Ghost in the machine

Not long ago, I read a post here that pointed to another site that had a review of Crescendo. Since Crescendo currently stands as my favorite game, I naturally wondered what the reviewer had to say. At that site, learned that there was a ‘stealth’ character in the game who only shows up after the player has completed both the good and bad endings with all the other characters. I got pretty excited by that, as you might expect. I really really wanted to meet this mystery character, but I’d only met the above requirement for three of the characters. So I figured I’d have to play bit more before she’d show up. But the very next time I played the game, just a few days after reading that review, Miyu popped up out of nowhere. So obviously you don’t have to play all the characters, after all. But, still, that’s a pretty dern tootin’ strange coincidence. I often wonder what’s going on there on the other side of the computer screen. What am I playing against, anyway? What are eroge? Skinner boxes? Flow charts? Or is there some kind of AI at work here. I keep detailed logs of all my sessions and analyse them for clues. I have even tried assigning numerical values to choices and designed my play strategy around them, but it’s a lot of work and I’ve haven’t found it very useful, so far. I know there are cheats out there, but I’m against that sort of thing. It’s more fun when the unexpected happens (like Miyu). I wonder, tho, are there easter eggs or stealth characters in any other PP games?

Only other “Stealth” Characters I’ve seen are Karen and Claire from [b]Brave Soul[/b].

Karen is available after you finish the game with any other girl once.

Claire is available after meeting certain Special Conditions in the game to unlock her.

These are the only 2 from PeaPri games that I know of.

Only other I can think of is in [b]Tottemo Pheromone[/b], but she’s unlocked after getting all the other girls good ending.

[ 04-08-2007, 08:34 PM: Message edited by: Series5Ranger ]

I believe after you complete the requirements, you must begin a new game to find the hidden char in it. Also I believe the requirement is that you must have completed the game with all the other characters – good ending, bad ending, doesn’t matter; you just need to have seen one of the endings.

Depends on how you see it.

I believe a certain “Pick Me Honey” had two unlockable characters, and a bonus harem route… but I haven’t played that game either.

Tsukihime had two girls for a main route, and it’s only until seeing either one of these girls (Ciel or Aruceid, I believe) before you will be able to see the endings of Akiha and anyone else (maybe Satsuki’s as well)

Note that ghost character appear in perhaps every b-game out there, not countinf the small hanful we have.

Tsukihime have five main arcs, divided into two main plots: Near Side of the Moon, with Arcueid and Ciel endings, and Far Side of the Moon, with Akiha, Hisui and Kohaku endings. Unfortunately, there’s no Satsuki arc :frowning:

I rreally don’t like the sound of the latter, but, ah well… when you want your audidence to assume one path to be the main path, you give it a rather obvious name.

But the far side of the moon is a nice place.

I believe you have to go through all the character’s paths in a specific order. Arc first, then Ciel, then … probably Akiha next, then Kohaku (I think) and I’m pretty sure Hisui is the last route.

There is no such thing as Satsuki’s route in Tsukihime. You can go through that game in any order, the only exception is that the first time you go through Arc’s route you will get the “true” ending, the second time, you can choose, other than that, all the routes are open from the get go.

What you are referring to is the two “side” of the moon that the game is split into. In each main path (there are two) you can pursue different girls, dark side means you get Akiha or the maids, Ciel and Arc in the bright. Which main path you take depends on the decision you make.

[ 05-06-2007, 10:00 PM: Message edited by: Idofgrahf ]

Yes, you’re right about this, Phineas. I didn’t remember the details, but you’re right.

I like this game beside the “I’m Gonna Serve You 4”, but I consider “Tottemo Pheromone” as the best (English) B-game from “Trabulance”/GC. This gorgeous B-game is remarkable…

I have some complex questions about “Crescendo”.


First, I’ll transcript a short description, from “JAST USA” about it:

“It’s five days before graduation, and Ryo Sasaki is in school, making up the hours needed to graduate with the other members of his class (he has a habit of cutting classes). For Ryo, it’s a quiet time to sit and reflect on the past year and all that had happened. As he thinks back on the past year, he remembers all his friends…”

“Now the day of graduation draws near, and Ryo knows that he must prepare himself to make a choice.”

OK. Ryo-kun has only five days to choice his “girl of destiny”. But, after you end the game, you can select Miyu-chan’s rote. In other words, Ryo-kun has only five days to increase the love between he and Miyu-chan.

But, that’s very odd. When you almost finish to play Miyu-chan’s path, she dies. And Kaho-chan said, after the graduation, that Miyu-chan was in bed for weeks because of a serious disease (cancer). In other words, she was very sick.

If she was in bed for weeks, when did she date him (Ryo-kun)? I’m confused. Is she a ghost? A illusory person? Or did Ryo-kun dream about her? I don’t believe Ryo-kun is a dreamer…

Unfortunately, I can’t remember the details very well because I played a long time ago and I’ve already uninstalled this game.

And I’m sorry for my Engrish words. It’s my third language…

[ 05-07-2007, 06:11 PM: Message edited by: Mystvan ]

I have only one word for this.



That being said, I ahven’t finished Ayu’s path, but, I was spoiled about it, and Miyu is pretty much the Ayu of Crescendo. And yes; that WAS her spirit you technically met.

Edited by Mystvan

[ 06-18-2007, 03:43 PM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]

Oopps… It seems Phineas-san posted before me. Well, thanks for confirm ForbiddenOne-kun’s words/theories.

Unfortunately, I have some Japanese B-games, but, you know, that’s hard to translate them to English, by using any “Text Hooker”… Then, I have very limited knowledge about these games…

I prefer reading any English reviews about the or watching anime games…

[ 05-07-2007, 09:46 PM: Message edited by: Mystvan ]

Well, my friend… I guess you’re wrong, because, depending on each case, you can meet more person or not. And the story could be a bit different, too. In other words, depending on your path, more girls can appear or not.


In “Brave Soul” (BS), if you don’t complete some Special Event (Ancient Capital Mystery), you’ll never meet Clare. And you can complete BS without you need defeating the evil Dark Lord (Losers’ Paradise).

In “Critical Point”, the villain isn’t necessarily the same person. Depending on each path, the main villain could be Lieutenant-Colonel Carla Benedict, Captain Lai Wong, Sergeant Jackie Kaminski… Each story could differ depending on each path.

In “Heart de Roommate” (HdR), if you decide to select Namiki Honjo-“onee-san”'s path (“Don’t call me Sis”) or Yoshiko Yagami-sensei’s path (“Please, Ms. Yagami!”), you’ll never meet Hikaru Saeki-chan.

Well, I’m not sure. I could be wrong about this.

But, I didn’t understand one thing about HdR. Yusuke-kun, at one night, at girls’ dormitory, noticed some girl was crying. He thought the girl is (was) one of the “Trio de Bitches”. Who is (was) that girl? Why is (was) she crying?

qaz, please warn other users that you’re going to post a spoiler about a game (like the big ones you posted)! Don’t take it as a offense, it’s just that it spoils the fun from people whose haven’t played such games.

Edited by Mystvan

[ 06-18-2007, 03:45 PM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]


Yes, qaz-kun. I agree with you partially. You transcribed the texts very well. But I have a last question.

After Miyu-chan died, Ryo-kun received a picture from Miyu-chan’s mom, right? He went directly to school, more precisely to “Music Room” (is it correct?). And he cries there, when he was remembering Myu-chan.

If he never met her on “Music Room” (because these facts were her dreams), and he “hasn’t seen her for more than a year”, I don’t understand why he went directly to “Music Room” and cried hardly.

***** SPOILERS *****

For that “Critical Point”, I guess you forgot some details.


When you discovered that Colonel was the culprit, she was spreading X (Christmas drug) amongst the Commandos. You know the Colonel is a very strong Commando and Technician, beyonder human capacity because of X.

And the Sergeant is a normal human being because 2nd Lieutenant Julietta (after she was caught in the act) said he (Kaminski) always keep exercising outside (Moon Base). Then, we can conclude that he is the true Sergeant Jakie Kaminski, right?


I don’t remember the details about Captain Wong. But it seems she and Lieutenant Maretta are (were) sabotating the CIC main computer.

But, after you solved this matter, the problems on Moon Base stop, cease.


And the Sergeant Kaminski, you know, he was the main enemy in many endings. He is an android and killed the true Sergeant Kaminski outside, when he was exercising daily. The android killed and took his appearance.

And on Kaminski’s rote, Colonel Carla apparently don’t know about the drugs, because when she enraged, she lost her self-control. Then, she isn’t the culprit.


Well, I guess, in “Critical Point”, each story could differ depending on each path.

Thank you, although my english isn’t that good, hehehe. I read a lot of texts in english (mostly tech stuff related to my job and other things, and I understand almost all setences/phrases), but when it goes down to writing, I think I really need to improve it.
Reading and practicing writing/typing are the best ways to improve your grammar/vocabulary. :smiley:

Edited by Mystvan

[ 06-18-2007, 03:48 PM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]