Germany says NO to "daisuki oniichan!"

Incestuous couples loses major court battle. Incest remains punishable under German law: … =hpmostpop

Here’s a video: … llegal.cnn

Personally I don’t care what consenting adults do, if it doesn’t inflict injury or harm to other people. I don’t see what the problem is… but then, I’ve always been rather liberal. :expressionless:

Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, France, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, and Turkey allow incest according to this: … teconnolly

But this article here shows such nations still have “clauses” to it… only Sweden - at least in Europe - has a free for all.

I don’t really care if someone loves his sister/ brother. As long as they don’t get children…

It shouldn’t be illegal…

But the couple should realize how dangerous it is for their children.
There are 50% chance the child will have problems, so I don’t understand how could the parents take such a risk.

For this case, they said that those german Bro/Sis have 4 children and 2 of them disabled… So in THIS CASE, you can say that it arms othe people (the 2 unlucky children).

Love your sister if you want, but just don’t have children with her…
If you really want kids, adopt one or use artificial insemination !

PS : If they want to make illegal things that lead to disabled children, they should also put in jail women who smoke/take drugs during their pregnancy…
They could even castrate those who have AIDS…
And kill intellectualy deficient people in a gaz chamber…
Then we would get back our loved old school Germany from last century.

ditto la nuage. Let people who love each other be with each other. Much less red tape and thus lower tax burden overall.

whoa we got an anti gay person on board. close minded people make us take a step back rather than progress! boo at you! BOO!

you brought it up. i was merely responding to your comment.

If you are really open minded, you have to tolerate intolerance as well :wink:

Back to the subject, why is the man the only one to go in prison ?
Why not the woman or the children ?
What about sex equality lol ? It’s always the man who has to take the entire responsability… it isn’t fair :cry:

Just for fun :

REALLY ??? :shock:

no kidding! i’m taking this whole forum full of people to japan now! (except lamuness), my treat :twisted: