For smart debaters

I have been wondering for quite some time but anyway here’s the question:

Is hentai games good for us? Discuss.

In my opinion, it all depends. In my country, first thing the majority does not even know of the word “hentai”. Next, if they were to know the meaning of hentai, most would have this notion that it is for sick and twisted people especially since it cartoon porn. However, after visitng this forum for quite some time, i realised that u guys sure don’t go for hentai scene but more for storyline,gameplay,graphic and treating the h-scenes as a bonus to ur gaming experience (correct me if i am wrong) This is what i did as well but can anyone provide me more grounds on whether is it good for us? One thing for sure, it is a good source of entertainment for those who likes it

I can’t be any more harmful than all the violence you’re nearly force-fed from other media, both real and fictional.

Really, the world seems to be going to hell in a handbasket every time I watch the news these days, playing a game focusing on love instead of hate can’t possibly make things worse.

“Good for us” is certainly a subjective term. I think that consuming a whole lot of porn will eventually desensitize one to sex quite effectively, but then again, so will the simple matter of aging. And these days of the Internet, I expect the excitement one gets out of the sex scenes in bishoujo games is insignificant versus the volume viewed simply skimming porn sites.

Personally, these days I’m finding myself simply bored with the sex scenes in most of the bishoujo games I’m playing, as they all play out basically the same way and rarely offer much insight into the characters. Not to mention it’s difficult to find characters I care about in most of the more recent games, the way I did in Tokimeki Check-In. I find myself hankering for games with more solid story and characters…I would readily trade the two dozen bishoujo games I have now for an English version of the console port of TO HEART. (Whether I would pay the same total sum of cash up front for TO HEART is a different matter )

Originally posted by warmaid:
However, after visitng this forum for quite some time, i realised that u guys sure don't go for hentai scene but more for storyline,gameplay,graphic and treating the h-scenes as a bonus to ur gaming experience (correct me if i am wrong) This is what i did ...

Minor side point: we are the clear minority. We're the most vocal, so we're overrepresented. Most people, apparently, play the games for the h-scenes. The XChange series did quite well in Japan, and also over here.

As to whether these games are good or bad for us... I don't think the question's even applicable. The ides that works of literature can be "bad" or "good" for one's mind seems ... alien. I don't believe in the notion of blasphemy, or heresy; exposing ones'self to new ideas can't be bad.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Minor side point: we are the clear minority. We're the most vocal, so we're overrepresented. Most people, apparently, play the games for the h-scenes. The XChange series did quite well in Japan, and also over here.

Nandemonai definitely has a point here. In general, we aren't typical B-gamers. Our preference for story-games is clearly at odds with what the majority seems to buy. I think a major reason for this is that long-time fans of b-games necessarily tend to appreciate the games more for their story than the sexual content. As Mozart hinted at, over time the similar sexual situations featured in these games begin to lose their impact. A long-time fan who plays a lot of these games must have some other motivation for playing them, or he would tire of them and move on.

As for whether playing these games is good or's hard to say either way. Is satisfying sexual urges a bad thing, if that's the goal? I'd like to think no. Do good romantic stories make one a better person? Probably not. Do they improve oneself in some way? Perhaps, if only to broaden one's perspective, and maybe immprove one's writing skills. Is the frequently reoccuring theme in b-games of male domination over females (even in seemingly innocuous titles) unhealthy to some extent? Quite possibly, depending on the person.

Overall, playing B-games doesn't seem more or less beneficial or detrimental than most other hobbies. I play them because I enjoy doing so; that's enough for me.

wow u guys are good at analysing all these. so good to see such people in our forum

Please don’t call these games hentai games! We are not perverts!

Ecchi is the official name.

“Ecchi” is essentially the same as “hentai.” Both can be used as “pervert” but “ecchi” is a much lighter word. Kind of like “V-mate is crap.” and “V-mate is $hit.” both give the same meaning but one is stronger than the other.

To give you a roughish idea, forum goers just slightly make the single digits in % of sales. (Which is to say, you’re somewhere between 1% to 9% of our sales numbers. And you’re on the low end of that. I lack the actual numbers to give a hard percentage.) This is, btw, is a high number. Some games, like EverQuest, or Final Fantasy XI, or others will have less than 1% of people who bought it be vocal on a message board.