… shuts-down
From what I’ve heard it isn’t shutting down it’s just coming out of beta … a-is-here/
It’s what might be called the worst kind of marketing stunt ever.
They must have been going to the same law school that politicians attend.
Or just the schools that those who are in control of the UK government went to (since the pricks in control now said one thing during the election then went and did the complete opposite when they got into government)
They’ve already pulled the “Surprise! Not dead!” … most people talking about it are kinda pissed. … x-closure/
^Well as I’d already said is was the worst kind of marketing stunt to pull
So I’ve been playing my backlog of GOG games, and just discovered a new love: dungeon keeper games. Unfortunately, it appears that this is one of those types, that even galge do better than in the West. :shock: So basically the only commercial choices are:
Dungeon Keeper
Dungeon Keeper 2
Evil Genius
Ghost Master
On the brightside, GOG has all of them. Evil Genius got a Facebook remake, but it’s not much like the original, so meh on that. Personally I liked Evil Genius and Ghost Master a LOT more than Dungeon Keeper, but that game is what gives the genre it’s name, so gotta give props. I suppose one should check the gameplay on Youtube or seeing if there’s a demo before buying. Afterall, I suppose I’m in a very small minority that likes these games.
Evil Genius is about being one of those James Bond masterminds who wants to rule the world. You build your base, hire minions, get henchmen, do evil deeds, face the Marines, and eventually take on “super agents” that are like James Bond, Bruce Lee, John Rambo, etc. Then rule over humanity with your evil terrorist organization, determined to rule the world. It never takes itself seriously, so there’s a lot of spy movie and action film jokes in it.
Ghost Master is about being a supernatural supervisor, taking over some backwater city. It takes it’s ideas from a ton of b-rated horror movies and the Ghostbusters… only you’re doing it all from the ghost’s prospective. Lots of camp humor and film references. No base building though… just basically positioning your ghosts on prebuilt maps with specified goals, and watching The SIMS like people react and occassionally oppose you. Actually has a story arc though, so that’s a plus.
I loved Dungeon Keeper 2, although back when I played it my computer seriously couldn’t handle it. Should give it another shot.
Dungeon Keeper was one of the most enjoyable games I’ve ever played. Never tried DK2 or Evil Genius, because I was afraid of disappointment. I’m placing a lot of hopes on A Game of Dwarves from Paradox, lately. Hoping for something just as cool as good ol’ DK.