File Formats

I was wondering, what file format are these games usually in? The reason I ask is many of these bishoujo games have absolutely terrible soundtracks. :mad: I want to get in and rip out the noise they attempt to call BGM and replace it with something that better suits the mood. There is also one good track I like from a game and I would like to add it to my media player list, but mostly I want to replace the noise, and just silencing it gets boring. I’m game modder and know most of the technical terms, but I have just recently begun playing bishoujo games. Since neither WinRAR nor WACE could open the files, the formats are NOT .zip, .rar, .ace, .7z, .cab, etcetera. Does anyone know of any tools to open the archives or at least knows the file format? :\

First off to determine wheter the game supports the solution below, in the options of the game you should have a choice of MIDI or CDA if those choices are not present then most likely the muisc is encoded along with the game’s DAT files or what ever the extension is.

what you could always do to get the music you want to listen to is use your sound card… make set your recording device in the sound properties to something along the lines of “Wave out Mix” all sound drivers change this item in a little way but it should be in that sence. As for replacing the music. For some games it is built into the data files and don’t really think there is much hope for them unless you know how to program the games which I seriously don’t condone. but as for some other games they play in a choice of MIDI or CDA music format and can easily be replaced. all you would have to do is burn a mixed mode CD for a CDA cd keeping the data files that are on the origional and another thing is to make sure the Volume Lable of the CD is the same and the number of Tracks. The MIDI replacement is simple enough too but in 2000/XP it is better to use the CDA method. but if you insist on the MIDI method … I will leave that to someone else to chime in and explain because I don’t create MIDI files. And Scipoten I believe this thread belongs in another location. Lamuness if you wouldn’t be so kind to move it there for them.

[ 07-06-2006, 12:14 PM: Message edited by: ms308680 ]

Thanks for the tip, I’ll look for that in other games, but the ones I’m looking at don’t have that option. The sound files are archived in in their own file with no extention. The sound are not “hard coded” but rather are archived with it’s own format. I’ve seen this in numerous games but there have always been tools to open them. When it comes to programing, I’m learning C++ but I doubt that will make a difference in any of these games. I don’t have a problem getting into the nuts and bolts of the game and tweeking it in some way, as I said, I’m a modder. I won’t release any of what I change so I don’t see a problem with it. And where should I have posted this thread? In the Off Topic section?

every company has their own compression/archiving algorithm so there is no single magic formula for this, so you will just have to try on your own

so…more power to ya

[ 07-06-2006, 10:21 PM: Message edited by: Lamuness - BBS Admin ]

I can tell you and provide you with the tool to do so but it’d only be if peter says ok.

[ 07-07-2006, 01:44 AM: Message edited by: Mockingbird ]

Check your PM.

Alright it has been a month and a half and I still have no tool. I’ve been busy modding another game so I havn’t been here to harass you about it. :stuck_out_tongue: Has Peter given the OK to send it over?

I suppose you could try using a hex editor to get into the data file and change everything between the header and footer of the music into zeros.

At least, that’s the concept. Whether it works or not, or does anything weird… shrugs Plus you’d have to actually find the music in the file.

If I didn’t want to listen to the music, I would simply mute it. I want to replace some of the BGM, not obliterate it completely and likely get an annoying buzzing sound.

Theoretically you could do that with the hex editor as well. As long as you’re using the same format, and keep whichever part is the filename the same, you should be able to change the rest into whatever you like.

I think it would be easier just to open the .exe file and find the corresponding file name. Parse that and attempt to create a tool that will open the files. Parse the audio tracks, create an export script for what I want, update the importer script etc. etc…

But that would take SOOOOOO long and I would rather just get the tool from someone that has already done it.

[ 08-24-2006, 02:19 AM: Message edited by: Scipoten ]

Thanks Mockingbird. He has given me the tool so now I don’t have to make one myself. :slight_smile:

[ 09-22-2006, 06:20 AM: Message edited by: Scipoten ]