Ghost in the Shell 2017

Anybody as excited about this as I am?

Some of those scenes look shot for shot like the anime.

While there definitely is quite a bit of call backs to the various anime, what I see in the trailer leaves me feeling… well, I’m not sure exactly, but it definitely isn’t excited. Even accounting for the whole perceived “whitewashing” going on with the casting (note that I say “perceived” instead of saying that this is what is happening), something about it just doesn’t trigger my enthusiastic love of all things Ghost in the Shell. I wish I could find the words to express how I feel, but I can say that it is somewhere between going “meh” and grumbling.

Haha, but she’s a super big star in Japan (Bio Hazard), so it makes sense to me to have her playing the lead, which is also an android. I’d guess the “whitewashing” is unavoidable if you want an English speaking cast though. That said, maybe Japan will do what they did with Godzilla and make their own version.

I was never that big a fan of Ghost in the Shell. I liked the first season of Stand Alone Complex, and a few minutes of the movie. We’ll have to see what Hollywood manages to do with it.

Almost here…

…can’t wait!

So. Now that the hype train has passed, was it what you expected it to be?

I expected it to at least be good. So no, it wasn’t. (I haven’t seen it, but I’ve seen enough to know I don’t want to either.)

I haven’t seen it yet … life.

Maybe I’m too much of a fan boy or it’s because I’m a designer and a creative that I find it hard to shoot something down that I can’t do better myself, so it would have to be pretty bad for me not to like it. These are massive projects with huge teams doing amazing work. If you’ve see the stuff on Tested, which is just a small part of the whole process, and not been amazed, then what would amaze you?

On the other hand, I think there’s a trend of people complaining because it seems cool to do so. If you can give me a good reason why you thought it wasn’t good, then we can talk. For instance, why didn’t they choose a Japanese actress to play Kusanagi? I suspect its because Johansson is so popular in Japan anyway and that she’s playing an android that is makes loads of sense. Did it affect the movie’s reception in Japan and abroad? I’d be interested to know.