Gamestop got b*tched slapped by Walmart

From various feeds…

Maybe if Gamestop actually had good deals on new stuff - and not used or garbage titles - people would actually buy from them. :stuck_out_tongue:

I never buy games or systems from Walmart. Bestbuy or Gamestop for the systems (have had to use both companies protection plans and have had no issues) and primarily Gamestop for the games.

In the end though I don’t think Walmart will truly threaten Gamestop (for gamers). Gamestop is really only rivalled by Amazon due to selling used games and having better guarantee programs for them. But then I really don’t care for Walmart, so my views might be coloured with intense bias.

When Stateside, I buy all my games from Bestbuy.

Online I go through Amazon or Ebay.

I’ve got to say that I also prefer Bestbuy, although the PX was nice while I was still in the service. When I’m going to buy something from a store I prefer to be able to just grab it and take it to the counter rather than having to ask if it’s in stock, being asked if I preordered, and then waiting on them to find it.

Since some of my tastes run to the niche RPG market, Bestbuy isn’t always the best option. Almost any NIS or Atlus title is easier to find at Gamestop.

Also, I prefer my Gamestop here just because I know and get along with the current staff. That is a huge plus.

Oh man, I used to love the PX. Not the best selection, true, but the price was always right, plus no sales tax!

I only go to Gamestop if I’m looking for older games, and that’s if I can’t find it on Amazon. The store I usually get my games from is Fry’s

I ususally buy many games from Best Buy, Gamestop, J&R Music World, Toys R Us, and three import video game stores (also sell American games) in Chinatown, NYC. Also, online for Amazon. Walmart is not locating in Manhattan, yet.

If I have to have a game the day it comes out,or has some sweet preorder item with it, or I can afford it, (I’m looking at you Mass Effect 2) I’ll preorder through Gamestop and have it delivered directly to my door. Otherwise I’ll go to BestBuy.

I get almost all of my games through Amazon. No sales tax, and the shipping is usually free. There’s just no reason to go to a brick-and-mortar shop, unless you suddenly find yourself out of games–and with proper planning, that shouldn’t happen. Amazon can suck for preorders though–I’ve waited for a week after release in one case (choosing the free shipping option). If I really want a preorder on time, I’ll order through Gamestop, as they’ve never failed me.

When stateside, I go to Gamestop, but I generally end up rolling my eyes at how crazily high-priced their used games are. If the used price is only a few bucks less than new, that’s insane to me both as a player AND a developer. (Also, I tend to be hunting for things that are deeply flawed and unpopular, searching for overlooked quality, stealable elements, or at least some laugh value. Which means that if it costs more than $10 I probably won’t buy it!)

I tend to find better deals on NEW stuff shops have had kicking around for ages and been unable to offload.

But the point of going to a shop, for me, is finding stuff I didn’t know I wanted (at a decent price). If I actually want a particular game I’ll probably order it on Amazon (or Ebay).

That’s why i go with Gamestop - preorders. And I only preorder stuff with extras.

I tried to maintain loyalty to GameStop, because really, if the dedicated game stores go under, it will be really hard to find niche stuff like Atlus. But GameStop makes it real hard when I can’t just walk into a store on release day and buy it - no, they tell me I “should have” preordered it. Bullshift - you should stock the new games. You are a games specialty retailer who can’t be arsed to stock your own product? If I can’t get a new game in the store the week it comes out because you didn’t buy any copies, then the chain has basically no reason to be there. The advantage of specialty retailers like this is stuff like better selection. Deliberately throwing that away is not a good idea.

I shop Gamestop from time to time, but a lot of times I just use I have to get off my ass enough to go to work, when I’m not at work, I like to be lazy, so small electronics and books are all mostly online orders for me these days.