G senjou no maou

Can you please use spoiler tags when you post something like that…

Sorry, I just edit it^^;

No, we don’t have permission to use them. Yes, I have tried asking for permission. Out of twenty or so requests, only about three were answered. One even said they didn’t sell their games to the US… which didn’t even answer my request. So end conclusion: they honestly don’t care about the site. I’d truly imagine they’d be more interested in stopping all the illegal torrent sites that STEAL profit from them, than an obscure English site that tries to promote legit sales by using a half dozen pictures. 2chan and 4chan show more than we do. Also from time to time I’ve noticed IP Addresses from visitors, who are actually from the Japanese makers (same general IP as their site, although the last octet might be different by +/- one). They don’t post, but I think they’re slightly curious what a gaijin might rate their game as. Or just who the hell is linking to them. They often run them through an English to Japanese online translator - like Google or Excite - according to the logs. Lastly, they don’t block the site from linking to their official pages, unlike they do to several torrent sites.

So… meh… :stuck_out_tongue:

Only time I’ve had a problem with a studio, was Touchy (aka Assemblage). They’d block my links (and evidently, huge blocks of non-Japanese IP addresses here and there). But as of late, since merging with another group, they’ve mellowed out a lot.

Thanks :slight_smile: - I actually meant the 8 years bit of the post as that seems to reveal part of one of the endings.

I’ve started playing a bit of this, and my fears about the music were mostly misfounded from the tracks I’ve heard. Some of the tracks are stunning, such as the opening arrangement of the Promenade from Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition and most are good, but a few are somewhat ineffective. It seems that the closer the composer sticks to the original model, the lower the quality of the track (Debussy’s Clair de Lune is probably the best example of this) as the samples don’t come anywhere near the sound quality of the original instrument.

Otherwise, I’m quite impressed so far, and the best is still to come :).

I beg to differ or are you a Black Cyc hater too. I like the way this game looks though , I read Ayyos initial comments and it seems like Death Note minus Shinigami.

I most definitely don’t hate Black Cyc.

However, I don’t think they’re exactly the crËme de la crËme of eroge. While Gore Screaming Show (my favourite Black Cyc title) was an excellent piece of work, I don’t think it’s on the same level as things like Syarin no Kuni and SWAN SONG.

Just because I don’t think an eroge company is the best most certainly doesn’t mean that I hate it. I’ve played quite a lot of eroge, so the fact that a particular group doesn’t have anything in my top 10 list is certainly no slight against it.

Oh, and I don’t think it’s like Death Note at all. Death Note was completely different as far as themes go - it was about things like moral relativity. The ‘L vs Kira’ cat-and-mouse game is the only real parallel, and I didn’t find the Haru vs Maou hunt to be much like that at all.

EDIT: By the way, that quote was from before I’d even played the game. Now I definitely think it’s the top release for 2008. =p

As much as I love Black Cyc, they haven’t released anything good for 2008 yet: Yami no Koe Zero isn’t exactly groundbreaking, nor their best work to date. When you compare it to their 2007 entry (Gun-Katana) it REALLY pales. It really falls on Before Dawn Daybreak to win any acclaim this year… which was just announced a few weeks ago, so there’s no real info (or pics) of it yet. :expressionless:

Also remember,while Black Cyc generally makes it onto top ten lists of 2chan selections, they have never won a #1 position - while most eroge game magazines seem to totally ignore them.

For myself personally, I think its still too early for me to judge the best “dark eroge” for 2008. G Senjou no Maou is definitely a front runner, but I still haven’t completed several title I’ve ordered, such as BIFRONTE.

Well you havent played BDD so lets not count Black Cyc out just yet :wink: . I dont know those first two games you mentioned so elaboration please . I never took Deathnote to be a statement of moral relativity though it was certainly present but as a condemnation of the Shonen formula. Simply put in a phrase “Battle without honor or humanity.”

I think G-Senjou no Maou is going to lose in the ‘dark eroge’ category to… pretty much any other title you could play. It’s not a dark game.

To be honest, BIFRONTE disappointed me a teeny bit. I mean, apart from the awesome cultish stuff, it sorta feels like I’m playing a watered-down kusari-hime again. I dunno. I think that I might possibly judge dark eroge to harsher standards in the same way you say you judge light eroge to harsher standards. I consider SWAN SONG to be a pretty dark game, for example, but it totally cuts out the occult themes and eroguro in favour of a bleak perception of human morality.

I didn’t order the BIFRONTE it. Anyway, which of the games are fun? G senjou no maou or BIFRONTE.

I guess it’s a question of how a dark game is defined: whether dark refers to a game that’s fairly ‘serious’ and/or grim and sombre in tone, or if dark refers more to the nature of the ero-content.

Although it’s not an eroge, if Type-MOON’s Witch on the Holy Night is released in 2008, it’s probably the main competitor for the ‘dark’ game crown - assuming it’s along similar lines to Tsukihime and Fate/stay night.

a new type moon game link please so I guess no ero I guess that means theyve arrived.

Link. Girl’s Work will be non-ero as well, and they’re still undecided about the remake of Tsukihime.

It’s funny, really, everyone seems to be mainly talking about Witch on the Holy Night and the Tsukihime remake, whereas Girl’s Work is the title I’m most interested in.

The combination of scenario writers is, honestly, totally fascinating to me. It’s the same with Rewrite, really, but I’m very intrigued by Girl’s Work.

that was abit dumb could’ve found that easy :oops: . care to briefly summarize the scenario for each to the unindoctrinated.

I’m probably more interested in Girl’s Work as well. I guess it’s partly because Witch/Holy Night looks very familiar to Nasu’s other works, and I’m expecting it to deal with similar themes. It’s likely it will share the same strengths and weaknesses as well… but I’m very very glad that it’s non-ero :lol:. Girl’s Work on the other hand has a much more original and fascinating concept behind it, as well as the most beautiful background art I’ve seen. I doubt that it will sell as well as Witch/Holy Night, but it could well be a better game.

I think the writers for Girl’s Work have collaborated on some Liar Soft titles in the past, so I’m more interested in Rewrite from that side of things. It doesn’t look like either title will be released until well into 2009 at the earliest though :(.

On a different topic: G-Senjou no Maou has definitely piqued my interest in some of Akabeesoft’s other titles. I’ve seen Syarin no Kumi mentioned very positively on a few forums - plus the erogamescape rating for it is even higher than G-Senjou no Maou, and the setting looks very unique. How does it compare to G-Senjou no Maou?

There’s not much information on them available at the moment, but there’s a bit here.

Hmm… If you play it, you’ll notice a lot of similar themes. To be honest, I think G-Senjou no Maou is a better title at the moment, BUT~ the difference in quality of games on that tier isn’t that big. Syarin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo is a VERY AWESOME GAME. It’s one of my favourite eroges of all time, and very much worth playing. You’ll enjoy every minute of it, I’m sure.

Akabeesoft2 have made other games, but I wouldn’t bother with any of them if I were you, except for that A Profile remake. It is, however, important to note that A Profile is one of Loose Boy’s (Scenario writer for Syarin no Kuni and G-Senjou no Maou) earliest works, and isn’t quite as developed as his later titles, but is still a bunch of fun.

Of course, if you like Syarin no Kuni, you can always check out its fandisc, which is pretty cool.

Thanks for the recommendation :slight_smile: - I’ll definitely buy Syarin no Kuni… once I’ve cleared out my backlog a bit.

Finally got around to playing through the main route of G-Senjou no Maou… absolutely incredibly mind-blowingly awesome from Chapter 3 onwards. It’s very difficult to give any details without spoiling the story completely so I’ll just add to what everyone else has said - go play it!