Finally playing Little My Maid..... (possible light spoi

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
[B]Aren’t you guys referring to Mayu?

I thought the same thing.

I now have endings with four of the girls. Aya’s ending is proving to be a challenge.

Yeah the loli I was referring to was Mayu. She just acted way too childish for what I can stand.

A while earlier, I got Mari’s sex ending, and the dark ending, fable 10.

They are so fucked up (no pun intended). Mari’s sex ending made me feel bad…

Hmm, I remember liking Mari’s trust ending. Just enough darkness to intrigue me, but not so much that it became revolting. In fact I liked Mayu’s trust ending better than her love one. The love one was pretty dull, as I remember.

You LIKED Mari’s sex ending?! o_O

…Okay. To each their own. But at the moment, hours after playing the game, it’s still disturbing me and making me feel bad. It was so wrong.

I’m just throwing this out based on what I remember thinking a few months ago. To tell the truth, I can’t really remember what happened. The only thing that comes to mind is a certain scene on the stairs. Maybe a quick glance through the CG’s will refresh my memory, but unfortunately I saved over the saved games for that path–and the game is sufficiently loopy that I doubt I could replay through it quickly and get on the path on my first try. She was favorite character though…maybe I’ll give it a go when I can spare some time from Final Fantasy XI.

Just use a walkthrough, since you have already obtained the ending legitimately.

I think it was on the very end CG for the Mari sex ending- there was mention of “cleaning her off” (after a nice bukkake drenching) via urination and Ohji liking it that way 'cause he was on some sort of dominating power-trip.

Hmm…that sure doesn’t ring any bells. I’ll have to glance back at it.

This game has the best “bad” ending of any game I’ve ever played. When you make the wrong choices in some games you end up dead. In this game you get the love of your life back. Just struck me as somewhat odd.

Originally posted by keller:
This game has the best "bad" ending of any game I've ever played.

Who has ever claimed that this was a "bad ending"?
It's just the default path of the story...

It's more likely that the bad endings here are those with numbers greater than 6, particularly if I think of Hina's!