GC plan

Does GC have any plan to translate any new games, or will we have a second compagny as jast?
What about the english game that they had in project?

I dont know what Payne has in store for GC, but I dont think we will see any new games soon. Perhapps in the distant future GC will get som contract to translate future games?

Guess all you can reall say is, "It was nice while it lasted…

It sure was. I was getting 1 game a month for a good long while there

Dreams dont last forever, do they?

Originally posted by Bremen:
I dont know what Payne has in store for GC, but I dont think we will see any new games soon. Perhapps in the distant future GC will get som contract to translate future games?

This is just my hunch, but I've seen nothing that would contradict it.

If you were to take a photograph of all of GC's resources including staff, offices, stockrooms, etc., what would it look like? Answer: a lone file server. There are no new games in progress or plans for future releases. PP took possession of whatever inventory remained and is in the process of liquidating it. Soon GC will be an historical footnote like JAST-USA. Again, just MHO. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

The next big b-game producer may be Hirameki. With four titles in the pipeline, they appear to be our best hope. There's still a question about whether they can deliver. I recall they announced a bunch of DVD-player titles that never made it to production. Will their new PC games suffer the same fate? Time will tell. One thing Hirameki has going for it that previous localizers didn't is that they've avoided the H-game stigma. They can get publicity and retailers in the mainstream market. The number of new fans they'll attract is still to be determined.

We do plan to publish new games under the G-Collections label. We’re in talks right now to see what can be done. Sadly, the company (the parent company) is all but bankrupt so things can take a while as you may imagine.

Keep up the good fight Peter. I eagerly await the games you release

Good luck, and thanks for doing the best you can for us. I’m looking forward to any good news.

Im brining this thread back up cuz i didnt wanna start a new one and this is still kinda on topic in this thread.

G-collections gave out “g-collections money” that at one time u could use to purchase a game with a certaint ammount of points… Im betting with the downfall of g-collections that no longer applys? Or does it?