
OK, I am getting very frustrated here…at least twice or three times a week, i get an email from someone about my website basically saying "Wow, you have a cool site, how do i get the games on your site to work, what program do i need ot run them, where exactly can i download them?"

for crying out loud, aren’t i clear enough that i am promoting LEGAL LEGITIMATE sales for these games? what do i have to do, write it in huge neon-pink blinking letters at the top of every screen? don’t i provide enough links to where ot buy them? are people just THAT STUPID???

ok i am done now

Good that you got to release your frustation . People ARE stupid, I guess; or simply can’t read.

What do you reply to them, BTW?

Yes, some people are just that stupid.

What I tend to do is have pre-written E-mails for things that I am constantly asked. When someone asks, I just copy in the relevent reply and hit send.

And yes, please are that stupid unfortunately!

While I’m at it, I might as well ask you exacly what are you going to put in the “misc” section of your homepage? Things like stip poker/puzzle games?

Yes, people are stupid, imagine how many of those emails I got in the past (and still receiving them in my abandoned email account)

For better or for worse, I personally think you would have to actually write it in huge neon-pink blink letters…not only to make it clear but also to make them feel stupid :stuck_out_tongue:

And don’t forget to post your pic too :stuck_out_tongue:

i usually reply with things to make them feel stupid, while at the same time seeming likei am trying to be helpful…

for example, one guy wrote me asking which program he needed to run the games on my site…i knew he meant which crack program, but i replied in all nicety that I put the system requirements in each section, and that most of these games run fine in a Windows environment another guy wrote me that he downloaded the games on my site, but they wouldn’t run, to which i replied that they were demo movies, NOT games, and they would run fine in Windows Media player or Quicktime…apparently he couldn’t even be bothered to read that what he was downloading was a movie, not a game

as for the miscellaneous section, there will be reviews and guides for games idon’t coveri n full…for example, i currently have reviews for kotobuki, fatal relations, true love, and others…it doesn’t mean miscellaneous little silly things, just anything i don’t cover in full sections that comes out in english and that i get submissions for

I know I’ve gotten a few and I don’t even have a website! (too darn visible on BBS and such I guess…)

And not that I’m condoning their inability to read, but some people’s only exposure to bishoujo games are through downloads and they really do think that’s the only way to get them. (Yes, a few people are really this naive.) Personally, I try to be polite unless they do piss me off in which case I do retaliate in ways I won’t talk about here, mainly for legal reasons…

Just make a universal reply Like Turrican said. It might not be all that bad you have a chance to educate some pirates, granted most will not care, but who knows you might change a few peoples minds about pirating.

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
are people just THAT STUPID?????

Of course they are. What'd they do this time?

Originally posted by ekylo:
I know I've gotten a few and I don't even have a website! (too darn visible on BBS and such I guess...)

And not that I'm condoning their inability to read, but some people's only exposure to bishoujo games are through downloads and they really do think that's the only way to get them. (Yes, a few people are really this naive.) Personally, I try to be polite unless they do piss me off in which case I do retaliate in ways I won't talk about here, mainly for legal reasons...

The first time I downloaded one of these games (I've already said I used to get fullylegalbackupcopies of stuff in the old days but stopped, so please don't have me arrested), I didn't even have a clue that this was pirated content; it was only much later that I noticed the copyright information.

Heh, well I needed to either blame BBS visibility or given in to one of my paranoid delusions…

To tell you the truth, I don’t mind as much because occassionally I do get an email from someone who’s interested in learning more about the games or with actually questions about the content and background rather than just where to download them from. Really wish there were more people like that.

Never under estimate stupid people in large numbers. (That’s how laws get passed)

Well, seems like I’m lucky compared to other people here then; I haven’t got a single mail where someone asks me “where can I download those gmaes?”, but I’ve been asked that on a couple of BBS before .

A part of the problem might not be that they ae jus t"stupid", but that they learn that those games are download able… What I mean is that people seeking for those kind of games will mostly discover sites where old (and often bad) adult bishoujo games, such as Paradise Heights, and then they’ll ge tthe impression that all gmaes are like that , and should be avliable for doenloading (since they are different from most US games/other games, if you know what I mean).

But aside thatl, people are stupid .

the really stupid thing is this though…people may not know that games are buyable and more than downloadable, but i say it in about twelve places on my website, which makes them stupid for not reading before asking dumb questions

… another good reason for me, not to make my own website for reviews …

You don’t want to make a website just because of some idiots/ignorant peopel?

But I shudder to even think of what kind of e-mails those kinds of peole might send to PP and poor Lamuness (for I’m sure that at least a couple of people have been stupid enough to ask PP to give them some games for free or something like that).

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
You don't want to make a website just because of some idiots/ignorant peopel? [img][/img]

To put it more exactly:
1.) maintaining an own website is a lot of work
2.) I would have to pay for bandwidth
3.) I would have to compete with websites, as well done, as ladyphoenix-samas
4.) I would have to learn HTML (can't do it right now. Learning japanese is more fun [img][/img] )

And if I'd do that, my reward would be getting spammed by mails, asking for free downloads and links to pirate-sites.

Thanks, but no thanks... [img][/img]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
To put it more exactly:
1.) maintaining an own website is a lot of work
2.) I would have to pay for bandwidth
3.) I would have to compete with websites, as well done, as ladyphoenix-samas
4.) I would have to learn HTML (can't do it right now. Learning japanese is more fun [img][/img] )

And if I'd do that, my reward would be getting spammed by mails, asking for free downloads and links to pirate-sites.

Thanks, but no thanks... [img][/img]

Well, can't say that I don't understand your reasons, but it's still a pity... [img][/img].

Originally posted by Unicorn:
To put it more exactly:
1.) maintaining an own website is a lot of work

Though it is true that most of the time is 99% perspiration, you have to admit that once done, people admire what you have done. However, you don't need update it frequently. I made a Snow Drop (cheap plug-in!) page long time ago, and I haven't even bother to check for it since. Even then, I receive an email once a month asking about where to get the game and/or get tips and hints. Guess what? I direct them to the BBS.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
2.) I would have to pay for bandwidth

Have you looked at Tripod? Sure, there are ads, but, then again, there is no such things as a free lunch.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
3.) I would have to compete with websites, as well done, as ladyphoenix-samas

Competition is what drives other people to improve. In fact, you can even put a different point of view from hers.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
4.) I would have to learn HTML (can't do it right now. Learning japanese is more fun [img][/img] )

You don't HAVE to learn HTML. There are plenty of GUI HTML editors that does the coding for you. Though the end result is not the most elegant in some cases, it is a workable solution.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
And if I'd do that, my reward would be getting spammed by mails, asking for free downloads and links to pirate-sites.

Thanks, but no thanks... [img][/img]

Rather, think of it as a chance to show others where to get the "real" thing. If they keep on with stupidities, you can always choose to ignore them.

However, if you still don't want to do it, hey, I won't force you. But, unlike SB, I won't say it's a shame...

[This message has been edited by fxho (edited 08-16-2002).]