
bookmarks Fxho’s Snow Drop page Thanks! Really nice page, that! Have even throught of letting that page get put up on Anime Pike, or at least let Ladyphoenix link to it?

BTW, what happened to Quasi Dogma’s Brave Soul Page?

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
*bookmarks Fxho's Snow Drop page* Thanks! Really nice page, that! Have even throught of letting that page get put up on Anime Pike, or at least let Ladyphoenix link to it? [img][/img]

That's because I placed more emphasis on my Kakyuusei web page! (It is listed in Anipike). As for links, it is open, though, again, I haven't updated it since I made it last year, and I don't plan to update it either.

I’ve got a solution for you, Ladyphoenix! Get yourself a nice asissent, co-worker, or someone like that who takes care of the stupid e-mails for you!

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 08-18-2002).]

Originally posted by fxho:
Even then, I receive an email once a month asking about where to get the game and/or get tips and hints. Guess what? I direct them to the BBS.

Hmmm. Good point. I have to think about that...

Originally posted by fxho:
Have you looked at Tripod? Sure, there are ads, but, then again, there is no such things as a free lunch.

I would'nd mind the ads, but aren't there some limitations, regarding the contents of websites, tripod hosts? I recall ladyphoenix telling me to send no screenshots containing nudity because of the regulations from tripod.

Originally posted by fxho:
Competition is what drives other people to improve. In fact, you can even put a different point of view from hers.

I think, I can tell my point of view in the reviews, I send here for posting. At least, as far as she posts them unchanged.
We may have some different opinions, which games deserve beeing fully featured, but her MISC-section is in my opinion an acceptable solution.

Originally posted by fxho:
You don't HAVE to learn HTML. There are plenty of GUI HTML editors that does the coding for you. Though the end result is not the most elegant in some cases, it is a workable solution.

It's one of my principles: If I do anything, I want to do it right without any compromises. I know about "GUI HTML editors". However, I am not convinced I would be satisfied with the resulting pages. Let's take your pages, you kindly linked to in the posts, as an example: Did you do them with a GUI editor, or by coding HTML manually?

Originally posted by fxho:
Rather, think of it as a chance to show others where to get the "real" thing.

Another (or almost the same) good point, worth to think about twice.

Originally posted by fxho:
But, unlike SB, I won't say it's a shame...

Heh! In order to judge, if it's a shame, the page would have to exist'in the first place, and if that condition is met, it could not be a shame anymore. (Only, it might then be a shame, if it turns out that way, I have added another worthless URL to the net. (Think about those as countless as useless geocities...))

Originally posted by woodelf:
She has 3 of them... For faster response enclose a can of tuna. [img][/img]

Email: "Can you please tell me how to get these games? I really want to download them..."

Response: "Meow!"

Remember, confusion to your enemies! And you're allies! The guy next door if you have some time...

My dream from last night.

Wake up.
Prowl my way up on to Ladyphoenix-sama’s bosom and lick her face to inform her that it is time to feed me. Add in a “Meow” for added effect.
After reorienting myself after the toss, confidently make my way to the kitchen to await my food.
Cheerfully greet Ladyphoenix-sama with a chorus of Meows and Purrs while rubbing against her ankles.
Devour the food placed in my bowl, and wash it down with some nice refreshing water.
Play with the other cats, and saunter away to lick myself clean.
Jump into Ladyphoenix-sama’s lap. Knead her thighs with my front paws and purr loudly, as I settle to a short nap.

(to be continued)

Anyone else have dreams like this?

Originally posted by Unicorn:
I would'nd mind the ads, but aren't there some limitations, regarding the contents of websites, tripod hosts? I recall ladyphoenix telling me to send no screenshots containing nudity because of the regulations from tripod.

You don't need to put nude images in your web page. Again, look at my Snow Drop page, it has no nudity, just a warning of what the game has. Think of Anime-on-DVD reviews. They have a Javescript script that pops out every time there is an 18+ old review. But it has no nude image...

Originally posted by Unicorn:
I think, I can tell my point of view in the reviews, I send here for posting. At least, as far as she posts them unchanged.
We may have some different opinions, which games deserve beeing fully featured, but her MISC-section is in my opinion an acceptable solution.

I think this has been discussed before, the fact that people don't check for old postings. So, even if you direct them here, that does not guarantee they will check old posts.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
It's one of my principles: If I do anything, I want to do it right without any compromises. I know about "GUI HTML editors". However, I am not convinced I would be satisfied with the resulting pages. Let's take your pages, you kindly linked to in the posts, as an example: Did you do them with a GUI editor, or by coding HTML manually?

I encoded them manually, but that was because I was in a sort-of sabbatical (sp?), so I had time to learn. If you don't have the patience, time or desire to learn, there are the GUI alternatives. Wait... You thought I used an GUI HTML editor???

Originally posted by ekylo:
Email: "Can you please tell me how to get these games? I really want to download them..."

Response: "Meow!"

Remember, confusion to your enemies! And you're allies! The guy next door if you have some time...

He who fools his friends fools his enemies. And when you've fooled everyone you're, um, way smarter than us all. Go you.

Originally posted by ksarchet:
My dream from last night.

Wake up.
Prowl my way up on to Ladyphoenix-sama's bosom and lick her face to inform her that it is time to feed me. Add in a "Meow" for added effect.
After reorienting myself after the toss, confidently make my way to the kitchen to await my food.
Cheerfully greet Ladyphoenix-sama with a chorus of Meows and Purrs while rubbing against her ankles.
Devour the food placed in my bowl, and wash it down with some nice refreshing water.
Play with the other cats, and saunter away to lick myself clean.
Jump into Ladyphoenix-sama's lap. Knead her thighs with my front paws and purr loudly, as I settle to a short nap.

(to be continued)

Anyone else have dreams like this?

Er, no, nope, never, no way, of course not, nyet, iie, not in a million years...

:blinks and puts on innocent face:

What? Don't you people believe me? (Guess I can't fool people as well as I thought... [img][/img])

Originally posted by fxho:
Wait... You thought I used an GUI HTML editor???

Not really. But if it would have been this way, I would have liked to know, which one you used.

Originally posted by ekylo:
What? Don't you people believe me? (Guess I can't fool people as well as I thought... [img][/img])

Hah! The word "DOUBT" hangs in the air as you speak. Try to erase the word from the air first [img][/img]

BTW, sounds like a very nice dream to drem [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 08-20-2002).]

Originally posted by ksarchet:
My dream from...

(to be continued)

Ksarchets dream, episode 2:
A visit at the veterinary station for giving him a castration...

Some dreams tend to turn rather quick into nightmares! [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 08-20-2002).]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Ksarchets dream, episode 2:
A visit at the veterinary station for giving him a castration...

Some dreams tend to turn rather quick into nightmares! [img][/img]

*Ksarchets murmurs in his sleep.."Ack! Meow! Noo,not that...! Gah, everything's over!". What a nightmare *shudder* Sometimes I wonder if we really should castrate cats like that [img][/img].

By the way:

Are you now at your new school and have managend to get through to us again, or are you still at home?

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 08-20-2002).]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
By the way:

Are you now at your new school and have managend to get through to us again, or are you still at home?

"new" school? not quite, I've been going here for two years now [img][/img]. Yes, I'm at school now (no work the first day, just lots of info). We're finished for the day now, and I'll soon be heading home to my new aparement, and then to the nearest store to buy some things I forgot to buy (Hmm, mustn't forget sugar this time...). but as I said, after a certain time of the day, you're unlikely to hear anything from me, unless I get hold of a computer at the libray. Or unless I'm at home in my hometown where I've got free access to the Net.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
*Ksarchets murmurs in his sleep.."Ack! Meow! Noo,not that...! Gah, everything's over!". What a nightmare *shudder* Sometimes I wonder if we really should castrate cats like that [img][/img].

"Okay, Mr...Ksarchet? What we're going to do now is show you all the instruments that we're going to be using. This item here to my right is called a squeegee, and this item over here to your left is what we affectionately refer to as Mr. Power Saw"

ok, just a few thoughts i had while reading through the recent additions to this thread about stuff…

first and foremost, i will never change someone’s review of a game to reflect differently than their opinion is…i mostly edit for spelling, grammar, and easily-understood sentences and such. everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and i feel that you should be able to express them on my site, even if I personally don’t agree with them.

as for which games get full sections on my website as opposed ot those that get put in the misc section, i try to showcase (aka Full section) games that are easily accessible to a person interested in buying them…if someone got interested because i did a full section on true love, then realized it is near impossible to get a legal copy, they would probably turn to pirating it, thus probably starting a bad trend…but if they know they can click on a link and buy the game securely in minutes and easily, they are more likely to not think of pirating it…i usually try to showcase games that i own personally, so i have access to more information about the games in case i am asked further questions or for my own personal opinion…but i also know that my opinion on what games are good enough to own is just that, only my own opinion, so therefore i am making the misc section for people who strongly feel for or against any other bishoujo game out there, as they are all valuable, even if i don’t like them or own them, and people should know that they exist too

i hope this explains my motivation behind how i am setting up my page and how i choose what games to show…that is why i will showcase Kana and Snow Drop and Desire and Eve, but not Kotobuki or True Love or Paradise Heights

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
"Okay, Mr...Ksarchet? What we're going to do now is show you all the instruments that we're going to be using. This item here to my right is called a squeegee, and this item over here to your left is what we affectionately refer to as Mr. Power Saw"

Stop giving my subconcious ideas like that. I have trouble enough getting to sleep.

I was more wondering about the squeegee…

Hmm, actually, thanks for explaining how you are seperating the titles on your website, Ladyphoenix-san. Makes sense to me. I know I always feel more than a little odd when I end up trying to answer a question about a game I havn’t played myself or only a long time ago. (Which reminds, I still need to work on some reviews before the next testing cycle at works starts up.)