Getting games

I’m in the US Army and I own about 10 of these games. Nobody knows I own them, and I don’t think anyone cares either. If someone comes to inspect your room, just keep them stacked with any of your other game or dvd cases like normal, doubt anyone will say anything.

As for finding games PP doesn’t sell, go to and click the where to buy button on the left side of the page. A good selection of stores that sell lots of things.

[This message has been edited by Billybob (edited 06-12-2005).]

Considering who runs the jastusa site, I’d be surprised if you found anything there that’s not on the Peach Princess site…

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 06-12-2005).]

I meant for him to go to the where to buy area. it’s got banners for a few different stores that sell more stuff. I don’t know if what he wants is there, but just trying to help him out if I could.

I don’t think guys are going to care. At the very least they’ll look and go "That’s pretty cool man."

I have around 11 in my drawer along with my anime and movies.

If you really want to it’s easy to hide the games. Just throw away all the incriminating material. shrugs No one’s going to actually try and play the CD during the inspection to see if it’s inappropriate…

Originally posted by Soulfire:
I have two questions, hope you guys and gals can answer me this. But can military guys have these games on base? Are they considered porn or do they even care? Because I love these kind of games for the often excellent stories and I'll miss it if I can't play them anymore.
I'm active USAF, and for the most part they don't care about the games as long as you don't having them laying around the room during inspections, and even then you cannot usually tell what they are by the side of the case. They are indeed considered to be porn, but the military definition of porn is quite liberal, so alot of things are considered to be porn that most people would not consider to be. To be on the safe side your best bet is to keep them out of sight, in a drawer perhaps.

As for Divi-Dead, it's getting hard to find, but you can still find it at some online retailers.

Originally posted by radicaledward:
As for Divi-Dead, it's getting hard to find, but you can still find it at some online retailers.

Indeed. The only online source I know of is Himeya, the original publisher.

J-List still has it in stock.

I once served the Royal Swedish Coastel Artillery for five years ago (Today Swedish Royal Amphibios Corps), I owned a laptop and played on the barracks after a hard day drilling.

Some of my buddies on the barracks played I think it was some interactial sex games from
Private or watching porn and I with my Hentai movies, Mayclub, Divi-Dead and some other title i forgot and sold a long time ago.

That time the Swedish Military had a strict
rule that nobody are allowed to buy sex from a prostitute or go to a any kind of sex club.

But you where allowed to buy and see porn movie, magazine and games like Playboy, Private, Pirate etc, etc.

A tip for you who are a rookie in any armed forces is get some info what the rules are before you begin your bootcamp.

"They want you, they want you
They want you as a new recruit

If you like adventure
Don’t you wait to enter
The recruiting office fast
Don’t you hesitate
There is no need to wait
They’re signing up new seamen fast
Maybe you are too young
To join up today
Bout don’t you worry 'bout a thing
For I’m sure there will be
Always a good navy
Protecting the land and sea"

By: Village People
Song: In The Navy

I have also served in the Royal Swedish Army, and also served in several UN and EU missions. The rules Kensu mentioned are still very much enforced, but today you will have to be very careful about what can be seen as porn, because that can be seen as sexual harassment of female personel. So i recommend that u keep a low profile in bishjou gaming. If i would inspect a room and see bishjou games i would not make a case against it, but other officers who are more political correct would. So i say keep it to your self.

What the hell kind of world do we live in where grown men can’t have porn? Seriously I have to wonder what is up with someones line of thinking when they’re fine with sending some poor shmoe out to take a bullet but damn it no ecchi!

So wrong

It’s an image thing, I guess.