Figures of happiness issues

Well, having gotten around to playing this game lately, I’ve noticed that there’s a couple of errors in mine that is bugging me a bit. Using the V-Mate version, by the way.

The problem is that some of the choices in the game are switched around, so when you pick one you’re actually going down the line of the other reply. This, as one might guess, makes getting the different endings hard, even moreso when you try using a FAQ and it tells you a particular choice is correct (whereas you’d otherwise maybe try a different reply, even if it didn’t seem right).

I read a thread in here where someone said they couldn’t get Mio’s second ending, which isn’t a surprise if that person has the same problem I do, because one of the key choices in that route are switched around for me. Where you get the choice of “Confess” or “Don’t confess” (in the “I can’t stand this situation anymore” line), picking confess will make you NOT confess, and thus not go down the path of the second good Mio ending. If you pick “Don’t confess”, you’ll actually go confess to Mio and thus continue towards her best ending.

There are a few other places that have erroneous replies like this, at least in my game. When you’re given the choice of following Mao or not (“Did Mao join them? I don’t think so”), instead of getting the choice of following her or not, I get the choices from the scene before with Kokoro and you in Satoru’s body, namely “Dash and shake her off!” and “Make excuses”. In this case, picking “Dash and shake her off!” will make you NOT follow Mao, and “Make excuses” makes you follow her.

And lastly, in the scene where Kokoro asks you to favor her (“Why do I have to deal with this? I have no other way than to tell her”) the choices are switched around again, so if you’re going for Kokoro’s route and choose favoring her, you’ll actually tell her you can’t put priority on anyone, thus breaking the possibility of getting her ending. Picking not favoring her will, not surprisingly, make you favor her and be able to get her ending.

Having skimmed the boards, there doesn’t seem to be anyone else having this problem (or having noticed it), maybe except the 2 threads with people who couldn’t get Mio’s second ending even with the walkthrough, so I’m not sure if this is my copy only being buggered (sounds unlikely) or the V-mate version in general. Maybe most people have the boxed version which may or may not have this error, I don’t know. Anyway, it’s nothing you can’t work around once you realise the answers are mixed up and so on, but it’s quite annoying all the same.

Don’t suppose this was ever patched? Is it even a common problem with the game/V-mate version of the game?

I cannot solve your dilemma, sorry, but it’s good to see you’re still alive and mired in sin along with the rest of us :wink: :smiley:

Well, I had a bad case of the WoW’s for a good while, so I was off the sin-train for the better part of 2 years :wink: Trying to catch up a bit now, with Figures of Happiness which I finally got around to complete 100% the other day (despite these bugs), and lastly Snow Sakura which I only bought yesterday and haven’t gotten around to playing a lot yet (only finished one storyline so far). Nice to see a familiar face still hanging around :slight_smile:

Woah, just had a read of some of the old threads I’ve posted in ages ago. Damn I was an angry little poster back then, especially in the old V-Mate thread. I couldn’t even imagine posting hissy fits like that today ^^; I guess who/whatever was pissing in my breakfast cereal stopped sometime in the past 2 years or something :lol:

G-Collections didn’t went out of business, it was CD-Bros, the Japanese Owner of G-Collections, who went Out of Business while GC was still fine.
Since GC was fine they proposed to sell it to Peter Payne who said yes.