
Originally posted by Seishin:
Can anyone else spot the typo?

It's more of a grammatical mistake, but the clause that the long-awaited game lacks a predicate. We're happy to tell you what about the long-awaited game? The comma after mother is also out of place.

Is Gibo related to the anime called Stepmother's Sin? According to AOD, the basic story line of that one is

As a young boy, Yusuke came home to find his mother having sex with another man. His parents soon divorced after; seeing his motherfs infidelity at a young age left Yusuke with hatred for not only his mother but for all women. Now, his father has remarried but is assigned to a distant office. Yusuke decides it is time to get his revenge on women through his new stepmotherc
If that's the premise, I may pass.

I don’t think that is the premise, there are three girls you can possible win with if I am reading thing right. I think there is a chance to go the route of the Dark Side but that is only one way to go, and from some of the pictures I have seen, a few of the female characters at least look very happy, which I assume means it is not that dark.

Can anyone confirm any of these assumptions?

Originally posted by perigee: Is Gibo related to the anime called Stepmother's Sin? According to AOD, the basic story line of that one is.[/B]

Actually, Yes, it is. I checked the Japanese Game site, and it has the DVD of Step Mother's Sin with the Gibo game cover. It's the same anime! The DVD is based off the game, but from what I read on reviews of it, it's not something worth buying. The Game, however, I'm told is. Strange, no?


Nicole Wagner: The Deadly Gambit


Originally posted by NicoleWagner:
Actually, Yes, it is. I checked the Japanese Game site, and it has the DVD of Step Mother's Sin with the Gibo game cover. It's the same anime! The DVD is based off the game, but from what I read on reviews of it, it's not something worth buying. The Game, however, I'm told is. Strange, no?


Nicole Wagner: The Deadly Gambit

Not so strange. In the case of a game, the story is given MUCH more space to develop (and has things like multiple endigns and such..). and besides, from what I've seen, the art of Gibo: the game is much better than the art of Gibo: the anime, so in all, there's plenty of reasons for why the game shoulod be better than the anime [img][/img]


Then i MUST have this game ASAP!!!

PS Nic is J-list down right now or what? I can’t connect…

J-list should not be down, is this the link you tried? It is a direct link to the game.

I’ve watched Stepmothers Sin. I can tell you that if its like the game which im 99 pct sure it is, you won’t like it if you don’t like forced scenes, rape, incest, ect ect. If you’re cool with that stuff its pretty neat. In stepmothers sin the 3 girls the main guy sleeps with are his step mother, step sister, and niece, and only the niece isn’t raped/forced.

[This message has been edited by Laslow (edited 05-30-2004).]

I think the game will have more options, from what I have heard and read it is not like the anime except for title and one route it is possible for you to take.

Like Spectator Beholder said there is more room to develop and I imagine you actually have choices in this game. I think it can be a dark game but a the same time it does not have to be one. That is once again an assumption but it is based on various things I have read about the game over time.

Indeed there is more room in Gibo than jsut dark/brutish stuff. From what Kumiko/dave explained ages ago, Gibo does have both “dark” and “light” paths. If we are to trust on what was told back then, it all depends on how you choose to play the game, as usually is the case…

Edit: but of course, the incest theme itself can’t be escaped, since it IS the main theme of this game… however, at least the dark stuff seems to be avoidable, which should be cool with most people here .

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 05-30-2004).]

Yes but as in other games they dance around the topic of incest since we know from the character profiles on one of the sites selling the game, at least two of the characters are a step-mother and step-sister. So they can at least even dance around the inscet issue with that little loophole of saying not true blood relation.

Sent off my order request. I hope I will have more of a breather when I enter the month of June, which I can then take advantage to write some reviews, when my work burden will be down to 3 instead of the current 4 jobs.

FFXI has dominated my life for a few months now, i havnt posted, heck… i didnt even notice gibo came out until i took a look at an email pea pri sent out to their mailing list,i was surprised to learn it came out, knowing that it had almost no prior announcements, so when we start getting this game, how bout some quickie reviews?

don’t be overly hopeful for a really light path…remember this is a dark game, guys…there is disturbing psychological stuff in any path…there are endings that are a little more ‘redeeming’ than others, and one that is pretty damn nice, but there is a lot of darkness…

and they dance a little around the incest thing, but the third girl is your cousin, and they make no excuses for that

it IS a very interesting game, however, and I am not one for dark games usually…there is actually very little ‘rape’ in the purest sense of the word…it’s there and there are multiple options for it, but it is not the primary way of there being sex in the game…it focuses more on manipulating someone mentally and emotionally into doing things they may not ordinarily do, until they are so turned around that they like it

Oh just to let PP crew know. Your vertification certificate expired like 2 weeks ago. My browers was giving me a warning when I tried to check out. Oh well guess this time someone else is going to have to do the quickie review

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
it focuses more on manipulating someone mentally and emotionally into doing things they may not ordinarily do, until they are so turned around that they like it

So it is closer to psychological warfare, brainwashing, in what takes place which is what makes it different then any of the other 'dark' games released in English so far?

I actually did not expect it to be a fun romp based on the overall concept of the game, but I was under the impression it was "lighter" and had "lighter" paths, perhaps through the one light one you mentioned or the "redemption" idea, then say games like Virgin Roster or I think it was called Possession. Is that a fairer way to look at it?

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 06-01-2004).]

Originally posted by SCDawg:
So it is closer to psychological warfare, brainwashing, in what takes place which is what makes it different then any of the other 'dark' games released in English so far?

I actually did not expect it to be a fun romp based on the overall concept of the game, but I was under the impression it was "lighter" and had "lighter" paths, perhaps through the one light one you mentioned or the "redemption" idea, then say games like Virgin Roster or I think it was called Possession. Is that a fairer way to look at it?

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 06-01-2004).]

In Italy it's a crime called Plagio mentale! Cool... That's an inedit perspective.... musthaveitmusthaveitMUSTHAVEITMUSTHAVEITMUSTHAVEITMUSTHAVEITMUSTHAVEITMUSTHAVEITMUSTHAVEIT!!!!!!

Originally posted by Italicus:

In Italy it's a crime called Plagio mentale! Cool... That's an inedit perspective.... musthaveitmusthaveitMUSTHAVEITMUSTHAVEITMUSTHAVEITMUSTHAVEITMUSTHAVEITMUSTHAVEITMUSTHAVEIT!!!!!!

Excellent ... my eeeeevil plan is working....

Typical… Credit card had expired. Guess that’s what I get for ordering when announced. Anyhoo, cleared up now.

Oh, and I’m more inclined to use my credit card on-line than in person. FAR safer. A clerk/waiter/whatever with a good memory (or a couple of seconds out of sight and a pen) can steal your number and use your card far easier than hacking the net for your card… but when you order on-line from most sites, no human EVER sees your card (or number)… so it would have to be either store policy to keep track of/steal numbers, (unlikely if you just buy from reputable dealers), or somebody with VERY good hacking skills… and if they’re that good, then your card number isn’t safe anyways even if you don’t use it online, as they can probably hack the bank itself.

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
don't be overly hopeful for a really light path...remember this is a dark game, guys...there is disturbing psychological stuff in any path...there are endings that are a little more 'redeeming' than others, and one that is pretty damn nice, but there is a lot of darkness...

and they dance a little around the incest thing, but the third girl is your cousin, and they make no excuses for that

it IS a very interesting game, however, and I am not one for dark games usually...there is actually very little 'rape' in the purest sense of the's there and there are multiple options for it, but it is not the primary way of there being sex in the focuses more on manipulating someone mentally and emotionally into doing things they may not ordinarily do, until they are so turned around that they like it

Must... resist urge to say.... told you so [img][/img].

Oh, one thing to point out… There was a Nightline or somesuch news T.V. show on cousin marriages in the U.S. Apparently it’s fairly widespread, and either isn’t illegal, or isn’t enforced. (don’t remember which… think not illegal.) Show went on to say that geneticists say there’s about as much chance of deformed children from two cousins as from two strangers… ('course, what they neglected to mention, probably 'cause the gist of the newstory was about an organization whose goal was to make it more publicly accepted, was that it’s only “low risk” if it’s a 1-time deal… problem is if cousin marriage becomes acceptable acceptable, it would become common, and after a couple of cousin marriages, chances of deformed offspring go WAY up… so it’s better to avoid the problem by making cousin intermarriage socially dissapproved, if not outright illegal… then while you may have occasional cousin marriages, it’s extremely unlikely to have successive cousin marriages.)