Give the previous poster a theme song!

If you could give the previous poster a theme song based on their personality and postings, what would it be?

Since it would be silly for me to give myself a theme song, I’ll pick someone random… like Lamuness! :stuck_out_tongue:

For him I think Chi Chi o Moge! works best (ignore the video that goes with it).

Ich Will Dich by a band called Wumpscut. Here’s some YouTube

Sure, it’s the wrong “polarity” of threesome, and there’s nothing indicating twins anywhere … but it just fits.


Sorry to break the rhythm of this thread since I can’t figure out a theme song for Nandemonai, but I couldn’t resist saying this: I think Narg’s theme should be one of the various Doublemint Gum jingles. :lol:
It’s alright if I’m skipped since I broke the rhythm of this thread, but feel free to do so if you must. Just as long as someone remembers to give one to Nandemonai.

For my friend Kimuzukashii Meiji, I’ve found a song…

It’s called “[size=150]Oni-chan[/size]” (according to the tube


Let’s straighten things out - and not abandon this thread!

First of all the long-time missing theme for Nande. Though it is most famous for being played at the Moulin Rouge in Paris, it actually originates from “Orpheus in the underworld” by Jaques Offenbach - and gives us all an idea how fun hell can be! :lol:

Next, I should try to give a theme to LeNuage, though I am a bit unsure whether this wouldn’t be better…

As for the next poster: please try to choose for me something a little bit more creative than the obvious choice! :wink:

Unicorn – Your theme song:

Second Place (more hilarious and sad somehow) :

First of all, nice choice in using that Irish Rovers song Raigan. That is immediately the one that came to mind for Unicorn.
Hmmm, looking over Raigan’s posting history (which isn’t very hard compared to the posting history of someone ranked veteran or higher), there was one pattern that I noticed: most of his posts are in subjects talking about non-ero games. Combined with comments in a couple other threads, the best fit that came to mind for a theme song given my limited experience is this.
Now someone else has a chance to assign me a theme. Personally, if I were to choose one for myself, I think I would choose Light’s Theme from Death Note (just to be clear, the anime, not the movie). Something about it really resonates within me with who I really am (but not really with who I appear to be).

And who wants this song as his personal theme ?

Who let the dog out ?

le nuage:

For your name (which if I recall translates to “The Cloud”):

(warning: obnoxiously cute) :

More appropriate for your dark side: (The song is actually called Demon)