Also, the entire movie “What Dreams May Come” is a study in color.
Anyway, since ultra-cute Kumiko-chan asked, I did do some looking into what colors meant a while back. First, age has a lot to do with how colors are thought of. Children usually only associate positive things with colors, while adults tend to have more neutral views. Also, colors usually tend to express only the positive traits of that color.
Now, as with any other symbolism, each color has positive and negative elements. I’ll just cover black to give some examples.
Now, usually what comes to mind first with black are such thoughts as night, darkness, evil, treacherous, hidden danger, lurking, mouring and such. Basically all negative thoughts.
However, black can also mean sophistication, elegance, formality, wealth (black-tie only events kinda thing), power, mystery, dreams, and thoughts like this as well. Think about it; everyone can think about the prom, and how all the boys wore Black tuxedos. Is the prom an evil event? No, it’s usually associated with joy, happiness, dancing, and the like. And, what’s more romantic than sitting out in the pitch dark starring off into the stars with your loved ones?
So, colors can have both positive, and negative elements.
If you want to know some more about specific colors and what they can mean, here is the page I created. (It also has more links to books and other on-line resources about colors.)
Hope that helps some,