First look Watashini Konya Ainikite

Well the benefits of living 1 state away from g-collections has shown itself again I was only able to play for a little while but I’ll post what I’ve seen so far.

The story is another light hearted story. Your parents decide to just leave you after you told him you were ok with it jokingly. They leave you with some cash and you are out in the cold but your aunt finds out and takes you in, You are then reintroduced to your 3 cousins and your aunt wants you to marry one of them(though I rather go after my aunt )

This game is somewhat like Tokemeki checkin. There are alot of choices you need to make. I’ve only played maybe a hour or so and I’ve probably made more choices than all of sensei 2 or Tsuki. And I haven’t even gotten through the 2nd day yet or to a ecchi scene (of course I was reading and listening to everything) The graphics are decent but 2 of the girls looks really wierd(at least in my eyes) Maybe it’s the large faces but Kobato and Misago(2 of your cousins) look really wierd.
There is voices for all the characters except for the hero. They all sound fairly decent and seem to fit the characters fairlly well. The menus and options are like the previous g-collection games except there is no hint option (guess no cheating in this game )

This game is pretty fun so far. Hopefully the amount of choices I need to make continue to increase so there will be more variety when I replay the game. Hopefully this game will last me til the next bishoujo release

Edit: Darn there’s a couple of things that isn’t translated. Looks like I gotta look up what a Hagi-yaki dish is, and what a Katsura-muki cut is. Guess time for a google search. PS You gotta love women in Kimonos

[This message has been edited by wanfu2k1 (edited 04-17-2003).]

Wanfu2k1-san, good buddy, did I ever mention that I hate your guts?

Okay, I’m kidding. And extremely jealous. Hmm, I though “hagi-yaki” is pottery of some sort. I seem to remember the term being in relation to the items (like cups) used in the tea ceremony. “Katsura-muki cut” is a peeling technique used on vegetables. Aoi(from Ai Yori Aoshi) uses it when she’s preparing a meal for Kaoru. Great, now you’ve got me all hungry…

Hehe you gotta love living close to the production site Well at least you live in great weather with lotso scenery Yeah I kinda figured Hagi-yaki is some type of pottery. Wanted to see if I could find a picture of it. Apparently it’s expensives since he broke it and they told him how much it costs to replace it Ahh so that’s what it’s called when Aoi cuts the Daikon into a sheet. Speaking of fcod I better get lunch. Good thing I took today off work, I just got up

yo wanfu
could i get your email addy need to ask you something, or write me an mail


Anyone know why PeaPri isn’t selling this game yet? I’d order it from them, since they have the best prices that I know of for G-Collections stuff, if only it was available.

I live on the other side of the world now. So I have to wait for a company that ship overseas to stock it first.

PS: I think PP isn’t selling it yet is because stock hasn’t arrived. Publisher to retailer could take weeks depending on logistics and paper work etc…

Well, somebody’s reading this board. From PP’s Easter Sunday update

Just a quick update today. We’re happy to report that we’ve gotten stock of the newest G-Collections title, Come See Me Tonight ~ Watashini Konya Ainikite, a superb and very erotic game for all fans of bishoujo gaming.
Unless you qualify for J-list’s discount, this is the better price.

I kinda doubt they updated their site just because of reading this board. They probably just hadn’t gotten around to it till now.

sigh The trade-off of moving home I guess. (My copy still hasn’t gotten here and since I’ve been doing a lot of 12-16 hour workdays, I doubt I’ll play much till next weekend when it does arrive.) While I found several sites about hagi-yaki, none of them stood out to me, although I did find this nice site about the katsura-muki cut with pictures…

Mainly for those of you who’ve only seen this cut in anime.

Getting back on topic.

I like this game so far, favorite character is a Choice between Tsugumi and Chidori. It’s really easy to get a good ending with each of the girls, but getting two or more in a scene is rough (I haven’t got those CG’s yet) Still a good game.

Favorite girls: Tsugumi, and Hina

Tsugumi: cute tomboyish girl (too sweet)

Hina: cute airhead girl (too sweet)

Chidori: beautiful and kind (highly hopeful about her daughters will marry his nephew)

Misago: cute and similar character: Azura? (Ranma 1/2)

Kobato: Cute and funny


After finally having the time to open my copy and look at it, I have to comment that G-Collections games keep getting better. I really like the feel and light hearted story to this game, kind of feels like TCI in a way.

But, there is one glaring problem…

Oldest Daughter: Misago - Age: 21
Second Oldest: Tsugumi - Age: 19
Youngest: Kobato - Age: 18
Extra girl: Hina Aihara - Age: 19

Mother of the three: Chidori - Age: 30

AGE 30!!! Ehrmm… ahem. So she was 9 years old when she gave birth to Misago. Shakes head. They sure don’t waste any time now a days.

i thought it was funny when i first read that, but they didnt wanna put the real ages…

However this kid is in his last year of highschool… (something about college next year) anyway that tells me hes 16-17 (MAYBE 18 MAYBE!) and theres no way u can convince me kobato is over 16… (and im giving her some there…)

Originally posted by Allarian:
After finally having the time to open my copy and look at it, I have to comment that G-Collections games keep getting better. I really like the feel and light hearted story to this game, kind of feels like TCI in a way.

But, there is one glaring problem....

Oldest Daughter: Misago - Age: 21
Second Oldest: Tsugumi - Age: 19
Youngest: Kobato - Age: 18
Extra girl: Hina Aihara - Age: 19

Mother of the three: Chidori - Age: 30

AGE 30?!?! Ehrmm... ahem. So she was 9 years old when she gave birth to Misago. *Shakes head.* They sure don't waste any time now a days.

Obviously, she either lied about her age, is a stepmother, or she's a clone conceived by a superior intelligent lifeform from outer space.

Ayanami Chidori, huh?

So while were on the subject… anyone figured out how to get more than 1 girl in a scene (someones bound to ask so ill save em the trouble)

I believe i can honestly say ive tried every option i could…
Oh and if you know, HINT dont tell me how to do it… just gimme a hint.

[This message has been edited by Gambit (edited 04-23-2003).]

Originally posted by bokmeow:
Obviously, she either lied about her age, is a stepmother, or she's a clone conceived by a superior intelligent lifeform from outer space.
Or rather, they changed the ages for the girls for the US release... Did so for Gloria and Snow Drop...
Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
[quote] Originally posted by bokmeow:
[b] Obviously, she either lied about her age, is a stepmother, or she's a clone conceived by a superior intelligent lifeform from outer space.

Or rather, they changed the ages for the girls for the US release... Did so for Gloria and Snow Drop...[/b] [/quote]

Joke, my friend. You need to catch on quickly.

Have you beaten the game with every girl Gambit? It might have a Harem mode like Kango where there is just a special storyline at the end that you get all the girls together . I really thought that was kinda neat in Kango.

yep, got em all (had the last 3 days off)
(im missing a misago cg that i also cant get for the life of me… no matter how nice or how mean… or how middle of the road i am.