Finished Brave Soul with Karen!

Started the game at LV 100 using the Expert option, on Special. ^^

Started the final dungeon on LV 126… and equipped the Becoming Hero Cast armor and the Speed Limiter talisman.

Mmm, green ogres…
Almost impossible to defeat when they are three or more. x_X
I made it though.

When LV 150, I got back to my regular equipment.

Light Saber + green boots + Haste Ring = GREAT SPEED!

I found out that The Fastest can be found in the game, instead of being bought at the Border. The fast green ghost drops it rarely.

Arrived at the Dark Lord at LV 165.
Upon defeating him, I got 300000 EXP!!! O_O
LV UP x 3 !
→ LV 168

W00T! \ ^^ /

I started the game today with dueling Cobden, then I got Karen’s H-scenes, and then her ending, which I liked a lot.
The ending opens the possibility of a sequel, even though the main character wouldn’t end up with Karen in the story that would have actually happened. Fan game, maybe?
I also loved the ending CG! :slight_smile:

This unlocked the following difficulty settings:
Wander, Nightmare, Crazy.

This may already have been covered before…but I think “unlockables” in Brave Soul get unlocked depending on the number of endings you’ve achieved.

My favorite ending was probably Claire’s.

And as for a sequel to Brave Soul … Peach Princess asked, because BS was the most successful game aside from XChange - the company (I forget whether it was Crowd or Will, I think Crowd) said flat-out “no way”.

RPGs are crazy mad hard to develop, especially compared to an AVG. That, combined with the fact that BS didn’t do so well in Japan, spells “commercial suicide” if they were to do a sequel.

Didn’t do so well in Japan? I remember reading here that bishoujo games that sell well get a DVD version. Brave Soul got one.

Hard to develop? Well, with bad, lazy programmers, of course.
remembers Lamuness’ “spaghetti code” comment

Uh. Compared to an AVG any actual game is going to be harder to program. I’m a software developer, so you can take my word that the engine will be more complicated.

But aside from that - games have to be FUN. Gameplay tuning is not trivial and AVG games don’t need as much of that. (Granted, some games like Snow Drop could have used more playtesting, as the game did its best to make its real ‘mechanics’ opaque and incomprehensible.)

I think too with an AVG there is less thought and more ability for the gameplayers to just follow it as a story. With the RPG you have to always think about your next move and always have to try and guess what is best to get you to a good ending that is part of the fun but it also means more thought has to go into your choices.

Granted that is suppose to be the same in the AVG but we have all played some games where the choices after being given a lunch, which took five hours to make, by a former childhood friend who is now hitting on you, are “Tell her it is delicious” or “Tell her it she shouldn’t get within 9 miles of a kitchen”. Also there are times when the AVG is just a story, hopefully a good one, but one where you really don’t need to put all that much thought into the decisions and can just enjoy the story.

Not saying I did not like Brave Soul, but offering another reason why it may not have done as well as some AVG games.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 10-24-2004).]

Brave Soul should have done well.
Japanese are crazy about RPGs.

Could say the same about us, which could be one reason the more story based ‘novel’ games (like most Bishoujo games) don’t do all that well since the base popularity of that type of game, the story games is not really there, and instead goes to RPGs.

You mean in the RPG’s?

Originally posted by woodelf:
Yup , In them too! [img][/img]
A good example of how graphics evolved was the 'tomb radier' set of games. Of course now that I got a faster PC I can't get the old games. Note I found Tomb Radier just above my level of playing skills -- I tend to saved every 30 seconds of so.

Were they are first person point of view games? I remember seeing these games but for some reason not playing the games and if they were the first person point of view games that's why, the way those graphics are done (were done at that time at least) gives me a headache.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 10-24-2004).]

You mean Tomb Raider.

It’s third person view, and the first game didn’t use any 3D card. Later, there was a patch that made it possible to use one, though.

I got Premier Collection editions of the two first Tomb Raider games.

And as for a sequel to Brave Soul ... Peach Princess asked, because BS was the most successful game aside from XChange - the company (I forget whether it was Crowd or Will, I think Crowd) said flat-out "no way".

Guess that the best that could be hoped for in lieu of that would either be an unofficial mod add-on for Brave Soul or that another B-Game Company, with it's own rpg title, becoming interested in the overseas market.