Finally playing Little My Maid..... (possible light spoi

Well, I’m sure just about everyone here has already played this one to death, but since I’m a poor college student, I just recently got it. (Actually if it wasn’t for animecornerstore’s nice discount price, I still wouldn’t have it).

Anyway today I played through it my first time and I was quite surprised by its length. I had heard it was short, but that was "really short."

The ending I got was Mayu’s sex ending. Now, I don’t like lolis, and while Mayu doesn’t really look like a loli, she certainly acts like one. So naturally I avoided her completely until the 3rd day when I picked her cause I was sick of the repeat H-scenes (I always picked the nicer sounding “comfort” options when forced to ring a bell).

I was quite surprised that I got her sex ending, so I checked out an FAQ, and it turns out, that avoiding her IS the requirement to that path…

Freakin’ lolis, theres just no escaping them is there? They love to jump out of the shadows at me whenever I put my guard down. Their like ninjas, but crazy AND loli, plus they stalk me without even killing thier families first. And thier armed with loli knives, I HATE knives. shivers I think I better check my closet before I go to sleep tonight or they may do something I’ll certainly regret…

*Oh if anyone thinks I’m crazy, just know that its 1:38AM Sunday morning here and I haven’t slept since Thursday night do to my college’s anime club marathon coupled with my own stupidity. Ok I’m gonna try to play more LMM tomorow hopefully, but now I must sleep.

LOL yeah man. I won’t say anything too terribly bad about loli’s, but sometimes they jump out at you. I have been playing Tottemo Pheremone and I got Ayumi first. I guess it wasn’t so bad since I actually chose her first though. Well, in that case I’m on a totally different page than you since you avoided them. Oh well, anyway, loli’s usually end up with a pretty cute ending, right? As long as they don’t look way too young it’s all good! the only loli I could never handle was the young girl from Come See Me Tonight. Yuck, looked like she was 10. Bleh. At least Ayumi looked 18, she just never got the huge breasts.

Now, it wont be long till Dark_Shiki posts something “defending” loli, i know you DS ¬¨¬¨.
The other thing i wanted to talk about is:
Yeah, it happens to me a lot, when i try to get someone and i just can, i go to get another girl and i end up getting the one i couldn’t get. (Twisted, isn’t it)

Wow, I can’t believe what I wrote last night. I guess I turn into some kind of rambling lunatic when I’m sleep starved Oh well whatever.

Thankfully though my roommate is going home tonight for a few days so I’ll actually get to play more LMM. He doesn’t appreciate the “B-Game goodness” and as my dormmate I have to respect his feelings on adult material.

Actually I wasn’t going to say anything. I really don’t mind other people having their own opinions, as long as they’re not condemning others in the process, but if you insist…

I didn’t like the loli in Come See Me Tonight either. She wasn’t cute, and she was annoyingly childish.

I much prefer this (this image will likely disappear once the post gets removed from 4chan). It’s a screenshot I took from In Mai Baby, an animated loli H-game.

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 04-24-2005).]

QUOTE]Originally posted by The Unholy Avenger:
Now, it wont be long till Dark_Shiki posts something “defending” loli, i know you DS ¬°¬¶.
And me?
Do you have truly forgotten my old post, Unholy Avenger? Loli is merely a genre like any other, in my opinion (don’t mix erotic fantasies with Reality).
And, as I’ve said elsewhere, although I don’t have never bought pure Loli games, I can appreciate the Loli material included in many other erogames, if it strikes my fancy (like little Ayumi, below -and, just in case, the correct Link is ; don’t pay heed to uninformed guys… ).

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 04-24-2005).]

AHHHHHHHH its happening again! I make a post of how I was trying to avoid the loli, and now the topic itself has been “double-lolified” with pics. Its scientific proof that no one can escape the lolis, NO ONE!!

They are going to take over the world with their army of loli ninjas and loli tanks. Then they will make us all slaves and stab us with their loli knives! And we won’t be able to fight back cause they are defeneded by their loli cuteness shields. Thats it, we’re doomed, done for, and flat-out dead. Its been nice knowing you all…

You were awake that long? o_o

Christ, I was expecting you to crash the second you got to your dorm, from how you were acting…

And you know you like the lolis. The more you try to hide it, the harder it is to fight it. :stuck_out_tongue:


[This message has been edited by Dark Lord Zenigame (edited 04-24-2005).]

@ woodelf

Oh, come on. This is a BBS for adults. If you’re not in a “safe place” to view adult content, you shouldn’t be accessing peapri’s website to beging with, right.

@ all

I don’t think there’s really anything wrong with loli games. Since they are just anime girls there is nothing to get upset about. The voice actors are not even children. As for liking it, I guess it depends on what you call loli. Anime girls don’t have “real” ages. Ero game girls don’t even have “given” ages. The idea of “18+” cannot be applied to girls from ero games. Many girls in these games are intended to be under 18, but I still think that many of them are very attractive. While I don’t see anything “morally wrong” with extreme loli material, it’s not something that I’d enjoy looking at. It just depends on how your mind interprets the images. Dark_Shiki posted a topic like this before. Looks like he’s enjoying that lolicon game.

ya please put your pics as text links please

i do check this bbs while im at school myself

and plus we dont have to wait for the pics to load if we choose not to view the pics

Originally posted by SuperDeadite:
Wow, I can't believe what I wrote last night. I guess I turn into some kind of rambling lunatic when I'm sleep starved [img][/img] Oh well whatever.

Thankfully though my roommate is going home tonight for a few days so I'll actually get to play more LMM. He doesn't appreciate the "B-Game goodness" and as my dormmate I have to respect his feelings on adult material.

I hear you man, I was kicking back the beer pretty hard last night, and I just start typing whatever little thoughts pop into my mind.

Anyway, glad to hear you're gonna get a little private time, enjoy yourself.

Well just got Hina’s good ending. Man, whomever at Will designed LMM’s path system must be on total crack. Just picking choices at random seems to be the way this game is meant to be played.

And I don’t have anything personal against lolis, it just that they pop out of nowhere whenever I least expect them. When I first played Crescendo, I was like “Wow, a game with no lolis this is a nice change…” I really had no idea about the secret girl until I found her accidentaly.

In short, lolis scare me I’m positive that there is a 5th Horseman of the Apocalypse and she is a loli.

I just started playing LMM and the intro reminds me so much of Snow Drop.

I’m trying for Hime and have “been” with her three times on day one/morning of day two. Hope this means I’m on the right track.

Well, I got Hina’s bad ending and I must say: That was probly the most distrubing thing I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen some really bad stuff in my day, but that was just so friggen creepy. I’m probly gonna have nightmares tonight. I’m not sure which was worse, the fact that it happened, or that Ouji thought that the event was actually a good thing. shivers

Originally posted by Baldo:
And me?

What about you? I dont remember fighting with you over loli stuff...

A little flame:

DS, you are sick!! [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
(i really enjoy flaming XD)

I have played twice and got two good endings for the girls I was trying for(1 & 4). I guess I picked two of the easy routes as I remember posts about how hard this game is. Each game sure was short though.

Did people think that the LMM characters looked Loli? I mean, Hina is a little borderline, but happily I didn’t think her art was that bad. I mean, asking for a game with none of the “burikko” (a term that has probably been debated here no end, I am sure) characters is like asking for a game without a boyish girl like Makoto from TCI. I really liked LMM.

I though LMM character’s looked loli
in fact all of Nagi Shikage’s stuff is.
Why else do you think I bought the game, and Snow Drop, and that wallscroll, and all of her books that were on jlist…

I think that hina acted very childlike, but didn’t really look “loli” to me. I don’t really like that kind of character, especially because they tend to urinate during the H scenes. Trabulance games usually have one character like this. These kind of characters are often included in games, but that doesn’t mean I won’t like the game overall. No, the problem with LMM is its overall below averageness. The storyline is lacking. Clearly it’s a yarigee, but even on that level the artwork isn’t very good and the same CGs are repeated over and over. I can’t honestly recommend it as a good game, although it’s not terrible either.

Aren’t you guys referring to Mayu?

Yeah, I’m not a fan of urination at all. Who decided that loli had to have urination scenes?! But yeah, the characters in LMMD all looked pretty young. Not sure if I’d call it loli, but it’s borderline. I liked the character designs, but not the way scenes were portrayed. My favorite character was actually Mari. She was very pretty and I liked her shy elegance.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 05-02-2005).]