for all you canadians...

let’s all move down to the states…

http://www.thestar.c om/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1&c=Article&cid=1079003229412&call_pageid=968867495754&col=969483191630

…unless we write “all charas are over 18” on everything

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 03-13-2004).]

Can anyone explains in PLAIN English what this means? I’ve read the first article, and part of the second and third, and I can’t make out what exactly they are talking about.

meaning…anybody who is busted with any sexual material that involves people under 18, or appear to be under 18, and regardless of whether it’s real photos or virtual stuff (art, writing, drama etc), you cannot use “artist merit” as your defence (meaning you cannot say it’s just a form of art). instead you have to prove that it’s “for public good” (whatever that means).

this applies to people who possess such items, and people who create them (artists, script-writers)

and of course this upsets the art community because of censorship issues.

at least thats my interpretation

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 03-13-2004).]

My God…

Originally posted by Lamuness:
(...)"for public good" (whatever that means). (...)

That is just scary to even think about them trying to do this since it is on the censorship side of artwork, I fully agree with that interpertation. I think it is rather like they are little kids since they thought they had to change the law because the last one they had in place might have actually worked to protect children, but allowed for 'artist expression' of non real children, my interpertation of part of what the first article mentioned.

Equally worse I never like it when 'the state' says 'for public good' because at least what history seems to show they mean 'for the good of the state', which is always a scary phrase since it at the least of the worst is used for censorship as it seems to be here, that is just scary.

Thank goodness for the First Amendment, or what is left of it these days.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 03-14-2004).]

Originally posted by Lamuness:
... instead you have to prove that it's "for public good" (whatever that means).

this applies to people who possess such items, and people who create them (artists, script-writers)

and of course this upsets the art community because of censorship issues.

at least thats my interpretation

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 03-13-2004).]

Great !!!!
My banned books will be BANNED!!!!
So will the copies in the public library!!!
I am a big fan of Jean M. Auel and the Book Clan of the Cave Bear and several later books deal with forced sex!

PS. I guess the movie would be banned too!

what the hell is this?

Read the articles to gain a better sense or if you have and are still not sure, it is (in my intepertation) the ruling body, government, giving itself the right to say what is and is not to be allowed as artwork in any form artwork can take from the printed word to the painted picture to a pixel image on a computer game. So far, that is all they are giving themselves the right control in terms of what is and is not artwork.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 03-17-2004).]

Originally posted by SCDawg:
Read the articles to gain a better sense or if you have and are still not sure, it is (in my intepertation) the ruling body, government, giving itself the right to say what is and is not to be allowed as artwork in any form artwork can take from the printed word to the painted picture to a pixel image on a computer game. So far, that is all they are giving themselves the right control in terms of what is and is not artwork.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 03-17-2004).]

It is even worse in Australa. They have laws now against profanity in computer source listings. You can't write "This f**king bit needs to be set regardles of the hardware reset"

[This message has been edited by woodelf (edited 03-18-2004).]

Originally posted by woodelf:
It is even worse in Australa. They have laws now against profanity in computer source listings. You can't write "This f**king bit needs to be set regardles of the hardware reset"[This message has been edited by woodelf (edited 03-18-2004).]

I feel like quoting The Daily Show or paraphrasing at least, to 'honor' (note the sarcasm) Australia's 'noble' (more sarcasm) attempts by saying "and thus the internet was purged of all objectionable material".

More seriously that is very scary too because first it is those words, but what about other words that offend people? I mean what if the word, prune starts to offend the elderly population? Will that be banned from all but recipe sites? Also, not that it matters, but is it only for languages spoken in Australia or for all langauages? That is does the ban exist so that you cannot even put such a word in a language that they might not speak in Australia on your web site?

Orwell was right, about 20 years off, but each of these steps brings us closer to the world that Orwell protrayed in 1984, and in many ways we are already there since there are few places Big Brother is not watching us anymore, all for our safety of course which might have been the original idea and intent, but then comes who is defining 'danger' and are they actually using it to keep us safe? Not as paranoid as it might sound these days.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 03-18-2004).]

What a coincidence… The book 1984 popped up a couple of times in Dutch class the last few weeks.

Well, yeah, we are already being watched. Well, the US isn’t yet, though. But the whole rest of the world is being watched and listened to with the Echelon network. Our privacy is being broken every day. It’s scary. Of course this is all the handiwork of the corrupted CIA.
It gets even more stupid when you know, that the US KNEW that there was going to be an assault on the WTC because of that network. But the government wouldn’t listen. What the use then? Bah!

Actually we in the US are being watched. Go to any major city and you are almost always on camera, and it is not just the cities anymore, roadways have cameras to ‘watch traffic’ malls have cameras everywhere, Wal-Mart listens to and watches the actions of all its’ customers, e-mails are probably read, etc. I am not sure there is any place in this world any more where many of your actions are not watched. Thanks to certain ‘acts’ it has become even easier in the U.S. to watch people without justification.

It is a variation of HUAC all over again. HUAC was the House on Un-American Activities Committee that had the ‘witch-hunts’ for ‘communisits’ during the 1950’s and ruined many lives of people mostly I believe Hollywood actors who someone got the inane idea were mostly all ‘evil-communists’ who they thought were bent on over-turning the ‘American way-of-life’, and as I remember reading about it all you would have to do is give someone’s name to the committee and with no more then that information they were a suspect, bugged, watched, followed, etc. It is still going on today in a different form and much less public, scary huh?

As to the US knowing, there is also strong evidence the US knew about other such occurances in the past but did nothing about them before hand, and once more blaming ‘break-downs in the intelligence network’.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 03-19-2004).]

Oh, so you’re already being watched? o_O
Well, the Echelon network is going to join your cameras soon…

Most if not all public places people are being watched nowadays yes that is true. Within the home there is still some privacy, though how much of a life lived over the computer, which all lives are since all personal informaiton is stored on a computer somewhere, how much is truly private is a question to be asked if not always answered. It is not paranoia here either, remember with the right numbers, be it Social Security for those living in the US or whatever would be similar for other countries, people can probably access everything about you including a first grade report card if they so desired.