Fate:Unlimited Codes : O M G!

O to the M to the F to the G! Have anyone seen this!?
Just look at the videos… Godforsaken pwnage! I do hope they release it soon.

Wonder if this will ever get translated…

I mean an official translation, as it’s from CAPCOM and a lot of their games cross over. Besides I don’t really import Japanese PS2 games… :mrgreen:
(Hell I don’t usually get fighting games at all, this one might be an exception though)

Looks interesting, the Graphic isnt so good, but i like the Fate Series

Yes, it looked like Rival School and Project Justice. I may find and play this game and PS2’s History’s Strongest Disciple Kenichi.

Sorry for necromancy, but thread needs informatinal UPDATE !

Fate/Unlimited Codes slated for release on the PS2 (yes, the P S 2 ?) like, LOL? in Mid-December of 2008!

Wallpapers available on site (1024 x 768 to 1600 x 1200) for ALL 12 characters ingame

Information on Kirei and (Dark) Sakura added to Character panel

System of gameplay along with details for the controlstick & button combos for their moves as well as short sample clips in the System Category (still in Japanese)

and BTW discovered that this babe named Luviangelita (Rin’s rival) is also in the game !?!? (Female magician - wrestler, anyone?)

I am so getting a haxored PS2 for this (love) or a PS2 and something that you insert a disk or change the tray, and it lets you play other region games… forgot the name.

On a side note, methinks Gil is a bit too overpowered; same thing with Kirei. And Dark Sakura’s specials… X_x I’m kinda scared to go VS with her… Ground burial with her crawling at me like Sadako from The Ring, group pounding from her Shadow creatures… and she regens. I’d rather pass ‘_’

And Archer’s UBW ingame once again reestablishes his GARness XD (yep, me is GAR for both Archer & Assasin [ Kojiro ] )

To be honest, Nasu’s characters cannot be put in a fighting games while being faithful to their respective power levels. They’re not balanced, not in the latest. Putting aside the Tsukihime characters (especially Arc who is the equivalent of Earth itself; how are you supposed to defeat the incarnation of the planet’s will?), the Fate/stay night characters are unequal in powers, according to the game: Saber and Shirou needed nothing short of a combined miracle in order to defeat Gilgamesh… and no one was able to defeat Dark Sakura. So, heh.

…Swatty-sama, you can play Dark Sakura.
I know NEED to buy this game. >_<

hmmm… The himeya preorder promises a Saber figurine dressed in white - BTW it can be seen- yet this isnt her alabaster armor ; having never played F/SN I must ask the elders - is this her civilian attire?

No, Saber Lily is a character specific to “Fate/unlimited codes”.

A closer inspection and a few clicks reveals my folly . SPOILERS

nontheless Saber Lily is white as though purified and ethereal in opposite of dark Saber. while in my ero beginnings I did not insulate myself from spoilers so I must ask how the hell does Arc=earth spirit !? Arc was purported to be the royal vampire heir to Crimson Moon who made her at Earths request to check humanity?

I want Black Saber as a playable character, ufufufufufufufufUFUFUFUFUFUFUFUFU~

Play the game?

Uh, you do remember in UBW arc, Shirou took on Gil alone and was winning even with duplicated swords only.

And you really ought to look at the game trailers and matchups hosted on youtube; there are times when Assassin owns Saber on them lol. Apparrently they balanced them in some way, with systems in place like Reflect Guard, Counter Damage, Mana Burst and this Holy Grail system (detains on site, though in japanese) and this ability for all players to use one gage (?) to stop chained combos. Supers like GoB and Ea have varied damage according to accuracy of hit, exposure time, and whether fhe other char is defending or not; same thing with other specials, except perhaps Gae Bolg (?)

Even had a vid where Archer uses Rho Aias against Excalibur (he blocks it O.o)

All in all i sure want to get this game lol.
Though out of randomness, how much for one arcade cabinet for Fate UC ?

True, true, I was rather thinking about Fate’s Gil, who is a bit different from UBW’s Gil. :stuck_out_tongue:

Last time I checked, no one played Dark Sakura so I had no interest in them. Let’s make it clear: I only buy the game for Dark Sakura and have absolutely no interest in the others. :stuck_out_tongue:

I pre-order that Games yesterday. What you guys write about it, sounds very interesting :slight_smile:

First thing you’ve said in a long time, that I can 100% agree, without any objections or counter thoughts.

Therefore this is scientific fact.

Dark Sakura FTW.


Kidnapping operation scheduled for this weekend. You in OLF? :wink:

Sorry, but I have no interest in 3D girls. ^^;;;;;;;;

They’re 3D enough when printed on a pillow …

Even when folded, a plane remains a plane, therefore 2D.