First impression of Snow Drop

I finished playing through Snow Drop. I failed to unlock some critical event of the game though, so I only ended up with a normal ending.

Poor lonely Shizuka-chan… oh well, at least she’s got Kasumi. ^_~

Originally posted by pmak0:
I finished playing through Snow Drop. I failed to unlock some critical event of the game though, so I only ended up with a normal ending.

Poor lonely Shizuka-chan... oh well, at least she's got Kasumi. ^_~

Welcome to the club [img][/img]. The "frustrated because I can't get the other endings" club [img][/img]. Well if you need help you can e-mail me [img][/img].

[This message has been edited by Serio (edited 12-12-2001).]

It doesn’t seem to be that hard to get all the endings - it just takes some time. If I understand correctly, whenever you’re given a list of locations to go (e.g. while in the lodge), you have enough time to visit 2 or 3 locations, and it matters what time you visit a location at. (It’s not like an RPG where you can visit every location and talk to everyone.)

For example, at a certain period if I visit the kitchen first, I see Kasumi washing the dishes. But if I visit some other location and then visit the kitchen, Kasumi is already gone. It’s just a matter of trying all the possible combinations of locations in order to find the scenes where substantial things happen.

It’s a little annoying that the game runs so slowly, though. I was almost out of disk space so I could only do the 10 MB minimal install, meaning I have to put up with the CD-ROM latency time when waiting for things to load. That makes it more boring to keep saving and loading the same in order to try all possible combinations of locations. Ahh well, there aren’t too many possible combinations so I’ll get them all eventually.

Hmm… being a shoujo-ai fanfiction author, I’m tempted to write a Snow Drop fanfic that examines the relationship between Shizuka and Kasumi. So cute…

Whoops, that reminds me, I was working on a chart for the various locations and times for the first half of the game. Between a major new project at work and the holiday season, I keep forgetting my little side projects. If you like, I can send you my notes copy. It’s a rough draft of who’s where at what times. (There’s a couple of other combos of events I havn’t gotten around to working with yet.) And if you’re wondering, it’s not really a spoiler, it just helps to identify where a person would be at a certain time but doesn’t say if it’s an important event to meet up with that person or not.

And if you do write a fanfic, be sure to drop a link somewhere here so we could all enjoy it!

If you like, I can send you my notes copy.
> It’s a rough draft of who’s where at what times.

Sure. Please send it to; this way I won’t have to waste time going to locations where nothing’s going to happen.

> And if you do write a fanfic, be sure to drop a
> link somewhere here so we could all enjoy it!

Of course. If I find the time to write a fanfic about Snow Drop, I will be sure to post it here.

Talk about lesbianism in anime at:

Originally posted by pmak0:
> If you like, I can send you my notes copy.
> It's a rough draft of who's where at what times.

Sure. [img][/img] Please send it to [][/url]; this way I won't have to waste time going to locations where nothing's going to happen.

> And if you do write a fanfic, be sure to drop a
> link somewhere here so we could all enjoy it! [img][/img]

Of course. If I find the time to write a fanfic about Snow Drop, I will be sure to post it here.

Talk about lesbianism in anime at:

If you do a fanfic about Snow Drop, be sure to get it posted at the Grey Archive. there's quite a lot of anime/manga fanfics there. But be sure to post some lines about piraticy in the fic when you send it to them and point out to them where they may buy Snow Drop and all others of Peach Princess's games...

Hmm, by the way, Grey Archive is one of the places where I've tried to post the poll to dokusen (the people there might really like Dokusen, since most of their stories are... quite brutish, and often includes things like S/M, slaves and such things [img][/img]), but I haven't been able to get an account at their forum yet (you have to emil the webmaster directly about it, and he's quite busy from what I hear...).

I just played through Snow Drop for the first time and got a normal ending too. By looking at the CG and Events collections, it seems that there is a lot I’ve missed! I think I’ll go and play through it again! It’s a great game btw, the first game I have bought from Peach Princess, I’m definitely going to buy more games from Peach Princess.

Originally posted by TurricaN:
I just played through Snow Drop for the first time and got a normal ending too. By looking at the CG and Events collections, it seems that there is a *lot* I've missed! [img][/img] I think I'll go and play through it again! [img][/img] It's a great game btw, the first game I have bought from Peach Princess, I'm definitely going to buy more games from Peach Princess. [img][/img]

Heh, that's what we all like to hear, more support for PeaPri! [img][/img]

I'm starting to sound like a marketing consultant or something. [img][/img] It is a bit tricky getting to the second half of the game but between the detailed guide and the helpful maniacs here on the BBS (yes, that includes me...) it is possible. [img][/img]

Thanks for the guide, Ekylo!

I chuckled knowingly when I read the line that said “Kasumi’s Room - Watch Kasumi and Shizuka, End Night”, knowing what really happens there. ^_~

Damn, I just realized that I’ve got final exams on Friday and Monday… ack!

What’s the gray archive? Where is it?

I’ve only just gotten into the second half and can only get normal and bad endings so I can sympathize with being frustrated.

Originally posted by jessica85r:
What's the gray archive? Where is it?

You can find the Grey Archive here: .

I just completed it again, I got the same ending though, I did get a few different scenes though. It’s nice to know that there’s help for this game out there. I’m going to keep trying it for a while before I get any help with it, the game will last longer that way anyways, plus, it’d be cool if I figured it out on my own.

btw, when I click on Kasumi’s top-left CG, I hear the chime to indicate that I’ve made a selection, but it doesn’t view the CG, it just stays on the CG selection screen, anyone else got that?