Game update

Just a quick update on our various projects. Gibo and LMM are now more on target then they’ve ever been, and we’re hard at work on both of them, actively beta testing them and working towards getting them out the door to you. Thanks for your patience, as always. Gibo being the shorter game, I expect it will be our next release.

Woohoo! Thanks for letting us know!

Thanks a lot! BTW, can we have an ETA? Or “it is ready when it is ready”?

Woo hoo!!! Thanks Peter! God I’m SO looking forward to LMM. Guess I’ll just have to go console myself with more dungeon-n-bedroom crawling with Brave Soul.

Sounds good, let’s hope you have a good year this year and release at least twice as many games as last year

What is it about LMM that draws so much interest and anticipation? At first glance it looks like another Maid’s Story with a Nocturnal Illusions sort of setting. Nothing wrong with that, but what sets it apart from recent G-Collections titles that so many people are looking forward to it with such fervor?

You mean besides the fact that some of us have already been waiting for it for a couple of years now?

From what I understand, the storylines were supposed to be very good and I do like the artwork. I did screw myself up a little by picking up the artbook which ended up giving me a bunch of spoilers though…

Originally posted by perigee:
What is it about LMM that draws so much interest and anticipation? At first glance it looks like another Maid's Story with a Nocturnal Illusions sort of setting. Nothing wrong with that, but what sets it apart from recent G-Collections titles that so many people are looking forward to it with such fervor?

Aside from the fact that more games should be like Nocturnal Illusions (a game that managed to get true ambiance and mood down, which is actually rather difficult), some of use have been waiting for a number of years for Little My Maid. I think that just about sums it up.

And thanks for the update, Peter. You rock!

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Aside from the fact that more games should be like Nocturnal Illusions (a game that managed to get true ambiance and mood down, which is actually rather difficult), some of use have been waiting for a number of years for Little My Maid. I think that just about sums it up.

I agree with this, I really enjoyed Nocturnal Illusions and for some reason it unfairly often gets forgotten by me in the wake of all these new games.

Forgive me please if this basic outline of the plot has been discussed, but is Little My Maid similar then in plot style to Nocturnal Illusions? That is from what is known does it seem to have the same depth of ambiance and mood?

Well, the plot - such as I remember from the elaborate and involved discussions we had on the subject more than 2 years ago - goes more or less like this.

You get dumped. You feel really bad. In the midst of your depression you meet one of the winnable characters who’s about to get raped. You save her. She says she’s a maid at the Sea Dragon Inn - a training school for maids - and takes you there as a reward. The game was described by Dave/Kumiko as a simulator/exploration of the main character’s reactions to being dumped.

Other than that, none of us know much about the game. I brought up Nocturnal Illusions because someone else did; as far as I know they’re unrelated. I sincerely hope Little My Maid has ambiance along the lines of Nocturnal Illusions, but - not having played it, ever - I have no idea.

Originally posted by woodelf:
Did not TCI have a LMM demo movie as a extra?

Ah. Yes, it did; however we were advised not to watch it, or at least to stop near the end - because it contains spoilers.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Ah. Yes, it did; however we were advised not to watch it, or at least to stop near the end - because it contains spoilers.

So TCI had both the Brave Soul and LMM demo movies? I did not know that, okay I will watch the beginning to gain some idea. Thanks for info about that movie.

Also, if you ever run across the artbook, don’t look at the back cover. There’s a spoiler there as well. Kinda bad when you start getting spoilers without even opening the book…

Originally posted by ekylo:
Also, if you ever run across the artbook, don't look at the back cover. There's a spoiler there as well. Kinda bad when you start getting spoilers without even opening the book... [img][/img]

Yeah it's kind of like a television mystery movie I saw once where the opening credits sequence showed who did it being arrested. Well that and the spoilers in the movie and on the books back cover I think we can call perhaps missed editing chances.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 12-12-2003).]

Originally posted by woodelf:
The only good mystery movie I have seen was Murder by death . ( I think that was the title ).

Yes I have seen that one, it is the spoof movie I think of all the 'great' detectives from movies and novels, very funny.

I don't mind learning about the girls and their relationship to the main character in sort of a character profile, but is that really a spolier?

LMM is one of the most philosophical games I’ve ever seen. It’s incredibly complex, and is honestly so unlike Maid’s Story I can’t describe it. But if you said it was an uber-Nocturnal Illusion with 10x the size and story complexity, and a focus on maids (but are they really maids? hmmm, I’m not at liberty to say), I would say that’s not that far off.


i have a question to ask… about my order… cause… i preordered it long time ago (AFAICR ~may 2001) cause i want to know what i must do by the time it’ll be ready… but… there’s no rush… cause i know that it might be around next year… so… i’m just being cautious… thanks

[This message has been edited by Sandalphon (edited 12-14-2003).]

well… i expect it as next year’s christmas present… ironically… i preordered it as a late birthday present back in Q2 2001…

btw… i don’t understand your brave soul comment… but… that’s true… i haven’t played brave soul yet… cause i’m changin two games of mine for brave soul… with a friend… cause he was expecting something more from BS in the RPG part… but he says he’s disapointed… anyway… i know this won’t help peapri… but it’ll help my pocket… cause… it’s some kind of “refund” (cause i hated water closet… and i’m finally changing it for something more useful. sadly i’m losing snow drop too… well… i played it a lot so… no regrets… i still consider it as one of peapri’s best releases and i can ask him to lend it to me somewhere in the future…)

[This message has been edited by Sandalphon (edited 12-14-2003).]

blink Did you guys jump threads with this conversation? Oh well…

Great, considering how much I liked the psychological themes prevelant through Nocturnal Illusions, refering to it as an “uber Nocturnal Illusion with 10x the size and story complexity” is just getting me all excited again. Do you know how long it took me to force myself to stop going through the artbook?

Cool that does sound like a promising game now, and another one to I guess jump on the bandwagon of really looking forward too the release date.