Gender Issues and Princess Waltz

And what about X-change and “how can a hetero guy like to be raped by men when he has a female body ?”.
THAT is far more disturbing than a reverse trap.

The trap in H2O/After and Another is one of the few I hadn’t known about in advance - the game reveals it fairly early on and the trap isn’t winnable (although he has a side-story).

The only winnable trap is Mai in Moonshine.

… what do you mean? The only winnable trap in all of eroge?!

You are so wrong =P

I think the answer to XChange is that he’s pretty obviously bi if he’s enjoying sex with men. The character is overall repressed so it seems in character that he’s repressed about liking men and women both.
What is disturbing to me is that s/he enjoys being raped, not that he enjoys the consenual sex with men,but it’s almost traditonal for H games, and I can accept it in that context. I do understand in H games we’re supposed to assume that the “victim” is being forced to do what they really want to do.

It seems to me that even a hetero guy could have some interest in trying out a different set of equipment and curiousity in how sex is from the female perspective.

Well, you know what they say; God gave men a prostate for a reason =P

(I’m not sure what that reason is, since all the major religions seem pretty against homosexuality, but that’s besides the point =P)

I wouldn’t say all the major religions are against homosexuality. From what I’ve read, Buddhism doesn’t really say one way or the other about it. As I understand it, most of the variance on the subject among the different types of Buddhism has to do with how the basic teachings were packaged for the particular culture to which it spread. As Sensei at the temple said in one of his lectures (this may be quite a bit paraphrased since it has been some time since I heard this):

On the other hand, it has been argued that Buddhism is more a philosophy than a religion, in which case you are pretty much correct.

Quoted for truth. I seem to recall an episode of The Outer Limits (the one that ran from 1995 to 2002) that kind of touched on this. From what I remember of the episode, a husband and wife in the future are having relationship problems. In this future, there is a machine that allows you to do things like change your sex, even down to the genetic level. To cut a long story short, they break up, she becomes a guy, meets a woman, and begins to have a relationship with her. At the very end of the episode, it is revealed that this woman is actually the husband who has undergone the same process.

It’s a Philosophy.You thanks buddha for his teaching you don’t really pray to him… In Buddhism you don’t follow the teaching of Buddha word by word you learn from them and try to find you own truth, your own self.

Depends on your perspective - I could find as many people who argue that it is a religion.

And not all religions follow the teachings of their prophets, or whathaveyou, word for word … Christianity is popular for that, but it really depends upon the sect even then.

Really, this wholesale condemnation of homosexuality is pretty recent, historically speaking, so it wouldn’t make sense for all of the older religions to condemn it.

I could see wanting to try out your new hardware if you were suddenly a different gender; though I’d prefer a lesbian with attachments be the one to help me.

Maybe the protagonist in X-change had a rape fantasy …

I think most people are overthinking the X-Change series. The games aren’t about deep, meaningful, well thought out characters - they are essentially fetish titles, and the nature of the ero scenes would depend more on the market than on any need to preserve the game’s integrity.

No real thinking involved for me, as I don’t have any of the games in the series and have no desire to obtain it since something about the premise is really disturbing to me. Which is somewhat odd given how interesting I think it would be to experience sex from the other side of the gender divide. Mayhap it has to do with the fact that as I understand it, the protagonist has sexual encounters with guys he considers his buddies when not transformed.

I have only played X-Change alternative and I can tell you that - while you’re buddies do hit on you once you’ve become a girl, you have to choose to do anything with them and while there may be a homosexual possibility with one of your buddies (I never pursued the possibility) it is very easy to never see anything of. You do, however, have the option of having sex with other boys, girls, and a temporary futari type. The only sex scene I don’t believe you can avoid with someone you’d probably not want is the oral rape scene with the guy shortly after your transformation. (and you can always quick-click through that with your eyes averted if it is really a problem)

I haven’t played the games in awhile, but IIRC, the only guy who might qualify is one who the main character seduces in the first game and subsequently hangs around trying to get him to turn back into a girl. He seemed more like an irritating hanger-on than a buddy to me. There’s a lot more guy stuff in Alternative than in the first three. The first one was pretty primitive and the third one was creepy, but I think the second is worth playing. It was my favorite h-game for quite awhile.

If you mean the scene with the bully leader, that is avoidable (thankfully).

That’s probably where I would end up too, but I’d want to try the real thing at least once.

Personally I didn’t have an issue with the storyline (and I’m just regular boring hetero), and I don’t think there’s any doubt that Chris is female, no matter how much she wishes it otherwise. There doesn’t seem to be any biological reason for her “feeling” like a boy, it’s only because everyone was expecting and demanding that she was one (note: I had to edit these two sentences 3 times because I kept using male pronouns. Hmmm…).

This is pretty much the difference between a lot/most heterosexual males and heterosexual females (not that there is likely to exist any numbers to back up that claim). Females don’t have the natural “aversion” to physical contact between members of their own gender like (sober) males tend to have. For your average heterosexual man, the thought of engaging in male-male sex is probably far more repulsive than a woman would find female-female sex.

To take an example: About 3 years ago, at my previous place of employment, there were a couple of guys and gals sitting on a porch during a break and talking about various things, when one of the “girls” (late 20s) struck up a conversation by saying “if you had to have sex with one of the people at work of your own gender under threat of your family being eradicated, who would you choose?”. What happened was pretty interesting, because while the women had no problem answering, none of the guys could easily give an answer. The women picked attractive females for their “forced coupling” (and there were plenty of older, less attractive but incredibly nice women to choose from) regardless of how well they knew them, while the guys (the few that managed to give an answer, after a long time of shuddering and looking extremely uncomfortable) picked guys they got along well with or who they thought were nice enough, but who didn’t necessarily strike one as the most attractive, which the girl who asked the question found peculiar. Also, the guys that were picked were not among the physically bigger ones (as in no one picked someone significantly bigger than themselves). It was a pretty interesting little discussion, but it was very obvious that the prospect of same-gender intercourse was far more of a serious and with different ramifications for the guys than it was for the girls. Or maybe we just took it more seriously, who knows :stuck_out_tongue:

To sum it up, it seemed that for the girls it would be doable if the other girl was attractive enough, while for the guys that wasn’t a factor at all; if anything attractive males were given much less consideration than the “regular” guys whom they (in some cases at least) knew better. Most of the guys couldn’t stomach answering though. And yes, before you ask, some of the names that were given out (by both sides) included people that were sitting around them, with various awkward/funny reactions when one of the guys very reluctantly pointed to one of the other guys sitting there.

I think I forgot what the point of this was supposed to be… bummer.

I think part of it is because one of the males would end up having to be the “receiver”, so to speak, which isn’t exactly something males are used to or biologically inclined to do (for instance, a lot of homosexual males don’t like to “receive”), and that’s probably one of the most uncomfortable aspects about the thing from a heterosexual male point of view.

Modern western culture plays up mainstream female beauty very strongly. Even 100% straight girls are expected to have a good understanding of it and find it appealing - visually if not sexually. See all the old advertising jokes about putting pretty girls on things to sell them whether you’re trying to sell to men OR women.

Go back in time to when male beauty was considered the epitome of creation and to the best of my knowledge you also find a lot more toleration of and higher rates of male-male sexual contact. Raise someone to believe that the male form is the most beautiful and everyone should appreciate looking at naked men, and they’re likely to be less put off by the idea of expressing that appreciation.

… Which is why to an extent the conservatives who are all paranoid about the homosexual agenda are correct. Normalising same-sex relations and getting the idea out there that it’s cool IS likely to lead to more people who weren’t 100% straight experimenting a little. Them that’re hard gay would be gay already, them that’re completely straight will stay that way, a lot of folks bend a little.

The idea that’s Homosexuality is wrong came with the spreading of the Chirstian Religion… Wen you look at other mamal you see that Homosexuality is quite common.
That’s a fact, before Homosexual wasn’t “unnatural monster” (Well, in the grec antiquity, “Loli/Shota” (You know what i mean) wasn’t bad either…^^; )

he is a girl … but for be the prince he need to be a man… that is why he wear and act like a man well i cant say more or it is gonna be a big spoiler