
Warmaid, please use the edit button if you want to add something shortly after your posting.

And could you please try to not use leet?
(b4, etc.)

Hmmm…as far as bad games, I have a pretty high tolerance for that, I say the worse game would be phantom of the inferno mainly because I couldn’t get the game to run on my computer

phantom of inferno? i am not sure of it but i heard that there is no or not much h-scenes

Originally posted by warmaid:
nevertheless, i can explain why water closet SUCKS i mean it! WATER CLOEST SUCKS and to make it more pitiful, THAT IS MY VERY FIRST H-GAME [img][/img] lousy pics, stupid story, irrational options (something to do with shitting and urinating) ARGH this game totally suck big time!!!!! i cannot imagine peach princess releasing this type of game

WC was your first B-game? I'm sorry.

(BTW, "h-game" means "hentai game", and hentai = very bad insult in Japanese; b-game is the 'politically correct term')

I'm going to come to WC's defense for a bit. I've never played it, and could never play it as it would literally make me retch. But it did make a certain amount of sense. In defense of the game, it has a very unique play system, in the vein of a New Game + (where how one characters' path played out, affects subsequent character's paths). It was also supposed to be humorous. And it was designed to appeal to a niche fetish market.

None of this means it ultimately paid off; but Peach Princess took a gamble on a long shot that might have paid off big, and it didn't. The market was not, and isn't, big enough for niche markets. Not yet. WC was one of Pea Pri's first games, though.

Originally posted by warmaid:
sorry if i could not provide adequate reasons on why i hated snow drop but it definitely leaves a bad impression on me.

Did you get to the REAL second half of the game? By which, I mean "did you get any of the good endings"?

I will agree the game is rather irritating if you can't get to the second half, and it's a bit short, but other than that I liked it.

Originally posted by Wizard Blue:
X-Change wasn't that horrible except the overly exaggerated sex scenes (getting raped everwhere a girl goes). If being a female is that hard I think I'll just go jump off a bridge now cause my logic seems to be out of order.

That's kind of like saying "if you ignore the bad parts, it's really OK". I've ranted against XC1 before, so I'll keep it short. The overly exaggerated sex scenes are the only reason to play the game, because the game ignores everything else; if the h-scenes suck, the game sucks.

Originally posted by warmaid:
phantom of inferno? i am not sure of it but i heard that there is no or not much h-scenes

It was an award-winning b-game. Some company brought over the DVD-player version, which had all the h-scenes stripped out. They had grand plans, none of which ever came to anything. About a year later Hirameki bought up the rights and they're releasing other games now, all in the same "all ages" format.

…what’s wrong with leet?

Leet is not correct English. We speak/type English here, and not everyone’s native language is English, so they could get confused.

It also doesn’t reflect well on yourself, since the ‘language’ is mainly used by idiots on the net.

Personally, in my admittetly limited experience, the worst game i’ve played to date was Jewel Knights Crusaders. I liked quite alot of the art, but the combination of the raping, Hsui the 10 year old, and the nauseating secret ending altogether left a bad taste in my mouth. Just another weasels opinion tho.

yea i did get to the second part of the game in snow drop and somehow the endings except for one girl who i can’t remember are all a bit eerie which definitely do not suit my interest.

There’s much darker games than Jewel Knights Crusaders, my friend…

I don’t doubt it, however I can only talk about games i’ve actually played. And out of the 4 B-games i own, JKC is my least favorite by a long shot.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
(BTW, "h-game" means "hentai game", and hentai = very bad insult in Japanese; b-game is the 'politically correct term')

I think you ought to visit Kagami's website RIGHT NOW, if you still say "h = hentai"! [img][/img]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
I think you ought to visit Kagami's website RIGHT NOW, if you still say "h = hentai"! [img][/img]

Ouch. [img][/img] (Though it could be construed as simply an abbreviation for hentai, rather than being transliterated as ecchi, I might add).