G-collection, PP games, and piracy

One thing I noticed G-Collections releases short games, static images, more like an interactive book instead of very interesting game play than say PP. I noticed that on the piracy out there I saw fewer high quality games like Brave Soul than say G-Collections which could be found everywhere. I think to myself that is because Brave Soul was a high quality, multiple ending true game with content while G-Collections like to charge same price for very low content type game that should be much over $30.00 at the maximum price. To this day I still find alot more G-collection releases than PP and why is that? Perhaps people give a little more respect for a game that charges for it’s worth and has real replayability? More people tend to support a company more with a good product than just one rushing out a lower cheaper product and charging more for it. Just my thoughts I could be wrong.

It would be nice if that were true, but somehow I doubt it. While there ARE ethical pirates in the world, a lot of them don’t really care that much, and will simultaneously whine that there aren’t enough good games being translated while demanding links to free downloads of translated games. (Yes, I thwap these people.)

I freely admit to being a try-before-you-buy person and willing to screw companies if they try to screw me. But I wouldn’t have dreamed of pirating Brave Soul, I was dead set on getting my legit copy and went through months of pain and annoyance to do it. However, I don’t think everyone has the same moral standards I do.

Piracy and “respect” don’t belong in the same sentence. The piracy site that I’m monitoring for VM crack announcements has downloads for every GC and PeaPri game ever published - multiple versions in some cases. The crack for Gibo appeared only days after its release. So far neither of GC’s VM games has been broken, despite numerous pleas from members [including the moderator] that someone should get busy with it.

As others say, I don’t believe most pirates have any scruples about offering for downloading/downloading anything they can get their hands on, regardless of quality. They’ll even download a game like Brave Soul, say it’s a great game, and immediately recommend that others come and download it too. It’s a different kind of logic. They think a game is great and want others to enjoy it too, but they don’t give a second thought to the idea that downloading the game doesn’t support the company that made it, or even that it’s not right. They don’t want to think about it. That’s how I was, and still am to some degree. I don’t pirate b-games because I want to support this small industry, and I already have a good idea what I like. I don’t usually pirate games, as a general rule. I would have pirated WinXP in a heartbeat if I’d gotten the chance, though.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 12-14-2004).]

I couldn’t care less if anyone pirates any MS OS. Everytime someone buys a new computer it comes with a new OS, usually a Microsoft one. Microsoft screws you enough that if you can get something for free from them, why not. But game pirates don’t think about rights and wrongs at all. I’ve even heard people say “Why pay $50 for a DVD case and a paper label?”

Personally I’m of the opinion that if you have one thing legal, it should at least be your OS.

Originally posted by perigee:
The piracy site that I'm monitoring for VM crack announcements has downloads for every GC and PeaPri game ever published - multiple versions in some cases.

A really really long time ago I found a b-game pirate's FAQ. It spent a good deal of time ranting and raving about Mr. Payne's anti-piracy activities. He had his own section ^___^ and it had stuff like "this bastard is the reason you do not post links". You know you're accomplishing a lot when your enemies create special entries in their information for you, and start calling you names.

I'm monitoring one of the game piracy newsgroups for VMate-cracked games. I saw requests the day of release for both VMate titles. I was not surprised either.

Originally posted by Benoit:
Personally I'm of the opinion that if you have one thing legal, it should at least be your OS.

What if u have many OS????
in my case i have winXP, ME, 2000 server, 3.1 and 3.11...........................oh, and i also have linux (but i didnt pay for it)

Well, Linux is free in most cases.

If you have many OSes? Pay for them all, of course. :stuck_out_tongue:

hehe I didn’t like registering windows XP and I knew a guy that had the final release of Windows XP Professional Corporate Edition that made it’s way to a few companies that are MS partners before MS killed the idea and he managed to syphon off a copy for me… So mine is a legal copy, but it was never intended for ‘home use’ like it gets… Or multiple PC’s which it also gets (my parents have the other install and I did that because I only have one copy of XP and giving them an older OS would have been a disaster in the end)…