First impressions of "Lime-Iro JanKitan"

This is the third ELF-Mahjonng that I have bought. The other two were ELF All-Star’s Datsui Jann 2 and ELF All-Star’s Datsui Jann. While in the All-Star’s Datsui Janns the game’s main focus is on playing Mahjonng against characters from various ELF games and gaining points for buying desktop-accessories, this game is a Mahjonng-novel like Hitozuma Mahjonng or Sho-ki.
So it mainly tells the story of a secret operation where you are entrusted to train the group of young girls from Lime-Iro SenKitan in playing Mahjonng in order to prepare them for an important challenge.
However, at first you have to prove your skills against the captain, the 1st officer and the (female) doctor of the ship that is the mobile base for the operation.

The Mahjonng-playing engine is the same as in the All Star’s Datsui-Janns. I have only played the first chapter of the story and haf no problems with winning the first mahjonng game that qualified me as a trainer. This also made me win the doctor’s admiration (you know what I mean, right?). But I assume, the difficulty for winning the games will increase while the story proceeds. So I am looking forward to real challenging Mahjonng-games at the end when my new pupil’s skills are put to the test.

OOhhh nice. So how’s the CG is it like Datsui Jann 2? So it’s story based so do you choose your challengers or does the game pick who you play next? Hmm…if the CG is nice I might have to think about getting this one on my next Himeya order

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
OOhhh nice. So how's the CG is it like Datsui Jann 2?

DO I have to stress that I still only know the first chapter, so I can't tell about all the CGs?
Anyway, the CGs that I saw were at the usual quality of ELF that you also see in "Datsui-Jann 2".
However, in the first chapter there was the h-scene withthe doctor, but no animated strip-scenes that you know from "Datsui-Jann 2". I only saw animations in the beginning of each chapter and they just showed the battleship from the perspective of a seagull...

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
So it's story based so do you choose your challengers or does the game pick who you play next?

Again: In the first chapter, your opponents are fixed: You have to beat the captain, the 1st. officer and the doctor.
I don't know about the next games though.
But besides the story mode, there is also the free-playing mode where you can challenge any combination of opponents that you want, just like in the ELF-dome of Datsui-Jann (and Datsui-Jann 2).

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Hmm..if the CG is nice I might have to think about getting this one on my next Himeya order [img][/img]

Take a peek here and here in order to check if you like the character-designs. I have not yet seen the girls in the story animated as on the second page, though. But that still can happen in the next chapters. I'll keep you informed...

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 09-17-2003).]

A short update:

Yesterday, I played through the second chapter.
While the first chapter just was a visual novel that introduced the main character and a lot of the characters on that battleship, the second chapter even offered more freedom:

There is a map of the ship with a lot of locations that you can visit. Apparently, you have to go through them until you meet your main opponent in the next Mahjonng game. But you also can meet the other characters (including the captain, the 1st officer and the doctor) and have with them a talk.
However, after you met your next opponent, you can select out of your trainees two others to join in and play Mahjonng.
Because I won this time too, I still don’t know what punishment results from loosing.

Sigh I can’t bring myself to loose on purpose. So, I suppose it’ll take some more chapters until they finally beat me for the first time fair and square (and thus I learn about the consequences of a defeat).

Cool, it’s looking more like something I might get on my next order So you just move around the ship until you hit the area where you are suppose to battle your next opponent?

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Cool, it's looking more like something I might get on my next order [img][/img] So you just move around the ship until you hit the area where you are suppose to battle your next opponent?

Actually, I tried yesterday something inorder to test this: I avoided to meet my supposed next opponent.
After I visited three locations on the ship, the day simply ended and I got into the next day (but on the other hand: not into the next chapter). I am still a bit confused about this and will investigate that further on this weekend.

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 09-18-2003).]

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Cool, it's looking more like something I might get on my next order [img][/img] So you just move around the ship until you hit the area where you are suppose to battle your next opponent?

Next (and probably last) update:
Yesterday, I played the next two chapters.
It is not THAT stereotypical, because every chapter works another way: Some are plain NVL-chapters, others require finding something or somebody in the ship. There are also items that could be found and I don't know yet what they mean. I have a faint idea, though.

Let's say, I certainly don't regret buying this game and I am already curious which surprises the next chapter has in store for me...

Cool thanks for the updates Unicorn. Now to plan my next himeya buy.

Ok I went and ordered this MJ game along with tsukihime. Damn that promo anime and website I visited. I have no clue what I’m gonna do when I get tuskihime, since I can’t really read japanese, and it’s basically a visual novel. Oh well I needed a excuse to get a new MJ game anyway

Well after playing Limero for the past week, I got a question for you Uni, What the hell is those items the girls give you used for?