Giniro Comments

So a little while ago I played a Giniro’s engrish translation. Despite the engrish it quickly became one of my favorite eroge as of date.
I would like to discuss the game a little based on each chapter.

Chapter 1:
I thought this was the best chapter overall with the final coming a close second. It fleshed out the protag nicely and he didn’t feel like just another faceless dude. The heroine is also the best with her little “un” catchphrase.
Oh, the presentation is pretty awesome too. Told in nice short chapters spread across the seasons. The setting was also refreshing since it’s set in ancient Japan! I basically have no issues with it besides a few of the cgs being a little wonky.
The romance is believable and develops in a reasonable amount of time.


Chapter 2:
Also set in ancient Japan. A gradual love story with a miko and a young man from a powerful family. The heroine was cute but not nearly as cute as chapter 1’s. Not much happens until the very end, but the atmosphere is nice and relaxing. The CGs are also pretty nice and well used and the heroine is nicely voiced again. Oh, the music is also fantastic.

Chapter 3:
This seems to be one of the more popular chapters probably because it has a yandere character, but… I think it’s the weakest out of all the chapters. The pacing is very bad and the dramatic scenes often feel a little too similar. It constantly reminds me that a character is yandere and it was cool the first time or so, it quickly became redundant. I kept expecting a climax much the story kept overstaying its welcome. The chapter is pretty interesting since it tricks you into believing another character is actually the heroine. Another big problem is that the male love interest has no fucking personality. This is amazing since he apparently lives in a mansion and is in the army… Also, I’m not sure what time period this takes place in. There’s like no mention and the only key is the army dude having western clothing. Anyway, this chapter kind of sucks.


Chapter 4:
Almost as good as the first chapter with a fantastic ending that left a smile on my face. The story is also presented in a unique manner of switching from events from ancient Japan to modern Japan. This means it has 2 protags and 2 heroines and it’s refreshing. However, the modern day side suffers from having a regular faceless protag who is just kind of there and this is pretty bad when the other POV actually develops its protag quite nicely. There’s also nothing worth noting of the present day side other than the ending. The past setting involves creating a magical silver thread that grants wishes to save a town suffering from a severe drought. It’s not perfect, but it’s still damn good.

Past: 9/10
Present: 7/5
Ending: 10/10

There’s also little sections that help tie the setting together and offers some history on the mythical thread and a nice epilogue completely voiced in english. Now if only they translated the sequel into engrish, maybe…

Art: Pretty good besides the ero cgs which are mostly terrible.

Music: Manyo is at his best along with other talented musicians.

Overall: Really, really good besides the 3rd chapter. It’s like a printing error on an amazing drawing that keeps it from being perfect in your eyes.

My favorite was also the first one, with the second one coming close.
The third one is probably set around Taishou Era; in any case before WWII. And I don’t think I had any problems with the yandere (actually, I think I didn’t have yet the yandere concept internalized when I played this).
In the fourth one, yes, the past part is better (also, what was the deal with that doctor? Maybe some things were lost with that “translation”, but it was a wonder he even got able to work with such an attitude).

All in all yes, a very good game, in spite of the translation (now I’d just play the Japanese one, but at the time that wasn’t a possibility). I like the multiple chapters system, an more game could use it. And it doesn’t pull its punches; specially in the 1st and 2nd chapters.

Sequel: so according to vndb Aka is Gin’iro’s sequel? What relation do they have?

Asuna(the miko) is one of the characters in Aka and the silver thread appears again.

I still need to play Aka. It’s been available for DL sales forever but I’ve never gotten it…