Gantz (Anime)

Ok so I know I’m a little tardy to the party, but I just sat down today and watched Gantz Season 1 + 2 for the first time and I feel like commenting about it!

The first season was pretty good, but my only complaints about it would be [spoiler]Kato came off a little bit like a bitch too much of the time about most things (Even in the 2nd season too). The sexual tension between Kei and Kishimoto made my balls blue. Thankfully the creators must have felt the same way or received some sexually repressed empathetic threat in the mail and gave Kei a bit of a break in the 2nd season. :roll:

Also maybe I’m missing something, but if Kei and Kato had their ripped apart bodies removed from the railway tracks without a trace because Gantz warped them, then how did Kishimoto’s body remain in the bathtub, wouldn’t Gantz have “erased” her body like he did Kei’s and Kato’s as it wouldn’t matter if her heart stopped for even a minute since her old body should/would have been erased? I dunno maybe Nishiri was just full of shit and spewed some forth verbally to confuse everyone. :? That or Gantz is Narg in disguise and wanted to conjure up some twins for a possible OVA. :lol:[/spoiler]

Then onto the second season! I liked the direction this season was taking off at the start especially how Kei became increasingly bad ass yet far from invincible. Kato getting pwned to the face royally made me chuckle since I never liked him anyways (The priest was some good comic relief too) :twisted: . I enjoyed the rest of the season pretty well up to the beginning of the ‘Kurudo Alien’ arc where it took a crappier approach to more or less everything it was dealing with, I won’t even go into much detail about the ending other than while I understand and appreciate a vague ending up for interpretation, there is such a thing as overdoing it to the point of Jean Luc Picard popping up on my screen going “Wtf is this shit” :x :twisted: :x but at least it didn’t go the candy coated cookie cutter route, I think that would have been much worse.

I held the series in fairly high regards up until the aforementioned arc, which dropped the overall rating significantly in my books. Just figured I’d voice my opinion on this while it’s fresh in my mind. :smiley:

What are your opinions on this Anime? Overall I don’t know what I’d rank it since different parts really bog down others while others made the series worth watching, if that makes sense. :lol:
Also, is the manga worth checking out? I’ve heard it’s much better than the series [manga usually is I find] it seems like it’s one of those never ending series :lol:

So! With that said and done, any have some recommendations for anime along this (darker) tone? preferably without an ending that has 69 interpretations :lol:

edit: Oh yeah I guess he said Gantz can be sloppy, which makes sense given his sloppy ass spelling :oops:

All I have to say in regards to the Gantz anime is this: if you enjoyed the events of the Buddhist Temple arc …READ THE MANGA!!

I’m serious the manga is many times better than the anime since the Kurono alien arc never happened. That arc was basically made by the guys in charge of the anime so they could end the anime while the manga was still ongoing (and it;s still ongoing as of now).

After the BT arc is when things get really good, Kurono faces off against a whole bunch of aliens all by himself, he actually gets a girlfriend (and their relationship is kinda cute ,I have to say), he also a manages to become a leader of a kickass team that includes a martial artist, an idol, two psychics, and a little kid and they’ve only really lost one teammate (though that’s cause he wanted to die), we also find out how the point system works, and vampires show up. Trust me, read the manga, you’ll love it.

Ah yes, I thought I was seeing a huge switch in a lot of things right when the Kurudo Alien arc hit, The true events sound a hell of a lot better. If the people in charge of the anime made the ending then that actually makes more sense now than the ending itself, and as to why it happened like that. :lol:

“Buddhist scriptures calm them!” -squish- I swear that’s going to be stuck in my head all week :lol:

I’ll look into the Manga for sure, which as most manga does, I’m sure will tie up a lot of loose ends or unanswered things not covered in the anime, (not all but some :smiley: ) Also when I read the Manga I will just pretend I was playing a B-game and picked the bad end or something. :lol:

Thank you for your input and suggestions~! They are much appreciated (I’m always open to suggestions) :smiley:

as for recommendations it doesn’t have to be dark, or even anime. It can just be anything that kicks ass, manga or anime alike. :lol:

Well, this is my first post on the forums, and oddly enough it isn’t in the VN section of the boards, but oh well, I saw the Gantz tag, and then the recommendations appreciated message and felt I had to contribute.

I’m going to have to agree with the Gantz manga > Gantz anime - the arc directly after the BT is amazing, not to mention how Kei’s aforementioned “new team” gets assembled in the first place. It’s also the start of Kei’s real growth as a character as you read on and on, you will be shocked at how much his personality changes over the remainder of the story, its absolutely unbelievable how well written Kei’s character is. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone, so I’ll just leave it at that, hopefully as vague as possible but still piquing interest in the story.

As for recommendations go, I’d most likely go with Mirai Nikki - a story that is ridiculously good and well written, but very dark and out there. The basic plot is one of 12 Future Diary holders will become the next Lord of Causality by eliminating the other diary holders. That means that alliances are tenuous at best and betrayal is a common theme. Each “holders” diary relates to a different theme, the main character, Yuki’s diary is called the “Observer’s Diary” since Yuki is basically a wallflower that takes no action in day to day situations, it just relates a ton of information around him, while Yuno, the main heroines diary is called the “Yukiteru Diary”…and it only shows the actions Yuki takes every 10 minutes. (Cue the stalker/yandere theme music) The main heroine Yuno is worth the price of admission alone, as she is the most insane character I’ve ever come across in manga/anime.

I’ll limit myself to one more series to recommend, but seeing as how it is pretty popular, it may be something you’ve already come across, but Claymore is pretty fantastic as well. It’s a story set in a world where Yoma eat humans, and the only thing that can kill them are half yoma-human hybrids that regular ole folk call Claymores. It follows the actions of Clare, a particular Claymore and her little human sidekick Raki. The art isn’t the best out there (not to say its bad, but it’s probably the weakest part overall) ,honestly, you aren’t going to see anything much better than Gantz, but the story is pretty well developed and the plot is deep. The biggest issue I have with Claymore is that it’s a monthly series and I’m entirely caught up with it, and I usually jones for a fix come the 3rd week of each month. It’s absolute torture when Nagi takes a month off… to you know…have a life outside of drawing/writing I guess.

Sweet, those 2 sound really good as well~

I will definitely look into those, most likely after I check out the Gantz manga though, Since the story has me quite intrigued at this point and I want to find out what “really” happens :smiley:

Thank you very much for your suggestions/recommendations, as always they are appreciated! :slight_smile:

if you liked the anime check out the abridged version here

That was classic/hilarious :smiley:

rofl I just have to post this