Game fatique

I see by my email that Cosplay Complex is going to be the next release from PP. Exciting news, except that I seem to have been suffering from “game fatique” lately. I got Princess Waltz for xmas, but haven’t done much with it yet. I’ve only puttered around in Raidy’s dungeon, and fell asleep during a game of Bazooka Cafe. Does anyone else out there suffer from game fatique, and what do you do about it?

I can say it was the opposite with me when I played Ever17. 18H → 4H without realizing it.

But yeah, Sometimes I doze off. I remember falling asleep when playing APC. The solution : to sleep.

I’ve sort of encountered this as well. I’ve had Figures of Happiness for a while (since before I got Princess Waltz), and I still haven’t gotten around to playing all the way through any of the paths. I’ve found myself instead revisiting previous games I’ve played, such as Snow Sakura. I’m currently taking a small break from eroge, since I’ve lately been playing Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl quite a bit.

My backlog consists of over a hundred games I’ve got, or started, but haven’t finished. So needless to say I suffer from this thing you call ‘gamer fatigue’ regularly, and consider it totally normal.

The thing is that you’re typically in the mood for certain kinds of games at certain times. I don’t mean divided broadly into categories like ‘pure love’ ‘dark’ ‘dramatic’ but sometimes you want certain kinds of pacing, storytelling styles etc. That’s why it’s useful to have a number of titles on the go at once. It’s normal to get tired of a game - then you just go play something else and come back to it later.

My backlog is smaller, but still has about two dozen games of various types on it. Such is life …

The “game fatigue” thing is pretty interesting. At stages like these, I just try to play different games from a different genre, eg hack and slash to RPG shift. I think its time to take a break.

that only happen to me the first time i played through the mizuki route in YMK
but considering i was overworked and sick at the time it might have just been that

I tend to suffer from this as well. I even have a couple of games I bought 2-3 years ago but never played. Does it ever feel like a chore sometimes?

Same here. I always have two or three games, of different types, installed so I can switch between genres.
Anyway, I’m taking a few days off from eroge, so I won’t get fatigued when my copy of Bible Black arrives.

Thanks to the actual gameplay in my Alicesoft games I can avoid this fairly easily. After all, Sengoku Rance and Daibanchou border on being actual conquest style games in the mainstream so switching between the two keeps me interested.

Thanks for the comments. I think I’ve pretty much gotten over my bout of fatique. Right now, I’m playing Season of the Sakura. It’s kind of fun. I like the characters; especially the teacher. Sure is a lot heavier on the decision-making than I’m used to, tho. I think I should get Bible Black one of these days.

Man, I think I am really overworked these days, Got YMK recently but still haven’t played it. LOLZ “mental fatigue” seems more appropriate.

Game fatigue… I don’t play that many bishoujo games, I’m more of an equal opportunist gamer. While the obvious draw to peach’s games is … well, obvious, what is really good is the stories and characters.

I am in the unfortunate position of having too much free time. While it might sound fun, when it’s combined with being nearly immobile, it limits your options. A lot.

I imagine what Bamboo referred to was not ‘game fatigue’ as in being sleepy, but in being wide awake, sitting by the PC and going ‘agh… I don’t really feel like playing anything’. That’s okay. There’s plenty of options.
1: Web comics. Seriously. THere’s a lot of good stuff out there. I’ll suggest two.
One is thematically closer to this forum:
The other is just bloody good:

2: A change of pace. Basically, if you don’t feel like playing games, don’t. They’re not going anywhere.

That’s not what I recall; the first time I played I was able to get endings for most of them with no issues. Just pick a different one at the end. The only one that’s different is the one girl who leaves the school before the year is out (whose name escapes me).

Ruri - the Ayanami-lookalike!

This may be a inappropriate place to ask, but where can i buy a copy of Season of Sakura? … gory_Code=

You can’t buy it by itself, but if you like Season of the Sakura you’ll probably like the other two. Or not. Who knows.


I go play other games. Maybe an eroge if I am just not in the mood for that type of story, or a whole different kind of game if not in the mood for an eroge at all.