
Originally posted by GnatB:
after a couple of cousin marriages, chances of deformed offspring go WAY up

You mean if the children of one set of cousins, marries the children of another set of cousins within the same family the chances for deformity go up? Isn't that a risk though anytime anyone has kids as you mentioned is their proof the risk goes up with each generation?

Not that I am for or against this sort of thing, but no matter what you believe, Darwin, strict Biblical interpertation, or something else, it is still amazing the genetic pool between strangers is not weaker then it is after so many years of "breeding" on this planet.

Well I am not for making anything that involves a personal choice on issues such as who to love and who you are "allowed" to love meet social dissapproval or social approval, but that is a very liberal view on life. I also doubt, unless you are trying to keep the "power" or "money" in the family you will have successive cousin marriages.

So, whenever you get this game I take it that means the cousin route be it light or dark will not be your first choice?

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 06-02-2004).]

As I understand it, it’s a matter of dominant and recessive genes. The only way for recessive genes to express themselves is for both genomes to include the same chromosome - something much more likely to occur in the case of close relatives. Recessive traits sometimes include genetic defects. The classic example is hemophilia which affected males in the Hapsburg family, a royal lineage known for close marriages.

Before the last century, cousin-cousin marriages were not uncommon in the US. Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt were fifth cousins - far enough removed that there was no hint of controversy. Teddy Roosevelt was Eleanor’s uncle, as a matter of fact.

The Haspburg Dynasty was involved in the War of the Roses right? I remember reading something that said around that time most of the crown heads of Europe were related as cousins, not sure if that is true because of the source I read it in, but I do know most of them were related at that time.

I also heard about the dominant and recessive gene and realize within family it is more likely to play a factor but the risk is always there which is what amazes me in someways, it can be minimized but never truly eliminated.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 06-02-2004).]

Originally posted by perigee:
As I understand it, it's a matter of dominant and recessive genes. The only way for recessive genes to express themselves is for both genomes to include the same chromosome - something much more likely to occur in the case of close relatives. Recessive traits sometimes include genetic defects. The classic example is hemophilia which affected males in the Hapsburg family, a royal lineage known for close marriages.

Before the last century, cousin-cousin marriages were not uncommon in the US. Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt were fifth cousins - far enough removed that there was no hint of controversy. Teddy Roosevelt was Eleanor's uncle, as a matter of fact.

This is more or less true. There are a great many carriers for a lot of awfully nasty diseases, but the genes are all recessive. Take a small enough subset of the population and bottleneck it into its own population, and this happens; everyone has some rare recessive gene for something. Tay-sachs disease is almost unheard of outside of Jewish populations, for instance (although I'm not sure how true this is, since my source of info is Law and Order ¬_¬). This is called the founder effect, from what I've heard.

And look where the newly released game that no one has received yet has lead us.

Strange too because it is not the first one with the cousin aspect to a girl you can win. Wasn’t one of the girls from DYLHB 1 a cousin character? I am sure there are many others too but that one leaps to mind first for some reason.

Originally posted by SCDawg:
Strange too because it is not the first one with the cousin aspect to a girl you can win. Wasn't one of the girls from DYLHB 1 a cousin character? I am sure there are many others too but that one leaps to mind first for some reason.

In an old thread, we're talking about that cousin-marriage thing on the game COME SEE ME TONIGHT, but i found that's not that incestuous because Chidori, the aunt of the protagonist, was not a close relative. Chidori was his mother's cousin, not his mother's sister.

But aside that incest-thing, i think GIBO are in the same degree than other dark-themed games, like TSUKI and maybe SENSEI 2. I really hope that's not another true rapist game, like VIRGIN ROSTER! (^^')

Well as ladyphoenix said eariler :

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
don’t be overly hopeful for a really light path…remember this is a dark game, guys…there is disturbing psychological stuff in any path…there are endings that are a little more ‘redeeming’ than others, and one that is pretty damn nice, but there is a lot of darkness…


it IS a very interesting game, however, and I am not one for dark games usually…there is actually very little ‘rape’ in the purest sense of the word…it’s there and there are multiple options for it, but it is not the primary way of there being sex in the game…it focuses more on manipulating someone mentally and emotionally into doing things they may not ordinarily do, until they are so turned around that they like it

So it might not be as bad as some of the other games mentioned.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 06-03-2004).]

I met a few cousins at a giant family reuinin once. They were pretty hot too, and I figure their blod lines were about as close to me as adolf hitlers lol. I have no idea who they even are. I think they were more like your fathers brothers sisters friends cousins roommate kind of thing lol.

I think everyone in their lifetime has once felt something more for one of their cousins.

That being said, there’s always the kind of cousin that’s not blood-related at all. For example, I have cousins which are…
the children of the brother of my non-blood-related uncle on my mother’s side.

Shipping notice yet anyone or just paid ready to ship?

It is likely that people have felt things for members of their family from time to time, the question is do most to shrug it off and realize it happened, or do some feel really guilty for having felt it, even though short of shutting off all emotions it is likely they could have done nothing to stop such feelings from arising.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 06-04-2004).]

I’ve felt something for a cousin of mine when I was little, but I didn’t pay all that much attention to it. It never was really strong. It faded mostly over time.

So no shipping notices yet to anyone, has everyone gotten the paid ready to ship notice?

I still think feelings for people are feelings, whatever they are they are, even if it is for family, though some religious people I know say this is a mistake, I say feel whatever you want, so long as you don’t take any inappropriate actions who cares what you feel right?

Gibo is finally released… I saw some of the sample pictures and drawing are not my styles… But, If somebody might post the review and the review was ok… I might order…

NicoleWagner did post a review. You can find it at this link.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 06-05-2004).]

Originally posted by SCDawg:
So no shipping notices yet to anyone, has everyone gotten the paid ready to ship notice?

I still think feelings for people are feelings, whatever they are they are, even if it is for family, though some religious people I know say this is a mistake, I say feel whatever you want, so long as you don't take any inappropriate actions who cares what you feel right?

There are no thought crimes.

I hope no one will post a walktrough here.
Walktroughts are the devil’s gift to bishoujo games’ wrold…

-Got my copy Saturday, Hope everyone else is getting their copies shortly

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
There are no thought crimes.

Not yet anyway, hopefully there never will be, but the way the world is going who can say?

I agree there are no thought crimes, but talk to some of the very religious friends of friends and half the thoughts we talk about on this board will be considered bad even if we would never act on them in real life. I know they are the exception to the rule and not all very religious people are like them, but it is tiring to hear how religion proves "these" thoughts are bad.

I think it’s foolish to go ranting about how those thoughts are bad and stuff. They may be bad thoughts, but they are just that: thoughts. I have yet to meet a person who can control his own thoughts. It’s impossible.
So those religious fiends are wasting their time, in my opinion.