Final Fantasy 4 DS

Well they made FF4 harder overall if you run on Active & battle speed 1. Some battles were made easier though and some major things changed, like DK Cecil’s ability and Rydia starting at lvl 7. Only just got Tellah… Oh and sight is somewhat useful now…somewhat.

Now let’s see if they can keep it up for DQ4…i already reserved my copy…tried doing it with RF2, but for some reason i couldn’t and no one could understand why.

So at least early on it’s harder…let’s put it this way…even FFIV hardtype imps never hurt…well imps can hurt you (though they easily die).

told ya its hard :stuck_out_tongue:

…and they still call them imps in the engish DS version?! i would have thought it would change back to goblins by now :stuck_out_tongue:

they might have.

There were some thing easier, like Rydia being at lvl 7 instead of lvl 1…the mini-fight where you protect her, the commander is really easy. 1 darkness attack and he was down. In the original, even the easytype, that guy took several hits.

On the other hand, that desert worm (random enemy…forgot it’s exact name) is like a boss at that level. 1 attack and he can kill Rydia at full health and weaken tellah and Cecil significantly and even attacking his weakness with ice via tellah takes 3 attacks.

I found it amusing that those intro battles that were automatic you actually now have to fight one of them.

On the asestic side, i was worried about how the 3D would go down, especially when I saw Rydia, but they actually did a lot of work with the polygons so that her hair isn’t so stiff and she defiantly looks good…for a 3D polygon model. I can tell they put more work into design for main characters skin & skeleton by far than random people.

Haven’t yet gotten a chance to see if “You spoony bard!” is still in.

Yet another reason i suggest development teams stick together. The remake was largely overseen by original developers and executives who were around for the initial launch. I believe if they’d had all or mostly non-core members higher up it wouldn’t have done so well as they wouldn’t have had the ideas and experience of the original to go from directly.

I don’t have it, but I know “You spoony bard!” is left in. It’s one of the lines that defines, like, that entire era, and their new localization team is pretty hot stuff, so they leave things like that in.

after putting the game in limbo for several months and playing the psp mainly (and also to install a new case for my NDS), i have decided to finish ff4ds off once and for all

i left off at the robot’s core and now going down the moon core, some people are maxed out at lvl 99 already and can still get killed in a couple of hits :stuck_out_tongue:

well imo its better than the trend that is going around to “dumb down” rpgs and make them super easy to beat, especially oldschool rpgs already beaten by many players. On a few cases there was some balance issues needed in those older rpgs, but most of the more famous ones were already balanced well. I welcome a harder game.

ok finished :stuck_out_tongue:
moon’s core isnt too bad as long as you set your equipment and abilities properly to your advantage and avoid assigning equipment the traditional way

If they were going to make it 3D then why not make it on PSP!? :frowning:

Better hardware plus the fact that I don’t have a DS :mrgreen:

Anyway, FFIV brings some good memories it’s great that it got a good makeover.

adds to list of NDS titles that will play someday

my only guesses are that they thought more people would buy it for DS for multiple reasons or they had a contract with Ninentdo to for any FF/DQ remakes to be made for their systems.

Actually it’s because Square Enix titles have sold MUCH better on the DS than the PSP - not to mention there are 77+ million DS sold, compared to the PSP 37 million. Also the PSP is a pain to program for and comparatively costs more money to develop titles on. Simply put, Square Enix makes more money on FF4 being on the DS, than on the PSP. :stuck_out_tongue:

yes the SO remake will be on the PSP…

SO on the PSP isn’t due to the normal Square-Enix decision mechanism, but because of Yoshiharu Gotanda (or maybe it was Yosuke Saito - I tend to get the two mixed up). This was mentioned in a Famitsu interview a few months ago. What he wanted to put in the SO remake, exceeded the current capabilities of the DS - namely storage space. He is aware that it will effect potential sales, and he most definitely carrying the heaviest burden of producer.

tri-Ace has not supported the Nintendo platform as they have the Sony, solely because of the storage space issue. If you want to maximize sales (and thus profit) however, its pretty much an undeniable fact that it has to be on the DS. It’s not based entirely on the customers, but the stores as well. Many big name chains, will stock three times the DS games over PSP – some don’t carry PSP titles at all. Hence DQ9 being on the DS and FF4 being on the DS, to maximize the number of fans. Yearly Square-Enix fiscal reports focus more on the truth about $$$, than the flowery stuff they say at those electronic conventions. The sales of FF1 and FF2 remakes were rather dismal on PSP.

What they tell investors, and what they tell gamers, are always different. :stuck_out_tongue:

This doesn’t mean they’ve given up on the PSP of course: if you’re the only producer of quality titles, then those 37 million users are REALLY desperate to buy your goods. If only a third of them take the bait, that’s over 10 million copies sold. Hence things like Dissidia Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep (more recently Crisis Core). But its harder to get investors and programmers hyped up on dealing with the PSP, than it is on the DS.

Well cost had been the big issue and lack of a wide genre of gaming titles. Even today the PSP costs more than a DS and that’s without a memory card, plus I know they pissed off a lot of customers when they made them rebuy ps1 games they already own to play them on a psp. I’m pretty sure it’s violating some laws there, since those games are not remakes.

Exactly what law would they be breaking? People have always paid again for ports. It’s not as if the PSP is backwards-compatible with the PS1, and it’s not as if the PSP could even fit a PS1 disc inside of it.

Locking one out from playing the same game, which isn’t a port, on a different platform through emulation, but requiring buying the game through their service which requires a PS3. The buying of the games through the PS3 is anti-competitive, but not illegal.

It’s not allowing someone to covert their CD-game to an iso and play it because that game played on the PSP is not a port. It’s the exact same data, just the header and regional codes changed/removed.

FFIV DS is a port. FFIV on the psp is not.