Girlish Grimoire Littlewitch Romanesque Discussion Thread

I'd just like to point out that I ordered the boxed adult version from J-List and I never got a Steam code (I did get a download code to download from JAST). This doesn't particularly bother me, but Mangagamer DOES offer free Steam codes for those who purchase from their site. I was reading some comments on Littlewitch Romanesque's Steam page and it seems that for many Steam users, being able to play the game on Steam is very important to them. Since JAST is selling the adult version at a premium ($40 vs. $25), I think it's a nice show of goodwill to fans to let customers of the premium version have a Steam code as well, especially when the alternative is buying the discounted game at $25 (or even less when there's a sale) and applying an unofficial decensor patch.

I'm actually sort of surprised that JAST is giving the official nod to use this patch. The Starless matter is one thing, but in this case the Steam version is directly undercutting the adult version by reinstating "premium" content. In this case the Steam version came several months after the official release, but what if there was a simultaneous release of the adult and Steam versions? Steam could end up cannibalizing all of JAST's digital sales of the adult version, assuming a decensor patch was available in quick order. Besides the issue of lost revenue, it would create a false impression that there's no demand for the adult version, when in fact demand for the adult and Steam versions is being mixed together in the Steam sales numbers.

@animeloversxX93: I've played the 18+ version of the game before, so when I played the All ages version I noticed that the H scenes were gone but at the same time I also noticed that they didn't contribute to the story line it was just like.. hey that random sex with whats-her-face didn't happen... (well obviously because it's all ages) but yeah.. Maesto misses out on some sexy-time life goes on... (He still has his ero-magazine stash, they can't take everything away from him XD)

@Dark_Shiki: I think since there is still an audience who want the all ages version (and do not care for the adult version), having a patch isn't really undercutting their sales all that much - I don't know the numbers or anything but there are enough people (myself included) that don't think the adult scenes really add much to the story.

I think that JAST approving of the decensor patch could be also that they just want to get more people into VNs and up their reputation on steam with some good numbers. If they can get a strong rep on steam for selling VNs (decensor patch or not) that would give them the resources to bring more games (and popularity and demand of decensor patches would indicate demand for adult games)


Heh, true words. :P
I liked the character cast though.
My preference switched from Kaya to equally liking both, Kaya and Aria.
Still need to finish Aria's route though.

By the way, are the Steam key already out?
I still haven't received mine, but I believe I haven't even mentioned it anywhere, am I too late for still receiving one after my purchase of the hardcopy version of Littlewitch Romanesque? ^-^''
I believe there was also a patch in the works for fixing a few minor spelling mistakes.

@animeloverxX93 I liked Aria's spell scenes more though it took longer to unlock her spells. That and I'm a stripes type of person XD I want to 100% this game though with Shiny Days and Starless on the horizon (and recently getting Hanachirasu) I dont know when I'll have enough time to have some serious play time for my 2nd playthrough :/

I read somewhere that the distribution method or script for the steam keys is still being worked on... They're prolly busy with Starless too... I'm not big on steam (I actually prefer to have non steam games since I dont like extra software and dont care for the community except in CS and Boarderlands...)

@ Dark_Shiki

"I was reading some comments on Littlewitch Romanesque's Steam page and it seems that for many Steam users, being able to play the game on Steam is very important to them."

You'd think so wouldn't you (now where's that image of Piccolo you posted...).

On a more serious note though, it would make sense to offer steam codes to people who already purchased a more expensive version of the game. Since JAST sells DRM free games at launch their best strategy would be to offer as many features as they can to keep paying customers happy and that includes giving them access to the game they purchased on any platform of their choosing. By the same token, if the adult and steam releases are simultaneous it would also make sense to offer an option on the adult game to play the all-ages version for people who'd like to avoid steam DRM.

As far as the "steam discount" goes, you'll always pay less the longer you wait. That's a given even for hard copies that can be purchased for less on Rightstuf than on J-list (longer waiting time but lower price and potentially free shipping; also even cheaper during their sales). Of course if you buy from J-list you'll get to play the game on day one so there's still a benefit.

If the steam and adult releases were simultaneous it would make sense to lower the price of the digital adult copy (as was done for eden) as not to undercut (or cause a postponement) for those sales.

I know I am kinda necro posting here, but christ, I've spent over 300 hours on this game already and I am not even close to unlocking everything. I've even taken the liberty to cheat engine the shit outta this game, learn every spell, and complete every quest that came up, but my Love Event scene is still only like 20% complete :(

I tried to look for guides on how to 100% this game, but it literally seems impossible. I've completed new game+ as well. Someone please help me D:

which version are you playing? if its a patched steam one there may be a bug that messes up the completion % (just speculating) I havent been able to find any walkthroughs yet (maybe there is a japanese one though)

I am playing the non-steam version.

Yeah, no walkthroughs either. I am judging my completion just based on all the entries I am missing in the Gallery section. I see two columns of love events, but I only have like 3/4 of the first column filled. Maybe Kaya and Aria need to fail their exams in different combinations of years for different endings?

I'll keep trying.

The steam forums had a few people talking about getting specific endings that required failing so maybe take a look in there., I've only done one play through. I need to find time to do a + game.

If they fail the exams, it doesn’t matter if only one fails (or which one), or if they both failed. You get a game over immediately. Apparently this is the way to get the ending with the one character who only sticks around for a year; fail that test, after having maxed out her affection, and it will immediately segue into her ending or some such.

I put the game down after I got my first group of endings; I’ll probably pick it back up soon enough, but that’s one of the endings I didn’t get.

Also there’s that omake stuff from the menu. I’m not sure if that factors into completion %age or not. I didn’t look at any of it myself but my impression is that it’s just a bunch of extra h?

By the way, have the typos that I’ve reported to you guys months ago been taken care off?
I remember a few and that I received a reply stating that you guys would bring out a pach.
Has this patch been made by now?
Just curious, because in case you don’t have the screenshots anymore, our laptop doesn’t work anymore as of now, so it would be difficult (yet not impossible) to sent you the screenshots again for reference.

Guess it's not important to address things the customer asks the publisher and points out flaws the publisher missed; it's not my job to do your or anyones shit, but thanks for nothing.

@animeloverxX93 how old are you? 12? with that attitude, nothing will ever get done. calm the fuck down. jast is busy enough with shiny days launch.


No, I'm 22.
And I waited a month while seeing admins posting multiple times in other threads.
Besides, I don't see how I was ''raging'' or anything.
If I'd rage, I'd call Jast out on their BS with Shiny Days, I know a shitload of things to criticise that invalidates the excuses they and other users have brought up.

And aside from that, if you were able to read, you would have noticed that I've sent screenshots with a few typos around half a year ago, followed by a mail that Jast would make a patch.
I simply asked if this patch got done, or not; this is something that could have been answered with a simple ''Yes.'' or ''No.'', so this hardly takes much time and could have been done inbetween.

Hope you feel like a douche now.

animeloverxX93: Did you report the typo in this forum? I cant seem to find them on this thread at least.


Finally someone of the staff responds, thank you.

No, I didn't report the typos in the forums, neither the current nor the old Jast forums.
I've reported them by e-mail and shortly after received a mail that stated that Jast would like to make a patch to fix these few typos.
If whoever replied back then said that you guys would be making a patch for these few typos, I wouldn't have insisted on asking here.
A public patch would be in the interest of everyone, so if I can benefit from that, why not mentioning it to Jast for everyone else to have a better user experience?
But of course, this just applies to public patches, unofficial patches are worth shit and don't raise nor drag down a publisher, so the latter is meaningless imo.

Good thing that our laptop works again, or rather, the cable that burnt through some time ago, so I could provide you with the screenshots I made them, once I found them again.
Should I attach them to another message, or sent another mail to the support mail of Jast?
Just asking, because I wouldn't want this to be forgotten yet again...

is it okay if i email you? at your address?

Then you guys DO have the mail I sent you from back then, and therefore, the screenshots I attached.
Why would you want to e-mail me?

But yeah, sure why not?
Feel free to do so.
I'm going to bed now though, it's almost 4 o'clock in the morning, so I will reply later then.

I personally did not get any emails from you, but as admin of the forum I can check a registered users email address for support reasons (since we do not have PM here.)

Game works with cheat engine.