the anime, though, if you’re talking about the anime spoiling the experience. (Well, obviously the H-scenes werent in the anime) But now i know what they mixed in parts of all three paths with the anime plot and how they did it conveniently.

But, forgive me, fanboys and n00bs, but… I’m gunning for Sakura!

  • arms himself with [top-secret text extractor app and J-dictionary program] and proceeds on a Heaven’s Feel playthrough*

P.S. I just might get rough translations down on Notepads, ship them to the folks at Mirror Moon, and give them to the project chief so they can refine it a bit and get Heaven’s Feel done for you all, quicker.
…Now if only someone would distro the Uncensoring patch! (And yeah, i’ve seen some Uncensored HCGs, but likely either ‘Photoshopped’ or, er, hacked from the lead illustrator’s PC…)

And the interest is…? Let’s face it, Nasu sucks at writing ero-scenes. Even if we consider Sakura’s ero-scenes are relevant to her story (and mind state), there’s no solid reason to desire them in uncensored form – save to turn them into mere arousing, pornographic scenes, which would give them a disservice.
As much as I’m not adverse to ero-scenes, I’m still baffled at the general attitude of praising the story then ranting over getting the uncensored ero-graphics. Are you sure you don’t drool over Sakura out of lecherous reasons rather than appreciation for her beautiful background and story? Because it feels as such to me.

I just felt that it was not complete with the censoring; it’s like people are paying for something that is ‘slightly below the original game was before it was edited’ But it is NOT that big of a deal for me, since we don’t really play these games solely for THAT reason. If that was the case, i would have been dissapointed already.

And no, i only like Sakura beacause in a way, she acts like, er, Belldandy to some extent. (somewhat like a doormat, but not completely) And Belldandy is absolutely NOT a doormat. Ah, probably just my fanboyism for moe.

Anyways, as i may have mentioned, the game itself is more ’ complete’ in details than the anime (if comparing it only with the Fate route and whatever else was adapted into the animated version.) One example would be the game details about the Servants’ pasts, abilities, and a few more scenes that probably could not fit into the anime, H-scenes NOT included.
(One example would be Bedeviere thanking whoever it was… never heard that in the anime; and the actual method of ‘training’ Ilya and her Servant. I still shiver at the story from the game; and yet they only gave off a hint in the animated version - i thought at first that Berserker was summoned to save her at the time. Now i know better :frowning: )

I was just wondering if someone did release such a thing, seeing those uncensored CGs by chance one day. I may want them to some extent; but only to make the game ‘complete’, not to stare at them all day. Maybe, this preference is probably beacause i have played quite a few uncensored games before FSN.

Which “original game”? There’s only two versions of F/sn, the PC and the PS2 ones, and the PC version has “censored” CGs when the PS2 version doesn’t have adult scenes. So, once again, which “original game”? The blue prints? The pre-publication stage CGs? How is a game “original” when not complete yet? I talked about the matter already in the Hirameki thread, but “(the game) was not complete with the censoring; it’s like people are paying for something that is ‘slightly below the original game was before it was edited’” is just pure bullshit. It’s like saying a novel or movie isn’t complete because scenes were cut for the final publication. Sure, sometimes a “director’s cut” version is released, and is better than the original published version, but it’s hardly a rule, and it can be argued about how this version is more “complete”.

If you like Sakura because she reminds you of Belldandy, I’d advise you to NOT play HF at all. To not even touch it with a 10’ pole, in fact. ^^;;;;;;

Considering how the uncensored CGs were photoshopped by fans and not done by the original staff, I fail to see how that makes the game “more complete” to have them.

I’m already halfway finished, and have no plans of stopping. And besides, it’s my friend, whom i acquired the game from, who is BUGGING me for that patch i do admit i would acquire it if there really was such a patch, but that’s all.
[color=#FFFFFF]…Or, could it be that you look at Sakura-san in the same way i do for Belldandy? points at my sig[/color]

I guess that would be a NO; then i will not press the issue further and consider it to be finished, then; as well as have my friend read this so he can stop taunting me for it.

And… SORRY if i have offended you with that post. You can believe all you want, but that is all i can say, seeing your attitude towards something i have only written for the sake of fanboyism. (and apparantly got carried away.)

Edit: Hax emoticons

Nah, it’s rather than Sakura is nothing like Belldandy, morally speaking… For the matter, I’m not into goody-doers, doormats, nor morally pure characters, so, heh.