Favorite Eroge Artist?

Who’s your favorite eroge artist?

My favorites are probably from the KeroQ group.
Sca-ji: I love his unique designs and overall art skills. He can shade, design, and even do his own backgrounds. The way he illustrates fight scenes is awesome. His creativity his unmatched just like his love for futa.
Motoyon: Cute long haired girls and nice designs. [size=50]Major appeal being the designer for Ayana [/size]
Suzuri: Awesome girls with guns

There’s a bunch of other artists in their group but I don’t really care much for them. Nishimata and Mitha are also pretty nice.

I like Alpha (Akabeesoft + some sub companies) a lot for her extraordinary sense in striking character and CG designs.

I like the KeroQ artists too, although I’m not always sure who is responsible for what, exactly. I think Motoyon is my favourite though- simply because I can see that great style in Tousui Kitan that I sure can’t see in the BLUEWATER games.
However, I will make one specific call- there’s one CG in H2O that I always found particularly striking (link, semi-NSFW) so I’ll change my favourite in this group to whoever drew that-- although a good portion of my adoration for that is in the colouring as well, but whatever.

I still think CARNELIAN does great technical work, even if her character designs are occasionally somewhat iffy. Many of the titles she’s worked on are just filled to the brim with brilliant art, although as before there’s typically one CG that comes to mind when I think of a particular artist and with CARNELIAN it’s definitely this one from Quilt - just awesome stuff, jeez.

Eroge artist KusuKusu - much like scenario writer NYAON who works with him - probably hit his peak with Moshimo Ashita ga Hare Naraba. Later titles have art that is technically good but Moshiraba’s art had FEELING, which is something I’m just not seeing in the later titles.

I also think Bekkankou is really good at drawing four different character designs over and over again. I guess the moral here is: practice makes perfect.

I probably forgot a bunch of people. There’s a lot of eroge art I really love so it’s hard to choose.

Finally, Nagaoka Hirofumi for doing things with a limited palette that I wouldn’t have thought possible. YU-NO is easily the nicest looking PC-98 game (in fact, I’d say it was the nicest looking video game ever when it came out)- there is no contest whatsoever. He only worked on that one game though :frowning:

That CG would be Suzuri’s :). BLUEWATER games are illustrated by that person who did the art for the PetiteKeroQ game.

Most people don’t seem to notice or care, tbh. Strangely enough these same people bash on Nishimata for sameface.


Ooishi Tatsuko from Sekien no Inganock and other WaB games (though only played Inganock) must be one of my favorites. Also from Liar Soft I liked the art in Kusarihime, so I guess Nakamura Tetsuya (though again haven’t played other games illustrated by him).

I also like the art of Fue from Tarte/Rococo Works.

And then I must mention Ryukishi07; Higurashi was really bad, but I liked Umineko designs and what little I’ve seen of Higanbana.


Fue is pretty awesome, yeah. Too bad her and J-ment will probably never make another complete game like Katahane.

Most of the Liar/Rail-soft guys are awesome too

I’ll take this moment to continue my masturbation the KeroQ’s art.
Why do people say the overall art quality in Tsui no Sora is bad? Ignoring the outdated shading everything else is splendidly illustrated. There’s a particular cg with Takuji and his fellow classmates on the roof and it’s simply badass.
There’s also a decent amount of tachie expressions and poses… I’d say the overall art quality is above Moekan, imo. Sca-ji’s monster designs are some of the most surreal designs I’ve seen in eroge or Japanese media in general.

Their artwork is currently my main motivation for learning Japanese. 15 years from now maybe i’ll actually be talking about something other than Sca-jis glorious designs.

Tachie: http://i.imgur.com/i6ccs.jpg
Takuji being cool: http://i.imgur.com/pJibD.jpg

Edit: Motoyon even dedicated 4 pages to Tsui no Sora in his 2010 SubaHibi doujin. http://i.imgur.com/CL6bZ.jpg

Maybe. Moekan has this though. I’m such a sucker for that light-through-treetops effect though. I’ll agree it’s certainly not as nice-looking as Nijuuei.

The grass looks a little funky though, lol. Moekan’s art in general seems a little unfinished…Some of the cgs are just colored sketches.

I really like this cg in Nijuuei: http://i.imgur.com/1qqIg.jpg

The Gothic red fight cgs are also really nice.