Favorite FIVE 8-bit era titles

Someone told me, you can tell a lot about a gamer, by their favorite 8-bit games. I figure that’s just crazy talk, but it did make me wonder what people like back then. For those who don’t care for the “tech” talk, 8-bit games are those that played on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and Sega Master System. The systems that ran titles like the original Super Mario Brothers and Alex Kidd in Miracle World.

So the point of this thread, is to basically let everyone know what your top five 8-bit games were. Just five now. :slight_smile:

[ 05-08-2007, 04:23 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

In no particular order:

Alex Kidd in Miracle World
Phantasy Star
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Bank Panic

ya, castlevania and zelda series pretty much rocks. ff did to a certain extent…and rockman too (but only until i find it boring)

but ya, gun smoke and green beret (rush’n attack) was also nice (i played it on a disk system)

and not to mention some of the downtown nekketsu monogatari series (river city ransom), especially the 4-player daiundoukai one

didn’t own a sega back then so no comment on those

oh oops, didnt see “TOP FIVE” in the topic name…if i have to really choose (this is totally based on what my memorable games were when in childhood):


sheesh, they are all 3’s :stuck_out_tongue:

and the remaining one, i am totally stuck between the following titles:

the downtown nekketsu daiundoukai game (forgot the full name)
green beret (rush’n attack)
falsion (the shooting game on disk system that incorporates 3D glasses techology)

oddly enough, alot of the games i like are made by konami…

speaking of which, for those who had a disk system back then (ie not now via an emulator), did any of you played those 8-bit eroges for the famicom? :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 05-08-2007, 07:44 PM: Message edited by: Lamuness ]

Final Fantasy 1
Mega Man 2
Super Mario Bros. 3
Zelda 1


The Legend of Zelda
Super Mario Bros. 3
Dragon Warrior III (I do not have DW IV yet)
Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse

Hard to finish-
The Adventure of Bayou Billy

I do not have Battletoads yet.

Hmmm… Benoit is a SEGA raised gamer. That might explain his deviant thinking process from the rest of us. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Not me. I didn’t get into b-games until Sakura Taisen on the SEGA Saturn in 1996. I remember, because that was when I joined the Navy and got stationed in Japan after bootcamp. Whee!

Well, except for me, only people from the US have posted, where the NES was dominant. Not so in Europe. :slight_smile:

I do not have Sega Master System. >.> Until I got Genesis because I wanted Phantasy Star.

fumufumu… this is hard to do…

…I don’t really have all that many 8bit games that I love. ^_^;;

If pressed, I have to say in no particular order:

Rockman 3 - Awesome robotmasters, and the introduction of blues.
Super Mario Bros. 3 - …best of the old Mario games, without a doubt.
Kirby’s Adventure - It’s freaking KIRBY. The only widely released franchise to never have a bad game.

…wow. Can’t think of anything else. Just throw Rockman 2 and 4 up there as well, I guess. ^_^;;

Hmm this one is a bit difficult for me. It depends on your definition of “8-bit.” Some of my favorite games from that era were PC-Engine/Turbo Grafx games. The PC-Engine (released in 1987) actually had 2 8-bit processors and a 16-bit graphics chip (so it depends on how you read the numbers) :confused:

NES games:
Castlevania 3
Super Mario Bros. 3
Duck Hunt
Kirby’s Adventure

PC-Engine games:
Winds (aka Lords) of Thunder
Ginga Fukei Densetsu Sapphire
Dracula X: Rondo of Blood
Devil Crash

Also note that when I was a kid back then the NES was my only system (until the Genesis). However, today the PC-Engine is my true obession so comming up with an ultimate list is hard to do.

My PC-Engine Collection Pics

I’ve played more SMS titles than NES (a cousin of mine had a SMS, and a NES console here was somewhat uncommon, although there were a lot of clones in JP/US cartidge format).

Here’s a small list of some SMS games I really like (I still play some of them today).

Phantasy Star
Alex Kidd in Miracle World
Wonderboy III: The Dragon’s Trap
Dick Tracy (character respond a little slow to controls, but you can get used to it)
Mickey & Donald titles - Land/Castle of Illusion (Mickey), Deep Duck Trouble and Lucky Dime Caper (Donald)

SMS does have a more powerful HW than NES, but way back that time, Nintendo had a “If you are going to develop games for us, you can’t develop games for other platforms” policy, so SMS did not get a lot of great titles from famous companies, like Konami/Capcom/Square and some others.


However a lot of the “big” companies of today, were nothings at that time. Both of the entities who became the mighty Square-Enix for example, made their reputation on Nintendo and got help from Nintendo. SEGA was also a major arcade producer at the time, and were rivals of Capcom and Konami, which caused them to WANT failure in SEGA - Nintendo promised to maintain minimal entry into coin arcades when signing them aboard. :slight_smile:

Video game politics is very evil… even still today. :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 05-10-2007, 02:19 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

However, that restriction didn’t really apply in Europe, causing a flurry of EU-only titles. :smiley:

Oh I forgot about Gameboy games.

Tetris- my younger sister and I played against each other for high scores.
Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow
The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
Game & Watch Gallery- I loved some Game & Watch games but all of them were broken. ;_;

I love some Sega games. I am not sure if they already came out to Sega Master System.

Zaxxon- I loved it as it was playing fun.
Congo Bongo
Buck Rogers
Wonder Boy (It already came out to SMS. I loved arcade version)

not alot of the gameboy games really left me with a significant impression, except for these two:

dracula densetsu2 (castlevania2)
saga2: hihou densetsu (final fantasy legend2)

I think the downtown game is known as River City Ransom in the U.S.

I’m embarrassed to say I do not have a lot of 8-bit expererience but here are my picks (from what I’ve played):

Super Mario Bros. 3
Game & Watch Gallery
The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
Tennis (Game Boy) - And the music is still one of the best tracks in any game, ever.

Though thank god for the Virtual Console, because once I get some more Wii Points Cards (it’s cause I can get them for $14.99 in stores that I don’t use Credit Card) I’ll look foward to getting Kirby’s Adventure, Kid Icarus, and a bunch of non-8-bit titles such as R-Type, R-Type III, and much much more.

there were a series of downtown nekketsu games released in japan by technos, but only a handful (or less than that) was released in the US

while one of them is indeed called river city ransom, the one i referred to was not released in english. it’s a 4-player track-and-field-ish obstacle course game where you run around town and going through homes and sewers and factories and you can win by either finishing the race first, or beating the shit out of all the other participants first (the very same method like in river city ransom)

although i personally prefer to drown them alive while swimming in the sewers :stuck_out_tongue:

alright, found the name for it, after doing some research on the net:
downtown nekketsu koushinkyoku: soreyuke daiundoukai

[ 05-11-2007, 12:15 AM: Message edited by: Lamuness ]