Games to get while waiting for princess waltz

what peach princess game would you all recommend i buy or try to borrow while i am waiting for princess waltz to drop

the games i am looking at are x-change 3, do you like horny bunnies, Discipline: The Record of a Crusade, maybe pick up bible black again, re-buy my lost titles, Jewel Knights Crusaders and come see me tonight 2

i borrowed hitomi and didn’t like it

any opinions of these game would be nice
please don’t suggest any of the games listed in my sig unless i listed them at the top

Kana Little sister?

Not sure what kind of genres you like and stuff.

i have been playing my friend’s copy of come see me tonight 2 almost done with the Koruri route kinda board with it are any of the other routes better
don’t really like games with rape or unhappy endings

CSMT2 wasn’t the best game GC brought over, even if you look only at their sex romp titles. So, uh, no, it doesn’t get better. But it has not so much as a hint of anything dark.

I would NOT recommend Jewel Knights, Discipline, or XC3. I am given to understand there’s a fair amount of rape in both.

I’d recommend DYLHB, and Tokimeki Checkin.

thanks for all the help

x-change is an exception to my no rape rule
know i need to try and find my friend and get x-change 3 and do you like horny bunnies

Since I don’t see it in the list you give in your signature, I would highly suggest Crescendo. While there are a couple of incidences of rape in the game, only one of them involves the protagonist, and of that one, he actually deeply regrets it. Compare that to Hitomi, which you already stated you didn’t like, in which the character regrets it for a very brief period of time.

Second Crecsendo, might also want to try Figures of Happiness, Heart De Roomate, or Private Nurse.

If you look for something that has the potential to really kill a big amount of time then “Brave Soul” should be the first in line! :wink:

You should check out fan-translated games too, we can’t ignore those hard-working guys’s efforts can we? The only problem is… Good luck at finding those games :lol:

He says he’s already owned Jeweled Knights. I presume he’s also played it.

For time sinks— Brave Soul. It is an RPG, so you will spend a lot of time on doing the replays for all the available paths. Nice and fun, if you like those sort of games.

CSMT2 is definately a light-side game. No worries about it going dark on you.

DYLHB is a simple romp. Several short stories.

If you want some cat-girls (and dog girl, and a bunny girl) light side fun, then get Let’s Meow Meow.

For deep stories, Kana or YMK.