G-collections back!

The webpage is back up, and they are soon going to release the v-mate patches!!! :slight_smile:

That’s nice.

Figures of Happiness is still waiting for playing.

Though I still have to fully complete other games.

Thats great news !!
Now i’m just wondering?? Whats the next game they will release?? and when will it be released…
Maybe we will know when they update their site to the new homepage.

No, how they did it isnt really that bad…
Heres the way i see it… they lost or fired ALOT of personel, made some changes, hired new web people. And the guy in charge decided it was easiest like that until the new guy could learn the format, now they have a full time team teasting the vmate patches for 5? titles so thats a full time thing.

Why does anyone believe G-Collections is back? I don’t see any more sign of life there now than before. Still no new product announcements. Their BBS still “closed for remodeling”. [Actually, it’s still being hosted from the same Japanese server where it’s always been.]

They added a few words about the V-Mate patches. We already knew PP was preparing that. It was announced months ago. Is there any reason to believe that PP doesn’t own the GC web site, and that being the case, any reason to think they would restaff GC rather than expand their own production facilities?

I think GC is nothing more than an empty storefront. Its purpose is to attract people who had bookmarked it before or who found it referenced somewhere. Free advertising for PP.

[This message has been edited by perigee (edited 07-03-2005).]


Heres the way i see it.. they lost or fired ALOT of personel, made some changes, hired new web people. And the guy in charge decided it was easiest like that until the new guy could learn the format, now they have a full time team teasting the vmate patches for 5?

Didn't peter actually post something to the effect that peach princess is taking over all the g-collection properties? I could be smoking crack here, but I would have sworn I read something about that a few weeks ago.

Also, I doubt they have alot of people testing this v-mate "patches". Hell I'm sure they're probably all done already or atleast nearly done. I mean, for f***s sake, you can download patches for all the v-mate games off of overnet or kad right now. I was curious about it and it took me all of 2 minutes to find. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/redface.gif[/img]

Maybe the cost is too prohibitive or something, but honestly these companies need to try to swing a deal with StarForce ([url=http://www.star-force.com]http://www.star-force.com[/url]) if they are worried about piracy. V-mate, quite frankly, was a retarded idea for this kind of media. Now if it was digitally delivered content, then I could see it, but thats not the case here.

I'm not too fond of the idea myself, mostly because I like to play games off images on my HD (I @#!%$ hate hunting around for cd-roms) and Star Force is such a pain in the ass that I end up keeping the disks for those games on hand because its more of a pain in the ass to get around the copy protection then to rummage through the pig stye of my room for a cd-rom.

Now, I'm not saying S.F. is perfect - its obviously not or I wouldn't even know how to get around it in the first place. But it is definately harder to make a "patch" for a S.F. protected game than it was for the v-mate system. Infact, I wager that many people who "pirate" probably couldn't figure out how to disable the S.F. protection if they had a walk through infront of them.

Anyway, if the b-game market here is ever going to take off its going to require either a stellar (and non intrusive )copy protection scheme, or some other business model than the current mail order one.

Sorry for rambling on so much, but this has been on my mind for a long time.

/goes back to watching school rumble

you can download patches for all the v-mate games off of overnet or kad right now

Except for Figures of Happiness.

Except for Figures of Happiness.

Like it'll take long for that to happen. The last g-collections game I ordered, I swear to God that there was a crack out for it within 2 weeks of it arriving on my door step (and I pre-ordered it).

I'd be willing to bet someone releases a crack for this game on overnet before g-collections has it for download on their website. I almost wonder if they're just letting the pirates do the job for them, and then letting people download those files in an installer :P

/kind of half kidding

Italicus sent an e-mail to me this morning informing me that it has been done yesterday, according to his info.

Yep, I just did a search and found it too. Dang that was fast.

That’s been the rumour for months now