Game Discussion

Maybe it’s just me but I don’t see alot of game discussion(impressions, reviews, plus/minus) on these boards. I would find such input helpful in making game buying decisions. There are game suggestions on the board but often not much in the way of support for choosing a particular game.

I understand this is a game company board so postings would need to be tempered. Postings of game recommendations would seem to be okay. Postings of your favorite lesser known games would allow others a chance to play a game they wouldn’t have thought about getting and lead to an increase in satisfied purchase percentage(based on a more informed consumer being more likely to make a better choice.)

Just some random thoughts. If this passes the powers that be(L) it could be a sticky to guide people to on future game requests and of course be added to as new games come out.

There’s request threads all the time. I know I’ve made game recommendations several times in the past few months (just made some recommendations yesterday in the off-topic forum, if I remember correctly). If you’re just looking for reviews, and are good places to look. Ecchifan alone writes fairly extensive reviews for virtually every b-game that hits English shores.

Also, there’s not too much in the way of lesser known games in the English b-game market…because well, not many games have been translated to begin with. You’ll find pretty much every game available just by looking through Peach Princess’s online store. It wouldn’t even take long to browse.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 01-25-2005).]

Dark - I just thought the board would be more about game discussion. The title of this section after all is “…games & anime discussion” which I would think would include more impressions and reviews of games. There has been little discussion of say Little My Maid beyond getting the different endings. Only recently has there been a comment - that the game was short. I am wondering people’s impression of the game and posted twice to ask this question without any reply.

I have found your game recommendations helpful, but a number of people’s reply for recommendations is to list names of games. I appreciate that people take the time to respond, but it doesn’t give a person much to go on as to why the game was recommended. Was it good story line, interactivity, …?

Screen shots and a synopsis of a game are hard to base a game purchase on. As for review sites, I still haven’t found a review for Little My Maid.

As far as lesser known games, I was referring to games that didn’t sell alot of copies. For whatever reason the game didn’t appeal to the public. If a person wrote a favorable impression of the game, it could change the way the game is viewed and attract more buyers.

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
Ecchifan alone writes fairly extensive reviews for virtually every b-game that hits English shores. [img][/img]

And he also makes some goods Walkthrough...
Every time i think about making one, there is already one made by Ecchifan [img][/img]

Here’s a topic on the Animetric board that might be what you’re looking for with respect to Little My Maid:

As for other titles, just ask and I’m sure the members here will be happy to oblige. You’d probably get more responses by starting a thread like “Best B-games You’ve Played” and then specify that people explain what they like about the game. This “why don’t such threads exist” thread is less likely to draw the sort of responses you seem to want.

Thanks for the link Dark. It’s the kind of discussion I thought I would find here.

I got behind when GC started putting out so many releases, and so by the time I’ve played a game everyone here is done with it; can’t exactly get a conversation going about it under those circumstances.

There IS a search function so you can go looking for threads concerning specific games; I dunno about stickying them because there are so many it’d be too hard to see the REAL posts.

Originally posted by keller:
As for review sites, I still haven't found a review for Little My Maid.

You can check out the old review from Lamuness:

Originally posted by keller:
Dark - I just thought the board would be more about game discussion. The title of this section after all is " & anime discussion" which I would think would include more impressions and reviews of games. There has been little discussion of say Little My Maid beyond getting the different endings. Only recently has there been a comment - that the game was short. I am wondering people's impression of the game and posted twice to ask this question without any reply.

I have found your game recommendations helpful, but a number of people's reply for recommendations is to list names of games. I appreciate that people take the time to respond, but it doesn't give a person much to go on as to why the game was recommended. Was it good story line, interactivity, ...?

Screen shots and a synopsis of a game are hard to base a game purchase on. As for review sites, I still haven't found a review for Little My Maid.

As far as lesser known games, I was referring to games that didn't sell alot of copies. For whatever reason the game didn't appeal to the public. If a person wrote a favorable impression of the game, it could change the way the game is viewed and attract more buyers.

I apologize for dropping by this topic late; I don't visit this site/bbs daily, and I'm sure other posters drop by here even less. As Dark mentioned, I write up reviews for a lot of the English translated releases; they're up at, and if you click on my profile you'll find a link to my materials.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
I got behind when GC started putting out so many releases, and so by the time I've played a game everyone here is done with it; can't exactly get a conversation going about it under those circumstances.

I've noticed the same behavior. When a new game is out, half of the regulars buy it at once, play it, talk about it some, and then the game isn't talked about again. I encountered this when buying Brave Soul about three months after its release.
Originally posted by Benoit:
I encountered this when buying Brave Soul about three months after its release.

And I remember it not stopping you in the slightest. [img][/img]

There’s truth in that.

Originally posted by Benoit:
There's truth in that. [img][/img]

True, but your point is a big true all on itself...
But also, u cant expect people to wait about 1 month before they talk about the games just because some of us cant have it as fast as they can...

I think the point here is that discussion should be ongoing. You don’t have to stop discussing games just because you’ve discussed them before. Just as giving your game recommendations once doesn’t mean you can’t give them again, or that you have to copy/paste the same thing every time.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 01-27-2005).]

Eh, the general feeling among most gamers is that you play a game, finish it, and then move on to something new. You won’t hear people ranting about something old like Tales of Destiny for example, unless they REALLY loved it.

Like me. :>

Unfortunately, most of the games here aren’t really good enough to make it into most people’s “all-time favorites” lists. I mean, there are games like Crescendo, Private Nurse and Kana which people really liked and are still posted about on occasion, but you generally won’t hear much discussion about something like Slave Pageant.

Because what we get here are generally forgettable games. :<

Of course, Lamuness and Peter Payne are promising something good on the horizon… so there is hope for those who tend to wait on game releases. Maybe. ^_^;;

[This message has been edited by Dark Lord Zenigame (edited 01-27-2005).]

Thanks for the responses. I also typically buy a game after it has been out awhile, unless it captures my interest like Brave Soul did. Otherwise I’m very cautious with my limited game $, so I try to research like mad to increase the chances that I’ll like the games I buy. Hence my stressing out when I didn’t have much luck. Sorry guys.

Ecchifan - Looks like I’m going to be a frequent reader of your work. Thanks for the efforts.