Foreigners Banned or Connection Crappiness? is a great source of demos, often unavailable elsewhere, but since my last visit a few months ago, I CAN’T download even the smallest files from that site (I get a “Unreachable Server” error).
Not a few similar sites -visit for the most useful example- share this “trait”, but only because of too much connections (and in fact I usually get my files from Holyseal during my “nocturnal” computer sessions). Tragically, remain unavailable to me ALL THE TIME :slight_smile: .

I can download stuff on that site from Norfolk, Virginia - both on my home connection (Cox Cable) and my work connection (USLEC).

So they’re not blocking United States eastern seaboard ISP…

I’ve just tried and it won’t even connect for me when I select a file to download (the connection just times out) so it might be european ISP’s that have been affected.

Hmmh, usually I get an Http 403 Error message from Foreigners Banned sites like (yes, it’s still forbidden to me), not a Server Does Not Respond warning.
I was inclined to blame my cheap (in most senses -EXCEPT the monthly fee: 19.95 EUR for 2.4 Mbps-) ADSL from Telecom Italia (you need to know that Italian netsurfers/citizens have to contend with OLD, BAD AND OVERPRICED Internet/telephone cable connections, the result of 60 years of state monopoly -it’s not coincidence if Italy has more cell phones than inhabitants BY FAR-), but if other users from Europe too get my same answer…
What’s Happening :stuck_out_tongue: )?

here’s my experience with holyseal, and by the way both sites you mentioned connect here from canada:

when i download demos and stuff from holyseal, its quite often that i get a 403 error but if you read the fine print they always say it’s because too many people connected to it and asks you to try later. i would then either try the different mirrors or wait for a bit later

and i just tried your claimed ¬ã¬π¬ÉL¬É¬Ö¬É"¬ÅI¬Ç√ç¬Ç¬ü¬Ç√Ü de -√∂¬ÉV¬ÅE¬Ée¬ÅE¬É¬ã demo movie download just for the hell of it. if i just click on your “old intro” link i did get a 403 error. but if i actually dig into the link from the front page of the site (as in, locating unisonsoft, the game, and then clicking on the movie) the link works…so that can only mean one thing: the site cuts off external referrers, which of course is perfectly reasonable due to bandwidth issues and people (such as a certain italian member right here :stuck_out_tongue: ) directly linking.

…maybe you should consider putting an end to your annoying habit of posting/using direct links? :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 08-01-2007, 03:50 PM: Message edited by: Lamuness ]

Originally posted by Lamuness:
[b]…maybe you should consider putting an end to your annoying habit of posting/using direct links? :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: !!
However I DO know the correct procedure for downloading movies, as Lamuness says, but still I keep receiving “Server Does Not Respond” messages (and I’m NOT using download managers).
Therefore… What it means? Too much traffic/connections or USA/Canada: Yes and Europe/Rest Of The World: No :confused: ?

I have “Server time out” messages…

That, too :frowning:

Direct download from the Tokyo Subway is different, I suppose :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: .